Sunday, January 16, 2011

Don't Forget!

Happy Sunday, everyone.  Hope you're all having a relaxing weekend.  Just a reminder to link up with Megan at Mackey Madness tomorrow (Monday) sharing your experience in giving someone else the gift of kindness this week.  If you missed the first post on how to get involved, here's a recap:

It's the start of a new year!  We want to celebrate that by making people smile.  I think it's really important to extend our love to all people.  Smiling, laughing, giving someone a compliment, or paying for someone's starbucks could be the highlight of someone's day! Here's how you can get involved:

-Strike up a conversation with someone and ask how their day is.  They'll feel important!
-Go through a drive-thru and pay for the person's food behind you.
-Give a homeless person a gift card to get some food.
-Leave a sweet note on someone's car in a parking lot.
-Mail your old a friend an encouraging letter.
-By flowers for your neighbor or friend.
-Send out a text telling your friends and family how much you love and appreciate them.
-Pay for the person's starbucks' behind you. (I just put 5 dollars on a gift card and give it to the cashier and tell them to let the person a few folks behind me use it.)
-Simply smile at the person who you pass in the mall.
-Offer to get groceries for your mom.
-Let that person pull out from the parking lot and get in front of you.

There are many other ways to do this, too!  Get creative!  We want to hear about it. Think of the difference we could make as a community.  We live all over the country and, together, we have the power to influence other's lives, for the better!

Here's how it will work:
1. Do your random act of kindness this week.
2. Write up a post, sharing what you did!
3. Join the party! Link up that post next MONDAY, JANUARY 17th with Megan at Mackey Madness! {don't worry, I'll remind you next week to link up!}
4. Visit some of the links to see what our community did to make people smile!

Can't wait to read what you've been up to this week tomorrow at Megan's blog and see how you helped spread the:

Love and Kindness,


  1. YAY!! I can't wait to see what everyone does! Hope your night was okay...I'll be texting you soon!

  2. what an awesome way to spread the love of christ. Great idea!

  3. This is beautiful! I'm going to give it a try :) I'm looking forward to seeing what other people write as well. Hope you had a great weekend!

  4. Very, very cute ideas! Now I just have to decide which one to try! :)


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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