Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Go Green!

What do you think of when you see the color green?  Are you refreshed, full of life, or do you straight-up despise it?

Here's the break down:
Green is the color of nature. Duh. It is said to bring life and a sense of freshness to a space, as seen in fresh flowers.  Being on the cool side of the color wheel, it is a tranquil color.  In other avenues of life, we attribute green with money, health, and jealousy.  In the home, though, it often tends to have a calming effect.  Did you know guests on TV shows wait in "green rooms" intentionally, so they can de-stress before their appearance?!  It's true.  How do you feel about green?

1. Green in pattern. Bold:
{Tobi Fairley}

Or more subtle?

2. Green as a pop of unexpected color:
Have you seen Emily's dresser in her office?  Swoon!  Such a breath of fresh air.

3. A more muted green in window treatments or bedding:
{sarah richardson}

{southern living}

4. Pastel Green:

5. Green in fresh flowers:

I'm really loving the pop of unexpected color that Emily (Emily A. Clark) used in her office.  It's fresh and funky, but still totally chic and stylish.  While I wouldn't paint walls a bright kelly green, I do like the lighter greens.  I also think a bookshelf backed in green wallpaper or fabric would be fabulous.  My feature wall in my bedroom is a soft, pale green:

I'd have to agree, it's definitely calming.  

What is your favorite way to incorporate green? Or would you choose to only have green outside your windows? Do tell!

Love and Go Green,


  1. I'm having a huge obsession with green right now, so I would say 'yes please' to it anywhere and everywhere. I think it works used as a bold equally well as using it in softer tones. (love the fact about 'green rooms')

  2. I love Green. Although every time I see the color the first thing I think of is my High School colors [mostly green with yellow]. But in any case, Green has always been a fav. of mine.

    I typically like the lighter shades of green, like in the 2nd, 4th and 5th pictures. It's just very calm and soothing and really makes me that more anxious for Spring and Summer!! :)

  3. I like to use green sparingly. Love a bowl of green apples!

  4. I have heard that looking at green walls for example, gives you a sense of tranquility. However, the green that makes me peaceful is more of a muted, sage green. I like the picture of the Green used in a subtle way =)

  5. I'm loving all those green rooms! You pick the best rooms with each color you've done so far!

  6. I love green! It is one of my favorite colors to wear and decorate with! I love bringing accents of green in the spring to lighten up my house! That bedroom with the fireplace is insane! I could get cozy in there on a cold day!

  7. green is fabulous!!! I like it in small doses though, just little pops in places!~~

  8. ah love ALLL of that, that dresser is perfection

  9. I love green, usually more muted greens, but lately I've been loving Kelly green and cobalt or navy.

  10. i find green and gray both to be very calming. loving the subtle green pic the most.

  11. I am all about the soft muted shades of green..I think it is incredibly calming...and fresh flowers ALWAY make me happy.

    love this post.

  12. Ohhh that dresser is amazing, Michaela and I adore all of these colour posts you do :) We have some green throw pillows on our beige couch, a giant green plant and a greenish sort of piece of art on the walls. But now that you are showcasing all of these colour posts I can pick my fave!!! I love em all!! Hope the start of you week is going lovely gorgeous!! xo

  13. Oooo! I love the subtle green and the green dresser against all that black, grey, and white!! Def my style. I am really into army green right now :)

  14. My room is painted the exact color of #4, and I love it! It's definitely very calming and relaxing. It's bright enough to notice, but it's not overpowering. I am a fan.

    Also, I love your wall in your bedroom. Love. It.

  15. I'll have to say that I love green much more than red... much more calming to me. I prefer it in the more subtle colors though... in bedding, pillows, and little accessories.

    I feel more calm after reading this and browsing through the photos you shared. :)

  16. Ooooh green! The color of money and all things rich ;) You can see where my mind is ha. But I really love this post, especially the subtle bedroom set, and some fresh green flowers to make a statement!

    Beautiful friend! <3<3

  17. Love the photos! I also LOVE green! I'm getting married in just over 5 weeks and so we bought a house and are trying to pick colours! I love green so much almost the whole house would be some shade of green if it were up to me alone, so it's a good thing I chose the man I did! Now I'm finding other beautiful colours, but I'm sure I'll still use green as accent colours throughout the house!

  18. i like using green in a subtle way... like the second photo! so relaxing... xo

    head over to my blog, i'm having a little giveaway!! :-)

  19. orrr did you know, when they film CNN they cant wear green bc they would then appear invisible. Its the same way they do the cloak of invisibility on harry potter!
    nerd i know!

  20. I love it! I have a kelly green kate spade purse that I really need to retire for a few seasons, but can't seem to.

    My Kitchenaide mixer is also pistachio.

  21. Hi sweet Michaela!

    I love green! Especially bright! I think of spring, flowers and St. Pat's Day (my birthday ) :)

    Take care,

  22. Designs by Belinda:
    How about my guest wing in a soothing bluish grey/green. Definately a serene restfull atmosphere and refreshing to wake up to.

  23. Girl, you always have the best posts. I LOVE GREEN--I just didn't know how much until I read this post. I love all these ideas! :)


  24. Oh wow...that bright green dresser is my new love!! Seriously! I need that in my house and in my life!! I love these color posts! They're so fun! I think I like the bright pops of color the most!

    PS: I totally miss you today! I was just thinking about how I haven't talked to you!

  25. the second picture is exactly the way I want my whole house to look :) green was also a major color in our wedding, so every time i see it, i think of Big Sur, my dearest family and friends, and my lovely husband :)

  26. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. I tend to go for the more muted greens, like in pictures 2 and 4.

    You have such exceptional taste, pretty one. I love YOU, and I love your BLOG. Not boring at all. Hmmmm. ;)

  27. love green! and that console table is so fab!

  28. Loving the green inspiration. You have a fabulous blog and I am your newest follower!


  29. Green is one of my favorite color and my LUCKY color!


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at hello@michaelanoelledesigns.com. I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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