Thursday, November 4, 2010

Oh You Fancy, huh?!

Today I have the distinct pleasure of guest posting for Kerry over at one of my very favorite blogs, First Time Fancy.  (Hence the lyrics of a great rap song came to mind for the title).  Kerry and I have become great blogging friends in just a few short months.  She's also in design school, so it's fun having similar classes and being able to talk about them!  I just love her blog, cute writing style, adorable house and the honesty she brings to her posts (:

When Kerry e-mailed me and asked to be a contributer for her Perfectly Imperfect post, I was thrilled! After her initial post about imperfections and how easy it is to get caught up in the loveliness of all our favorite blogs, I was impacted.  I think it's important to be real with each other, even when we want to make it look like we have it all together.  I followed Kerry's post with a post of my own, sharing all my little quirks!  I'll be the first to admit, while I wish my home and my life were perfectly organized and beautiful, it is not! And for this perfectionist, that is a big confession (:

Today on First Time Fancy I'm going to share with you my humble little bathroom in my new apartment that I share with my roommate.  It's nowhere near ready for the pages of House Beautiful, but it works for us, and that's what counts!

Go check it out and be sure to follow Kerry, as her journey through design school, married life and all things fancy unfold (:

Love and The Fancy Things,


  1. I love the shower curtain! It's so pretty!

  2. can't wait to go check it out. That shower curtain is amazing!

  3. i read her post. and you know what's funny? the things that people hide that most consider imperfect about their lives are actually things that all of us struggle with on some level. so we can still all be imperfect friends.

    thanks for sharing :) i love reading things like this. off to look around her blog now!

  4. love kerry's blog! and yours as well~ and what a cute bathroom girly~

  5. Oh girlie, I did a few posts on this over at my blog in reference to our wedding. I can relate a bit to what you are feeling :) Between you and I, I adore your bathroom. Totally cute and perfect! xo

  6. That is one amazing shower curtain, talk about making a statement!!

  7. I love that you posted the pic of your bathroom. Like you, my husband and I are young and just starting out so our home is still a work in progress. I just found your blog today and I look forward to reading your posts. I am still dreaming of the day I can start design school. I have two youngsters I am waiting to get into preschool before I can go full time, so I will live vicariously through you :)

  8. I like picture frames, very stylish!

  9. Cute Bathroom! loving the shower curtain and the candle! You've got style.


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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