Friday, May 6, 2011

Fashion Friday #32: Sundress & Smiles

Happy Friday, friends! Hope you've all had a wonderful week. 

I'm excited to share my perspective drawing project with you next week once I get it back from being graded (:

This past weekend when I was home, of course we went to the beach. Which is where I got sunburned. It has officially turned in to a tan: Praise the Lord. Here's what I wore:

Dress: Meadow

Like I've said before, dresses are my favorite. I try to wear them as often as possible because wearing them always makes me smile.  When I packed up after spring break, I put close to 12 dresses in my suitcase. My mom asked me where I was going- because clearly I couldn't be wearing all those dresses in Seattle. She thought I transferred schools or something. But nope, I'm just being hopeful!

You may remember the dress from this photo shoot I did with Mandy in January. Thankfully this time I wore it I didn't need to pair it with a sweater! (:

This week I have a question for you!
I'm wondering what item of clothing {or makeup item} you choose to invest in.  In other words, what's the thing you're willing to spend money on?  For me, it's jeans because a good pair of designer jeans last for so long! What about you??
One of my new years resolutions was to spend more money on less items of clothing to further invest in good quality clothing. So far, it's going well!

Hope you have a wonderful weekend and a super sweet Mother's Day!

Love and Fashion Friday,


  1. That is a sweet dress! Love it!

  2. Love the dress! I am right there with you. I weeded out my closest (really weeded out), and decided I would rather has less items of clothing but of higher quality. As Peter Walsh would say, "we generally only wear a small percentage of what we own anyhow". For me, the pieces to invest in would be jeans (when I can find them to fit properly) and a good pair of everyday shoes. I also think a good quality handbag is worth the price (as most of those companies stand behind their products and will fix anything that happens to them).

  3. i have yet to brave..or even purchase a sundress..I know as soon as i do the sun will not come out again for the remainder of my time hates convinced of this.

  4. I love that dress! I have trouble with sun dresses because my girls don't always fit in the pre-approved "girls holder" ;-)

    I, like you, invest more in jeans than most other clothes. I've also started investing more in work clothes, because I am in them the most.

  5. That love photos with your toes is so beautiful. The dress is very pretty!

    My investment is usually in Jeans too. Jbrand is my go to. But I would also drop a pretty penny on the right sweater.

    Have a happy weekend!

  6. Definitely invest in jeans. And for makeup, foundation and mascara.

  7. Beautiful sundress lovely girl! Have a great weekend :-)

  8. I love wearing dresses, too! Precious pictures! Have a great weekend! xoxo

  9. You are so gorgeous:) Love the dress. I live in sundresses in the summer!

    I have to agree about the jeans. Also good layering pieces that I will wear over and over is what I invest in:)

  10. Beautiful pictures!

    I definitely invest in jeans too...I love all my Citizens and can totally tell a difference between them and regular jeans.

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend :)

  11. For clothes, I like to invest in the basics like jeans, blazers, dresses, etc. and spend less on more seasonal, trendy pieces.

    For makeup, I like to spend a little more on my moisturizer & primer because it makes any makeup I put on top look better!

  12. There is just something so great about dresses...I {heart} being a girl, so much more fun fashion to love! (c: Happy Weekend my dear, looking lovely as usual!

  13. Just stumbled across your blog and love it! Too cute! I adore your dress. I like to invest in shoes. There is nothing better than a good pair of black pumps. New follower and just wanted to say hi = )

  14. Pretty girl!! You are too cute. Glad you have a sunburn/tan! : ) And congrats on the new sponsor! Stella & Dot jewlery is adorbbbs. Happy weekend! xo

  15. Oh Michaela you are such a beauty as always :) And so glad your silly burn turned into a fabulous tan. Congrats on the new sponsor, hope you get an A++ on your project and chat with you soon muffin! xoxo

  16. You are the cutest beach babe! I'm counting down the days until my tan dream will become a reality!

    P.S. I invest in jeans (Seven), and face products, (moisturizer, foundation, etc). xoxo

  17. A good pair of jeans or shoes are always worth the investment :) You look beautiful. Love that dress!


  18. I'd say sandals. Like Rainbow flip flops. They're super comfortable and don't give blisters like cheap flip flops do. And sandals HAVE to be comfortable. ;)
    Love you <3Lyss

  19. Looking adorable as always girl! My investment is just about anything j.crew. I love their fit and quality, so I'm willing to pony up a little more. :) Fingers crossed that we get sunshine in the NW this weekend!!! Xo, Katie

  20. Love the dress! I wish i was at the beach.

  21. very sweet dress. :) the pictures are beautiful.

    as far as what i invest it... for me it really just depends. i like to mix and match $$$$ pieces with $ pieces :) so if i see something that is super pricey, but i can't live without it, i save until i can afford it.

    lucky for me i have enough jeans to last me a lifetime otherwise i would for sure say DENIM! :)

  22. You are so adorable! I'm so glad you got a tan! Woohoo!! I can't wait to visit the beach with you!! : )

    I invest in face stuff. I will buy anything and everything for my face, whether it's moisturizer, makeup, etc. I should probably start investing in jeans. I just never wear them. Seriously. Dresses are my friend.

  23. pretty pretty lady!!

    ohh...well, i'm not sure if good leather boots make much sense for seattle weather (and they definitely don't for the summer season) but my frye boots are one of my favorite purchases ever! they are good for 3 seasons of the year in the midwest :)

    also...good sweaters.

    or...anything from j.crew. they are my favorite :D

  24. Oh goodness.. I don't think there is one particular item I invest in more than others. But overall, I try to get key pieces that will last a long time. So I'm getting quality over quantity.

    Best decision I ever made: Vince leather jacket and Thakoon black dress.

    Two items that will NEVER go out of style.

  25. love the dress & your blog! i featured you on my blog

  26. Love the sweet! I like to spend more money on jeans and handbags! They'll last forever! :)

  27. our investment item is the same - good pair of designer jeans! love that dress girly!you look beautiful!

  28. That dress is adorns, yay for beach and sun!! Happy weekend!!

  29. lipstick! and shoes!
    I love them both dearly. I have so many shades of lipstick. I believe in investing in quality lipsticks that really fit your lips if that makes any sense. I have flat feet so whenever I find heels that are comfy and look amazing I am sold. Jeans hate me and refuse to work and Dresses are my go to clothing purchase...

    you look beautiful!!


  30. makeup, jeans & shoes! well made shoes really do make a difference for your feet (though i do get plenty at target too) and jewelry cause otherwise i wont wear it. oh! and shampoo and conditioner when i can swing it.

  31. i love your dress!.... so lovely....

    by the way, your right a good designer jeans is a wise investment. well cant wait for that jeans to see!

    im following your blog now. Cheers!

  32. I spend on DRESSES! I just converted my closet from winter to summer last night and can barely fit all my dresses in my closet! Ooops? I appreciate that you love dresses too.

  33. looks like an amazing day at the beach!

  34. I love dresses as well. & that beach looks so relaxing. I'm a little jealous!


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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