Thursday, April 28, 2011

Dear Diary,

I'm sitting here trying to think of a tagline for my business.  That is my goal, you know, to start a business.  It's fun to think into the future because it confirms what I'm doing in the present.
Sometimes I feel ten thousand miles from home and want to give up. But not today. Today I resolve to not let anything stand between me and my dream.  I am no longer letting it bother me when people think interior design is an easy major for girls who want to be stay at home moms.  Of course, I'd love to be a mom one day and being a designer would provide a flexible schedule to do so, but it is by no means easy. 
 I work hard, study for hours, sketch until I'm proud of what I see, and most importantly, I dream.  Sometimes I catch myself daydreaming five or ten years down the road.  I'm sitting in my office, which is a light shade of gray and has a feature wall of a purple graphic wallpaper, and I'm smiling.  No matter the book keeping to done, orders to be placed, bills to be paid, or dinners to be made, I'm smiling. 

I smile because I love people.  Because waking up in the morning and knowing I'm going to be helping someone fall in love with their home fills my heart with joy.  There's a smile on my face because I see myself being an influential figure in my field.  I smile because I know this is what the Lord wants me to be doing with the rest of my life.   And if I ever doubt my purpose, I remember He has me here in Seattle, Washington for a reason.  That reason is not only to become an interior designer, but also to meet people along the way who share this passion of mine. 
 It breaks my heart when I hear parents telling their children to choose a career that will bring comfort to the check book or when I hear others telling me they wish they did what they loved.  I want to inspire others to pursue something that they are passionate about.  I want to encourage young girls {and boys} all over the world to find that one thing that makes you you, that makes your heart sing, and do it. Run after it full force.
Chase it with all that you have, because if you do what you love with the talents given from the One who loves you, then you will show love better to others.
Today I am thankful to my parents for the opportunity to be here learning, growing, and designing.  When my head is spinning, it's pouring rain, my manicure is chipped and I do not know where to begin with the pile of homework sprawled over my desk, I will reread this entry and again, it will be confirmed:

I am here for a reason.  I am destined to do this.  Serving others is my calling.  My joy is interior design.

I can't wait to do what I love for the rest of my life.

That is my prayer for everyone; doing what they love, too.  I want to see more passion in people's eyes.  More satisfaction, not because of the money they make, but because they are genuinely and undeniably excited about their work and their purpose.
This is me putting it in writing for the world wide web to see.  I want to always feel this way about design and people.

Love and Dreaming,


  1. I just came across your blog. Oh my goodness! I'm so glad I found it. You are amazing and this post made me smile. How great that you've found something you absolutely love and want to do with your life. And rather than looking at it as just a future profession, you look at it as a way to make others happy...I love that! You'll see me around here a lot from now on. :)

  2. I love that you posted this. It was definitely what I needed to read right now :) very encouraging.

  3. I am 90% sure I need an interior designer! I have so many ideas, but they always fall through!

  4. ummm i LOVE this :) all the pictures and encouraging words! you're wonderful! xo happy thursday!

  5. This is such a beautiful and encouraging post! I definitely can relate. I am in a career that I love and adore but have struggled the last 5 years to have a job because of the economy. I know that it is my passion and I keep going after my dream because it brings me joy. You should never settle for anything less and always go after what makes you happy! Great post, Michaela! XOXO

  6. This post sums up the reason I read you blog... not only do I read it everyday but it is ALWAYS the first one I read! Thank you for inspiration, genuine inspiration!

  7. your heart is so beautiful!! love this post :)

  8. I LOVED this post! As soon as I read that you were thinking of a tagline for your business, I started brainstorming ideas (because as a writer, that's what I do). I'm sure you've come up with some of these already, but what about...

    "You Dream It, We Create It"
    "No Dream Too Small for (Insert Business Name here"

    It was just a thought. Have a great day!

  9. What a beautiful post Michaela! You are so matter what you choose to do, if you love it and use your God given talents you are destined to be successful. And, success doesn't always equal money. Rather the joy of knowing you are using those talents, helping others, and creating something wonderful is far more important. I can see you using a tag line based on scripture. It speaks to who you are as a person, and as a designer.

  10. What a gorgeous post! So glad I discovered your blog, love it now following! Miss Walker xoxo

  11. these rooms are absolutely gorgeous, just like you my little blogger friend!:)

  12. I love, I love, I love. I definitely have a passion for my future career. And it makes me sad to see people who don't have that same passion. They're missing out, aren't they?

  13. Good for you! I go back and forth about starting my own design company too...different aspect from yours, but along the same lines!

  14. What a great and inspiring post Michaela! It's so true... more people need to do something because they love it. That's what got me to here... working full time while writing my blog and going back to school part time. It's hard and stressful at times, but I know at the end of the day I will love what I do and that's the most important part!

