Saturday, March 5, 2011

My Girl

When I was 9 my life changed.  We brought a little ball of of fluff home. She was our families pet, but she was my best friend. My secret keeper and my cuddle bug.  She's the cutest golden retriever ever. Don't even try to challenge me on that (:

I love her because she poses for pictures:

She's up on the latest technology:

She loves sports and will always most of the time bring the ball back:

She admires herself in the mirrors, which is completely justified, seeing as she is the cutest:

She's sneaky:

She has the biggest brown eyes:
this is her "don't leave me" face. Or..."stop taking pictures of me". I'll go with the first one.

Always makes us laugh:

She guards the hallway when she knows I'm leaving:

She cuddles when she knows I'm sad, begs for the food I'm eating when she knows I'm in a good mood, we have sleepovers when I'm home for a short time, and she helps me pack for school:

And sometimes she doesn't cooperate:
which is also pretty cute.

She always wants to be the center of attention:

And she'll always be my girl:

She's one of the many reasons I'm excited to go home in 2 weeks!

Do you have a furry best friend?
Have a wonderful weekend!

Love and My Girl,


  1. Awww...we got our Golden, Tyler, when Elie was the same age! He now has two other buddies that chase him all over! The last pic is my favorite!!

  2. AWW LOVE LOVE LOVE this post! I love my dog! She is my baby, my best friend, my little partner! Every time I read your caption with cute picture, it reminded me of my pup! Dogs are truly the best! :)

  3. This is too sweet! She is a cutie!

  4. So cute!! She is lovely! My family has a cat (appropriately named Kitty hahaha) and she always follows me around when I go home :)

  5. Awww...she is the sweetest! Look at that furry little could you not just melt? (c: and love the new pics from yesterday...yowza! (c;

  6. awwww what a sweet baby! I bet she is counting down the days until you come home!!!

  7. Awww such a sweet post! She's looks so sweet :)

    My little Daisy is such a great furry best friend!

  8. Awwww, she should come have a play date with Tucker and Maggie!!! Actually, she kind of looks like Tucker... I wonder if they would fall in love?? PRESH!

  9. Michaela! I love this!!! She is so sweet! She and Wilson could be best friends! :) Hope you're having a great weekend!

  10. Adorable!!!! I am a huge animal lover.

    I am looking forward to meeting you tonight! I will be off in the corner where no one will notice me! Ha! (

    Warm hugs to you,


  11. you are so adorable! and i know this is such a typical thing to say but golden retrievers are my faaaaavorite.

  12. You KNOW I have 'em!! Two of em!! My little babies. Could NOT live without those two!! :) This was so sweet Michaela... And thanks for chatting with me last night! ;)

  13. Bear wants to know if she wants to go on a date with him. he digs the older ladies.

  14. I had a golden retriever growing up. They are the best dogs! Your dog is so sweet... makes me want another golden. (:

  15. She really is a adorable! My sister's family has one that just turned 1. My furry friend has is 3rd birthday coming up.. he a boston terrier and the love of my life:)

  16. she is SO stinkin' cute! I love that she blocks the hallway when you're about to leave! That's adorable!

    Happy Sunday! xo!

    Lauren @ tickled.

  17. Awww, what a sweet post! Your dog is so cute! Our 2 dogs are definitely part of our family!

  18. We do. Our 2.5 year old Boston Terrier. He is the best! Love him to pieces. He is the heart and soul of our family!

  19. My Little Coco Chanel :) I love my little girl. She's so sweet and caring. It's amazing how much love they give :)

  20. she's so cute!!
    and i feel the same about my pooch! he's my furry baby, even though he's 9!! aren't dogs just the best?!

    hope you had a fabulous weekend!! : )

  21. we have two furry best friends, in the form of Lucy & Gus...though they're of the cat variety ;) I desperately want a dog but don't want to bring one home to an apartment--I want one when we're in a house someday though! Crossing fingers the next two weeks fly by, pretty lady! xoxo {av}

  22. Ahhhh, love her SO much!! This post is absolutely adorable!! I think she, Cashmere, and Diesel would be best friends for life!!

  23. this is seriously makes me miss living at home w/ my parents because that's where my little guy lives!!

  24. aw so cute! love my dog as well!
    xoxo em

  25. Goldens are the best dogs EVER! I just had to let mine go a couple months ago, his name was Landry! I still miss him very much! :(

  26. I love my dog! She's no golden, but she is the sweetest mutt in the world! I never knew I could love an animal so much until we brought home Charlotte!

  27. Love these-if anyone can relate to animal love it's me :) She is beautiful! xoxo

  28. yesterday i watched my baby gigi eat her kibble and i said to my boyfriend "i love hearing her munch and crunch her kibble like that." he responded with "spoken like a true dog lover." dogs are so incredible. your girl is a doll!

  29. life is much more rich and beautiful with our furry friends, right? your pup is beautiful!!

  30. This is too sweet girl! I know EXACTLY what you mean about everything you said. My family got a golden when I was 11 and he will always have a special place in my heart. And now that I have a golden baby of my own (who I'm sure you've seen around my blog) my love for them has grown even more.

    They are definitely a girl's best friend!

  31. awww your dog is so cute! i am counting down the days til my husband lets me get one!


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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