Saturday, May 28, 2011

My Life As of Today...

1. These cookie coated drum sticks are my life.

2. Strawberries are my favorite fruit. Lavender told me she wanted to be in the picture.

3. These colors make me happy.

4. Ikat is hands down my current pattern obsession.

5. I can't wait to sit by the pool!

6. I'm using lots of self control in order to not buy this chandelier from Meadow

7. Today I've started packing up all my stuff, taking everything off the walls, and you know what? It feels kind of weird.  Last summer I spent so many hours preparing for decorating this very apartment.  You all know how seriously excited I am about getting back home for summer, but there's just something strange about leaving a place you put your heart into.  This next week I'll be showing you some of my favorite elements to the apartment.

That's my sad face for having to take down the wall art.

8. Our countdown chalkboard keeps seeing lower number each day. LOVING it!

9. You know what that means? 11 days till I see this furry bundle of joy:

10. I'm so thankful for the life I have been given. For my family, my friends, my school, the experiences that have brought me to where I am today.  But mostly, I'm thankful for God's continued faithfulness in my life, and yours.  

Happy weekend!  What are you up to?


  1. I totally know that feeling of leaving a place. I loved My husband and I's first apartment. It was the first place that I actually decorated myself and it was so sad to leave. (yet happy since it was so small. hehe). Hope you have a great weekend. I've been busy cooking a delicious dish: Tacos Al Pastor. Can't wait to eat it tonight!

  2. Enjoy your last couple of weeks before you go home! I know you're super excited :)

  3. SUCH fun things going on...I'm sure you're super excited for summer to be so soon! :)

  4. haha! i really like that drumstick picture. good luck finishing up the quarter/semester and heading home for summer!! have a lovely memorial day weekend!!

  5. I can't even imagine what it'd be like to live in your apartment except that it'd be AWESOME :) and now I want a drumstick! ha

  6. This will be the first year we aren't packing up Elie's things as she is staying put! I know she is glad, but it is yet another milestone toward her independence!! Kate is off to the beach Monday, and we are headed to Savannah. Can't wait. Currently our furry friends are at the vet being boarded, not fun :(

  7. You are sooo cute :)
    I'm looking forward to the summer as well, because that's when my husband is off from work! (he's a teacher)

    Glad you had a wonderful saturday!

  8. WOOHOO for almost being home!! I love strawberries, too. I ate about ten billion yesterday. : )

  9. I love your list. I need one of those cookies sticks asap. I also love ikat and strawberries and that chandy is gorgeous! Happy memorial day! I hope you have a great weekend.

  10. Ugh yeah!, I am in the process of moving too and it is no fun!

  11. I'm digging your list and I'm now thinking I need one of those cookie coated drum sticks...mmm mmm good! It is always bittersweet to move, it's always exciting to be moving on (especially when you get to go back to a place you already love) but it's hard to leave all the good times and memories of the place you are at! Here's to continued faith in God and more good times...(c:

  12. Great idea!! Hope your last 11 days are fab and that your trip home has no problems!

  13. good gosh, those drum sticks look so good to me right now! as does everything in your post...except sad face. awe, wishing you a smooth transition lades and happiness for summer vacay arrival. when you get to snuggle with a darling fur babeh like that then everything else is cake! happy long weekend wishes. ♥

  14. i love the wall art! are those homemade or etsy? they seem very etsy. i also have a thing for chandaliers as well, the husband is very against them but we'll see! i also couldn't help but notice you wore you hear straight in your fashion fridays it looked really nice! happy weekend :D

  15. How exciting that summer is almost here for you!! I'm sure you will have a blast. Have a wonderful weekend! Happy Memorial Day. :)

  16. Love this post! I know what you mean about packing up something you've poured your heart into. It's bittersweet sometimes. :) Have a great week!

  17. I totally feel you on being sad after putting the things in your apartment away. Every time my husband and I move I'm a little sad to take things off of the wall and pack stuff away for a while. It's always fun putting it all back up again though! (:

    I also have to say... I'm sort of in love with ikat prints too!

  18. You are seriously sooo cute!! All the pictures are fab! And man! The colors in those flowers are lovely!!

  19. how did I miss this?? You are the cutest.

  20. Lets pray that we get a hot and sunny summer this year in California!! Should be a good one :). You'll get enough sunshine to head right back out to Seattle's overcast beauty :)!!!



Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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