    You inspire me already! xx

  15. never let that fire out of your heart my sweet. attaching goals to dreams is what brings up happiness and i have no doubts that you're going to conquer everything you set out to do. xoxoxo

  16. You make me smile pretty girl! I love that you're following your heart and your dreams (read: chasing after).

    You are inspiring! Keep it up, love.


  17. You are so inspirational Michaela! I adore that you know exactly what you want in life and your not afriad to go after it! God has given you true talent and beauty, may you always follow your dreams :)

  18. You're so talented girl! I know you will be a successful interior desinger one day!

  19. i'm so happy i read this post today! i too, love what i do!

  20. so many things I love about this post...

  21. This is so beautiful, bff! I'm SO GLAD that you are doing what you are passionate about. A job is not worth any amount of money if you don't love it. Seriously!!

    Love you and your precious heart!

  22. :) :) :)

    what a good vision for yourself and prayer for others. thanks for being an encouragement michaela!

  23. What an inspirational post! I am so glad you are pursuing your passion. I am still trying to find one.

  24. beautiful and encouraging! and i definitely can relate... graphic design is my passion and even though times are slow, i LOVE what i do and can't even imagine doing anything else...

    never settle and do what makes you happy! xo

  25. I am definitely one of those people who wishes they were doing something they loved. Ugh. I grew up without a lot and my parents typically pushed me in a direction where they thought I would make more money, and unfortunately that didn't turn out very well. Sometimes parents think they're doing the right thing, but the right thing would be encouraging your children to follow their hearts and live a life they love. Oh how I wish that I could go back and re-do school, but I obviously can't... now I'm just trying to figure out what it is I love and how to do it!

    The people, who say a certain type of job is easy, are probably just unhappy with their path and wish they were doing something different.

    I love that you wrote this and can always find it in your archives when you need it. (: It's so great seeing people (that's you!) doing exactly what they were made to do!

  26. Beautiful photos! This is a great post as always! I just started my business and some family members think that because I run it from my home that I am not serious about it. They think that I will fail. Your post made me assure myself that I can do what I love no matter what people say to me. You will be a great designer one day!

  27. Following you is quite a joy :) Thank you for sharing what's on your heart! It's reminded me why I'm doing what I'm doing, chasing my dreams and the passion God has given me in theatre even when the world might think it foolish. It's not about us, it's about people and both serving and loving them in what God has given us to love.

    Keep running towards that dream! You are incredibly talented and are going to do big things for the Kingdom!

  28. I fully believe in this. It's exactly why I moved to LA and am now embracing the artist within me. Professional Photographer here I come.

  29. How inspiring, Michaela. You should be so proud of yourself for following your dream! You are going to be (and already are) an amazing designer :)

  30. What a beautiful post Michaela...can't wait to see you chase your dreams and make them a reality!


  31. love your blog! you have great taste, i'm just across the border, want to work on my condo? haha. i hope the west coast gets some sunshine soon.


  32. i love love love this post! i really want to be able to find this someday: a profession that is able to make others happy! i love that about this post and your blog :)

  33. beautiful post michaela! it's SO important to love what you do and interior design is by no means easy. keep after it with all your heart - just like you're doing!

    XO, A

  34. So proud of you Michaela! Praise God for the talent and desire He's placed in You! And I agree with Lauren's comment:)

  35. oh my goodness...i just popped by your blog via a lovely post that mentioned you on a la mode...and i am so happy to have done so! love your style...impeccable taste :) i have no doubt you will be brilliant in the industry! {and, hmmm...i live in seattle so when i finally own a gorgeous home, you may have to come over and show off your skills} have a lovely day!

  36. Michaela! You are so beyond talented and creative...I have no doubt you will have an extremely successful and blessed career! Can't wait to see all the wonderful things to come from you! xo

  37. Sweet Michalea, you are wise beyond your years! I spent a year battling myself over a career in design, I love it but I couldn't see how I could use it as my calling in God's kingdom. I am finally realizing that I can... making a beautiful, welcoming and organized home is a blessing to others who can't do it themselves. The home is so important, the more you enjoy it the more time you will spend in it. Keep up the good work! I always enjoy reading about your journey into design as I am going through mine :)

  38. 100% agree Michaela!! Lovely post! I've known for years I wanted to something in design but I think I was always scared to choose interior design until last summer when it just hit me and I knew I wanted to design interiors for the rest of my life! All the best in your business!! xo

  39. I don't know that you could get any more amazing or inspiring, girlie! Love the thoughts and amen to chasing your dreams! (c:

  40. Yes!! What a fantastic post, I just have to add a big ditto:)

  41. Love that quote you included.. and that bed with the old door as the headboard. totally had that picture picked out 6 months ago! I love it! :)

  42. This post was so inspiring!! Did you design all of these rooms? They are fabulous! Can I be your first customer???? :)


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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