Saturday, April 30, 2011

She's a Movie Star

Happy Weekend!

You all know how much I am obsessed with love my sweet pup.  She went on an adventure a few weekends ago with my dad to the Tahoe Mountains to visit my grandparents.  My dad filmed Shasta while she was frolicking and then made this over-the-top-adorable mini film.  I can't help but smile when I see her ears whippin' back 'n forth {yep, just took it there.}

Enjoy my little diva:

Love and Weekends,


  1. how happy she looks swimming away with that stick! I think that she may be part fish :)

    xx Cat brideblu

  2. That seriously has to be one of the cutest things I have EVER seen! Love her snow angel... what a dear puppy. I bet you miss her so much when you're at school, but that video is a great way to see her no matter where you are. Love it. (:

  3. OMG! This is the CUTEST thing!!! This made me so happy. She is gorgeous!

  4. Oh I love it. Amazing.

    Gah... gotta get me a dog. Now.

  5. I just showed this to my kiddos and my 7 yr. old daughter goes "Oh, I have to tell Daddy about this one so he can get it for us. It looks good!"

    How cute is that? She was sad when I told her it wasn't a real movie. (Was pretty convincing!) Think your dad would consider making it a real film? Haha!

    He did a great job...of course, he had a good subject to work with! She's so cute! We are really wanting a dog in this house! :(

  6. Awwww, so so adorable! I love your daddddddddd!! Y'all are precious!

  7. Your Dad cracks me up! I love the slow motion snow angel. Adorable!

  8. Aww I love it!! She is totally a movie star. Watch out, now she is going to want the star treatment! Great video! Hope you are having a great time in CA!

  9. AHHH - love this film - what a star she is - gorgeous and well filmed :O)
    A xox

  10. hahaha that is the funniest thing ever! so cute :) I love your dog.

  11. Aww, this is absolutely adorable! Love it!!


  12. that was just about the cutest thing EVER!!!! :)

  13. Too cute!! Hope you had a fab weekend Michaela xo

  14. ohhh michaela! she looks so sweet :) probably much better behaved than mine...hahaaa!

  15. i was out yesterday with Gigi being filmed for my blog. Gigi LOVES the camera. she doesn't swim...when she sees water she takes a drink. great way to get parasites :(

  16. In LOVE with this video!!
    Makes me want to have my puppy star in a movie of her own! ;)


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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