Sunday, September 19, 2010

I {Heart} Cupcakes

FRIENDS. I baked the most delicious cupcakes. I found them here (:
Cupcakes are one of my favorite things.
Give the recipe a try...they're quick and easy!

1. Get any type of chocolate chip cookie dough and plop them in the middle of the cupcake holders

2. Make your box mix of chocolate cake and pour the batter into the cupcake holders over the cookie dough

3. Put them in the oven and bake for as long as the cake mix tells you to.  The cookie dough will bake inside the cupcake...YUM!

4. Make your frosting:
1 box of powdered sugar
1/4 c milk
1 stick of butter at room temperature
1 tsp of vanilla

5.  After they're cooled, frost 'em and eat 'em!

Love and Cupcakes,


  1. Those sound delicious! The best of both worlds! =o)

  2. They looks really yum, thanks for visiting my site and your lovely comment dear, keep in touch..

  3. um, yum! i would love to sample that right now!

  4. Yay! So glad you liked them! They are my most favorite cupcakes ever! :)

  5. Hi! I found your blog through The Girl Creative Party Blog. These look super yummy!! Cookie Dough and cupcakes are like my 2 favorite things!!!
    -Hannah @ Peggy Ann Design

    PS - Feel free to link your recipes to my weekly Smarty Pants Blog Award -

  6. These cupcakes look delicious! Thanks for linking up to Sister Sister! Come back and visit us again!

  7. I found your delicious recipe on remodelaholic and am glad I did your blog is gorgeous!


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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