Thursday, June 30, 2011

Million Dollar Decorators: Mary McDonald

Have y'all been watching Million Dollar Decorators?! I am clearly obsessed with it.  It's crazy, bold and outrageously expensive and ornate design.  I'm not sure if I watch it so I can laugh at how seriously funny some of the comments the designers make are, or if it's to see the gorgeous spaces come together.  While I have issues with the tardiness and snootiness of a few of the designers, there's one designer who has my heart.  Mary McDonald. {and her pug!}

First of all, she's hilarious. She has spunk and she is genuinely amazing at her job.  Mary is also super up on fashion and always looks perfect.  I SO admire her ability to use color, pattern, and FAB accessories in her designs.  To spend a day with her, even if it was to bring her coffee, would be a dream! 

Mary's style "combines old-fashioned elegance with a modern sensibility resulting in a fearless, joyful exuberance. Her ability to combine bold patterns, Chinoiserie, and Indian influences with contemporary lines and an impeccable sense of color has established her signature style."
~From Mary McDonald's website

Here are some of my favorite images from her portfolio:

I mean really, don't we all just want to transport here for the day?!
So do you love her yet? 
If you do- she just wrote her first book. Get your copy over here!

Be sure to watch Million Dollar Decorators on Tuesdays (:
End TV commercial to promote the show ha!

Happy Thursday!

PS. I'm working on a Design Dilemma's post for next week...if you have a design dilemma you'd like me to address, please leave it in the comments or email me!! Fun way to get free advice on what to do with a space you're stuck on (:
You can also catch me over at Kristy's know, the one with the painted chair! She's letting me participate in her 4th of July decorating ideas!
Check it out over at Hyphen Interiors


  1. Love this post! You know I adore Mary. She rocks it in the design department. I would so love for her to come decorate my boring house. I mean the office she did zig-zag floors, I am in heaven! I just ordered her book too:)

  2. Those rooms with the pop of red are BEAUTIFUL! I love them. Great decorating... each room look so livable and so comfortable.

  3. That house is amazing, so beautiful, I love that bed :).
    Do you want to follow each other, I would love that.


  4. I love her! I have a design dilemma. My HUGE bonus room. The bookshelves, color scheme and furniture layout have thrown me for a loop- oh and its toy central. I'd love to be considered for your design dilemma- The ceiling is really high but the side walls are short, I can send you a pic but warning- you might have nightmares after the looksy. =) xoox shel

  5. i have yet to watch million dollar decorators-but this post makes me want to now!

  6. Not sure why this show has slipped past me. I need to watch it. That outdoor pool area is stunning! Wow.

  7. Love her use of bright pops of color...and I could sit by that pool any day!

  8. LOVE her style and I am clearly missing out by not catching this show. Adding it to the Tivo now! :)

  9. Yes, I definitely love her work!!

  10. I have a design dilemma! Im moving into a new apartment (my first apt thats all my own!) and I'm totally overwhelmed trying to fill the studio's large rectangular space so that it can be both bedroom and sitting area (the room is 20 feet by 13 feet) while still keeping the look modern and fresh!

  11. I haven't ever seen Million Dollar Decorators... but from the sounds of it I'd like Mary too. I really like those last few pictures with all those pops of red and cobalt blue! Sort of fitting for the upcoming holiday too. (:

    I don't have any major design dilemmas right now, but I'm looking forward to seeing what you write about.

  12. It is almost too perfect to be real!
    xox emily

  13. I was seriously ANTI-M.D.D. after the 1st episode...but I have to admit I have been watching EVERY SINGLE's my guilty pleasure! Mary is completely a genius...every time I see the red doors to her office my heart does little flip flops (c:

  14. I'd like some of this in my home too please. Such fabulous style :)

  15. I've never heard of that show. Don't hate me. : ) I love those last two pictures though...the blue against the house is amazing!!

  16. I am loving Mary too! She is an amazing designer and her wardrobe is gorgeous.


  17. Holy Crap! My eyes were so red from the gorgeousness that they almost dried out! She is so talented! I would LOVE to live there, or at least have her decorate something of mine! :)

  18. She's my favorite too! I love her attitude - she cracks me up every time! :) I also love her design style!

  19. I've never watched this show, but I totally want to now!

  20. I promise you, every time I watch Million Dollar Decorators on Bravo I think of you, no joke. I do. I knew you would love this show :)

    Your style is much more my niche though :)

  21. Thanks so much for participating in my series! I have watched MDD a few times. I love anything with good design. However, my eyes pop at some of the price tags thinking that surely the designers could be more practical with clients' money or the clients with their own. That's my main issue with the show. Great eye candy on the post!


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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