Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Antiques, Jars, & Flowers...Oh My!

Over the weekend one of my sweet friends from design class offered to take me to her home town of Snohomish, Washington.  Of course I was thrilled!  Partly because she said they have cute shops (:  They had more antique shops than I've ever seen in one tiny town! I think they're the antique capital of the U.S. But really.  I had such a fun day with Sarah (:

{Look at this darling dresser we found!}

First we went into this sweet shop called Joyworks.  I was so excited because the owner, Jana, has a blog that I recently found.  So I met my very first blog friend in person!  Her store is full of adorable decor for your home.  They were just starting to put up their Christmas stuff, too, so I was gettin' lots of ideas.  I ended up finding a great blue mason jar and knew I had to own it.  I love jars and glasses and vases. {Read more on that here}I bought that, along with some burlap ribbon and a small jewel to make a little craft.  Here's what I came up with:

Started with this mason jar...

along with this burlap ribbon and elegant charm.

Wrapped the burlap ribbon around twice, hot-glueing it as I wrapped.  For the finishing touch I added the jewel to the front. Simple way to add instant sparkle.

Here it is on a small nightstand in my room (:

And here it is with fresh roses in the family room.

The next jar I made is one I already had.  It was formally a jar of Tomato Soup from Nordstrom! (My favorite soup ever. And yet another reason to go into Nordstrom.) Anyways.... (:

I started with this clear jar and wrapped the same burlap ribbon around it, securing it with none other than hot-glue. 

Then I found some fabric samples I happened to have laying around...

I cut it into a 1 inch strip and then twisted the fabric:

Next, I started to wrap the fabric around itself to make it in the shape of a flower:

Once it's done, secure the fabric by hot glueing the end. Then flip it over and put a glob of glue on the back, so it doesn't unravel.  {shown above} 
Then you have some adorable fabric flowers!

Next I hot-glued them on the jar and added a chocolate brown ribbon under the burlap. 

All done!

I just loved crafting in my room after I was back from Snohomish (:  So relaxing! 

I'm sharing this post with:

The Lettered Cottage

Love and Cute Jars,


  1. I can't get over how creative you are! I love this post and it's given me some great ideas for some sprucing up around my place :)Such simple ideas with a super cute outcome.

  2. Belinda@designsbybelinda.comNovember 9, 2010 at 3:50 PM

    That is so creative and you did a great job. Love it and love reading your blog.

  3. Thank you so much! It's really fun and easy to do. Give it a try, Amy! (:

  4. Cute jars are the best! They are also great for organizing your bathroom items like cotton balls, hair ties, etc.

    What cute crafts you made too.

  5. I love it! You're a DIY Genius!
    I adore mason jars! Seriously! Especially the ones with the blue tone to them!


  6. cutest jars! I love giving old jars a make over. and thanks so much for the helpful tips :)

  7. I love the little flowers... so cute! I did my own little flower project today, I am uploading pics as we speak. I also almost picked up the Shabby Chic Interiors book at barnes and noble the other day, great minds think alike!!!

  8. aww this is so creative! and your blog is really cute :) can't wait to read more.



  9. Oh man, I love that dresser! Cute jars, I might have to take inspiration from you!

  10. Lucky! I love antique shops!!!

    And I have to say, that jar decor is brilliant and beautiful!!!

  11. Adorable jars! I especially love the blue mason, my favorite!

  12. I heard on NPR that mason jars sales have more than doubled in the last year. They attributed it to the local-food crazy, but I think it has more to do with cute decorating ideas like this! LOVE

  13. You haven't said what you are thankful for in two days!!

  14. You haven't said what you are thankful for in two days!!

  15. Those are really cute! Great way to dress up a plain jar :)

  16. I love those little flowers! I am stealing this idea if you don't mind! xo

  17. Thanks you all for the compliments! Give it a try-- it's simple and fun!

    Shannon-- Please steal it! I want to see your version when you're done (:


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at hello@michaelanoelledesigns.com. I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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