Saturday, August 14, 2010

Within the past 24 hours...

lots of great things have happened.

I went shopping with my beautiful roommate, Anna, for new thin
gs for the apartment. We were quite successful. We ordered turquoise bowls from Anthropologie and found the cutest dish towels for the kitchen (and ON SALE! 2 for $4).

I'm a big fan of ice cream, so when I saw the print of that one, I was sold.

Next, we hit TJ Max Home Goods store (it's like the regular TJ Max, but on steroids.) We got a decorative piece of white, antiqued rod iron to hang in the bathroom.

Very organic and simply chic.

The BEST part of the day was buying candles from Anthropologie as well. It's inevitable that every single time I go into the store, I will smell every single candle, in which case all the scents become one. But it's pure heaven. In a jar. And they're beautiful, too! (They may be a bit of a splurge for a candle, but honestly, they're too good to pass up.)

Today something beautifully tragic happened. I found an online site called etsy. The reason I say "tragic" is because I'm quite possibly addicted to it. It's a website where you can buy AND sell items. There's a whole home good section with cute hand-made things. After careful consideration, I decided it was necessary that I order one from MadebyGirl:

I ordered the yellow print above the desk. I am in LOVE with it (: It will go great with the turquoise colors I have going on already. A pop of color thrills me.

In other news, I'm also in the middle of making a lamp shade to go in the same room as this yellow LOVE print. Stay tuned to see how it turns out!

Hope everyone's having a fantastic weekend!

Love and heaven in a jar,


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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