Saturday, November 6, 2010

Happy Weekend!

I hope you all have a lovely fall weekend.  Yesterday I explored the greater Seattle area and found some AMAZINGLY beautiful houses.  I can't wait to show them off on Monday! For now, look at the rich, warm colors of fall (:

Today I am thankful for color.  Without color, our lives would be ordinary.  But God chooses to paint the world in beautiful hues to bring life and joy to His creation.  Color is what makes us unique and able to show off our own personality.  Whether it be fashion, interiors, hair color or anything! The colors of fall always remind me of this blessing.

Grab a cup of tea (or coffee!) and enjoy the weekend!

Love and Color,


  1. So pretty and look how gorgeous you are :)
    Can't wait to see the homes, thanks for your visit!

  2. Hi there, Michaela! Thx for stopping by my blog! You're too cute & I love the fall, do you know how to fishtail braid (from the previous post)? If so, post a tutorial - :)

  3. Thanks for your email! I can't find the setting to add my email to my profile :(

    I LOVE driving around looking at beautiful homes. It is so inspirational.


  4. so cute! thanks for stopping by my blog! xoxox

  5. i wish all our leaves were still on the trees! i just love this time of year.

    so glad you stopped by the cape on the corner, and thank you for your sweet comment on my harvest vignettes. i truly appreciate it!

  6. So jealous of the color you have! We have zero color where I live (SC) and all I want is some fall foliage!

  7. Love fall foliage! How do you like living in Seattle? It is on my list of cities to visit :)

  8. Gorgeous fall colours Michaela! Looking forward to seeing the houses that you have to share :)

  9. Michaela, I just wanted to tell you that I stopped in to read your latest post and was just blown away by that smile of yours in the photo... you just shine!!! Gorgeous. :)

  10. Hi Michaela...what a beautiful picture. :) Wish I could live in something like that.

    Anyway, came by to tell you that the Spotlight is up. One free week of advertising over at TTWFI. Thanks for coming by and being a part of my little place.


  11. I'm so glad you found my blog so that I could find yours!

    You are just gorgeous :) And those fall colors are beautiful!

  12. Look at you in that first picture... GORGEOUS!

  13. you're the cutest thing ever. love your new blog look. (:

  14. Dear Michaela, what a lovely one! Keep up the good jobs!!! God bless u...


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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