Thursday, November 25, 2010

Grace: What it Means to Me

Grace is so many things.  And it means something different to everyone.  Throughout the past two weeks, we've heard what Katie, Megan, Jhen, and Leah have to say about grace.  Now it's my turn! (:  

To me, grace is found in the undeniable and never-ending love from the Lord.  He alone died for our sins so we could have eternal life in Heaven.  Our hope is in holding onto God, but grace is found in Him holding us even tighter.  Grace is the Lord extending the offer of salvation to everyone.  No matter your past, your struggles or your heart's condition...He wants you.  Grace is found in the hope of the promises of our God.  It is Christ giving us second and third chances.  Sometimes I don't even understand the immeasurable amount of grace God gifts us with.  I feel so undeserving of His love and His hand in my life.  But that's when you know you're experiencing grace: an undeserved gift, freely given.  And it tastes so sweet.  

Grace was directing my path to a school I never thought I'd end up at.  It was providing the financial means for me to be here.  Grace was my mom's surprise visit to Seattle my freshman year when I had a break down.  It was, and still is, being surrounded with loving friends.  Grace was morning sunshine when I felt drained, a hug from a friend, an A on a project I put my heart and soul into, the encouraging words of a teacher, cards in the mail from my grandma, reading for pleasure, and meeting my best friend in Seattle.  It was waking me up on the morning my roommate had a cardiac arrest in our dorm room. Grace was protecting her.  Grace was surrounding the Doctors, her parents, and our group of friends.  Grace was seen in her miracle recovery.  Grace was and is a comforter, a peacemaker and a gift from a loving God. Without grace, I wouldn't be sitting here typing this.  Grace is precious.

What does grace mean to you?  Happy Thanksgiving, my friends! May you be blessed with love, family and laughter today! Can't wait to share with you what our Thanksgiving table looks like (:

Love, Grace & Truth,


  1. thank you for sharing this, very beautiful. To me grace is just another hello and thank you to our heavenly father.

    happy thanksgiving!
    Annina of

  2. I loved reading your thoughts on Grace. Thank you for sharing!Happy Thanksgiving, I hope you have a wonderful day!:)


    Molly Jane

    PS. I love your blog and am following!:) Stop by and say hello!

  3. Happy Thanksgiving Michaela! I hope you have a great day with your family! :)

  4. I've truly enjoyed reading what grace is to you and everyone. What a lovely journey you've lead us through!

  5. What a beautiful post! I loved hearing your thoughts on grace... it truly is such a big blessing :) I hope you had a great Thanksgiving!

  6. Wow! Thank you for sharing that scripture It is such a wonderful reminder of Gods Grace and Love toward us!

  7. That is so beautiful, my dear. Thank you
    Have a wonderful and relaxing Thanksgiving weekend
    See you soon

  8. Oh my gosh girlie, I can't even imagine what that was like with your roommate. I hope she's doing well. Your post on grace is right on.


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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