Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Where do I blog?

Kate over at her blog, Centsational Girl, asked bloggers to do a post about where they blog.  And while sometimes I switch it up to lay and bed and blog, this is the place I love sitting down to write a post.

My Bedroom.

I've always been one to love my room.  My mom says when I was little I could entertain myself in my bedroom for hours on end.  I'd build "block houses".  You know those jenga blocks?  They were walls for the houses I'd build.  My entire floor would be covered in these blocks...mom used to say it would be a serious fire hazard.  I also loved dolls, Barbies, dressing up and anything girly.  I remember having photo shoots with the Barbies in my room.  I was the photographer; they were the models.  And I was serious.  They were no longer Barbies, they were real.  That's the imagination of a little girl.  But my mom always knew there was a problem if my door was closed.  I was hiding something.  It was always the same thing.  Why I thought mom wouldn't know about what I was doing behind closed doors is beyond me! She'd listen from the other side of the door, "What kind of haircut would you like today, Skipper?"  I was playing spa.  The Barbies would always leave with shorter hair than when they entered my salon. 

I have memories in my room.  That's why I love it so much.  That's why I'm inspired to write in here.  Here are more pictures of my space.  Notice the LOVE print by Made by Girl.  She's awesome!

My high school sketchbook.  The left half of the picture is from a magazine, right half is the sketch I did to "complete" the left half.

Happy Tuesday!

Love and block houses, barbies, & blogging,


  1. Yes you were creative from the time you were born! and I wonder if you recall cutting up my nice cloth napkins you would take from the linen closet to make curtains and bedding for your block homes!! love you, mom

  2. What a nice desk area and that sketch is so cool. I also love the comment your mama left:)

  3. That's such a pretty desk! I love all the accessories you have displayed, too.

  4. I love your "LOVE" print! Great desk!

  5. Hi there,

    I am your newest follower via the Welcome Wednesday Blog Hop, hosted by Take it from me. You have a great area for blogging. Looks very peaceful. Would love it if you came by for a visit sometime...I would appreciate it.

    The Things We Find Inside

  6. Love your little blogging nook! That desk is so cute and I'm with you on the Made By Girl print!

  7. What a cute little nook!!! Thanks for stopping by!!!

  8. You are a great artist! That sketch is identical to the picture. I could never do that!

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    я в шоке! Читаю темы и ужасаюсь. многие хотят сыскать девушку,сожительницу, жену... но важно. Но условие у многих далеко не одно - ладно бабы хотят, чтоб содержал ее, мужики же хотят и чтобы содержала и чтобы по дому шуршала и чтоб звезду себе прокачала (для начала.....ой, простите ошибласЯ - для конца) и шоб девственница-трезвенница, но минет с проглотом.
    а, простите. за что? За то что просто мужик?надо быть не зависимым, быть личностью.
    Ан нет. дожидаются. что за их бытовую инвалидность и пожизненную инфантильность им с неба свалится этакое Щастье.
    Неужели столько искателей халявы? Стыдно, неудобно...


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at hello@michaelanoelledesigns.com. I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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