Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Cookies Anyone??

This past weekend my mom and I decided to bake an assortment of cookies for the upcoming week.  We're bringing some to my Aunt's house for Christmas Eve dinner for all of our family to enjoy.  One of my all-time favorite recipes is this Peanut Butter Kiss cookie (:  We made those, along with yummy snickerdoodles.  {Except I fell asleep on the couch while my mom made those.  Sorry mom!}

Something about peanut butter and chocolate combined makes my mouth water.  Is yours watering yet?!  If so, here's an easy-peasy recipe!

Here are your ingredients:

We looked up the recipe on my mom's new iPad (:

Super easy recipe! Just mix the peanut butter and sugar into one bowl, then once that's mixed thoroughly, add the egg and vanilla.  

Now's the fun part!  Roll the batter into small balls and place on the cookie sheet.  Bake for 10 minutes at 350 degrees.

Once they're out of the oven, place a Hershey's kiss in the middle of each cookie.

Let them cool, then you're done! Pure deliciousness! 

Finished Snickerdoodles and Peanut Butter Kiss cookies. Yum!

PS. Shasta got to lick the Peanut Butter tub when we were through.  Needless to say, it made her day:

What are your favorite cookies for this time of year? Do tell!  We may bake more tomorrow!

I'm also guest posting at:
today! Carly is simply adorable, so if you haven't been to her blog yet- hurry on over!  I'm sharing how I transformed my terribly outdated (and wallpapered...eek!) bathroom into a modern space.  I just adore the name of Carly's blog, too. Makes me wish I was more creative with mine, ha!  So, head on over to Honey and the Moon (:

Love and Cookie Monsters,


  1. I do love those peanut butter and chocolate kiss cookies. If you like chocolate and peanut butter together you would love my no-bake cookies and my peanut butter fudge icing for cupcakes... mouth watering. I wish i could justify baking cookies for my kids breakfast :)

  2. those are my favorite christmas cookies! i actually just called my mom and asked her to make them b/c they looks so good! yes, i am lazy! ;)

  3. Yummmm! I second that- I want one for breakfast too!

  4. Yum! I love all the food posts this time of year. Love that iPad {just got one too}!

  5. peanut butter kisses are my favorites...I made them a few weeks ago! so jealous of the iPad! xoxo {av}

  6. Mmmm! I'm planning on making some tomorrow/Thursday. I'm dying to break out my new stand mixer :)

  7. These cookies bring back such good memories!

  8. OMG those are some of my very favorite cookies!! They're the BEST!!!

    Hope you have a very Merry Christmas, Michaela!!

  9. Those cookies look so so yummy!


  10. super yum . . but can we talk more about the ipad keyboard!! that rocks. where is that one from! {sorry to get distracted from the cookies!}

  11. Yummm, I love peanut butter cookies...and the chocolate kiss just makes it perfect!! Heading over to your guest blog now!

    Hope you have a great Christmas, Michaela!!

  12. That looks like a great recipe to try! Everyone around here likes peanut butter. :) My favorite cookies at Christmastime are the iced cookies that you use cookies cutters to make. :)

  13. these cookies are some of my favs!! baking is so fun~ love/hate all the goodies this time of year!

  14. Yummm... those cookies look good! And so cute! It's not cookies but they are involved, for me Christmas is all about tiramisu! My Mom's making one for Christmas Eve with my boyfriend's family. I can't wait!

    Honey and the Moon is a really lovely song by Joseph Arthur... check it out!


  15. Yum! Mark's mom makes peanut butter kiss cookie for us! My favorite recipe is my Granny's Oatmeal Raisin Cookies with Walnuts. Hoping I have time to make a batch. They are super delicious and pretty healthy too!

  16. Oh my, this cookie combination is definitely making my mouth water! Mm, delish! And as for letting your doggie eat the leftovers is such a great idea! My pups would love that way too much!
    Happy Holidays to you darling!

  17. oh my gosh, these are my absolute FAVORITE. now i'm gonna have to make them too! and, love the iPad setup. that is what sam & i are getting for christmas. CAN'T. WAIT.

  18. I love those cookies!! They make me happy! Yours came out lovely!

  19. We make these cookies in my family too! they're delish.

    p.s. I want an iPad!!

  20. They look so yummy! I love the no-bake chocolate oatmeal cookies.

    And thanks for the shout out girl. It was wonderful having you at my blog. My blog name however...took FOR-E-VER to come up with. Seriously, I was very obsessive about it being just right lol so no worries if you don't love it yet, when you come up with the perfect name just change your header at the top! x

    Loves girly.


  21. I am making these today, but I love the ipad show!

  22. Can you please send some of those my way? Yum!! Wishing you a very Merry Christmas Michaela!!


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at hello@michaelanoelledesigns.com. I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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