Wednesday, June 8, 2011

She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not: Modern Jane

Happy Wednesday, all! So excited to see what the super sweet and talented Jane, from Modern Jane, is loving and not loving this week. 

This girl's got style. I fell head over heels in love with her entire house as soon as I found her blog. Her living room is a show stopper (:  Take it away...

Hi all! I'm Modern Jane. Thanks so much Michaela for having me. 
It was so fun to do a little ranting and raving!

She loves me:
1) Peonies. I cannot wait for the ones in my garden to start blooming. I have a feeling they will be late this year since it's been so cold. They are one of my absolute favorite flowers!

2) Shabby Apple dresses. Each one is so adorable. For some reason spring makes me want to wear dresses all the time. I wish I wasn't so afraid of ordering clothes online.

3) Bowties on dogs:) Just so cute.
Source: via Jane on Pinterest

4) Shellac manicure and pedicures. I have to make an appointment for one soon at my good friend Lindsay's Mint Spa.. it lasts forever.. well not forever but a good 10 days for sure without chipping!

She loves me not:

1) June bugs. Love June but hate the bugs. They are everywhere and completely creep me out!
Source: via Jane on Pinterest

2) Not seeing the sun for days. Sometimes I feel like we don't have much of a Spring at all here on PEI. I need some sun in my life!

3) Grocery Shopping. Strangely enough, I find it stressful. I wander around aimlessly and seem to buy nothing but yet it costs a fortune. I'd much rather spend the money on things for my home:)
Source: via Holly on Pinterest

Thanks so much, Jane! You're so right about Shellac.  I swear by it...mine lasts 4 weeks sometimes!! Couldn't agree more about needing the sun. Luckily for me I'm almost home and will get lots in California!

Stop by and say hello to Jane! You're sure to fall in love with stunning home. See for yourself right here!



  1. Cute shopping bag and I heard of the shellac nail manicure....maybe it's worth the bigger price tag if it last that long!

  2. bowties on puppes - yes, please!

  3. Shellac is awesome! I think Modern Jane has a BT. She should get one for her pup :0)

  4. Peonies are beautiful!! Love it! I am a lover of all thing bows, especially bowties on pups! :)

  5. Oh! Big fan of Shallac - always get it just before a week-long vacation. Looks great and lust-worthy in pictures.

  6. ooo, i haven't tried a shellac manicure yet but i want to!! lovely pictures and great post :)

  7. Great post! I love discovering fabulous Canadian bloggers! And I am the exact same with grocery stores! I hate spending money there haha

  8. Fun post, Jane! I love wearing dresses this time of year as well. Sadly I don't grow any peonies, but picked some up at Trader Joes! And grocery shopping is something I can't stand. So wish I could spend the money on clothes or the house instead :)

  9. Who likes bugs? Uggh! I have a bug bit already I hate them! they always eat me alive... BOO!

  10. Great loves! I love Shabby Abby dresses and Shellac!!!

    Love this series! XOXO

    A Little Bit of This & That

  11. I love love the shellac nails! I wish they did them here locally! :)

  12. I so want to get a Shellac manicure! I've heard a ton about them, and have it on my "want" list.

    Perfect for the summer time!

  13. Fun list, Jane! I love peonies too... my husband and I got married last year in February and we tried to have a few peonies but a cold spell where they were grown last year killed them, so my florist couldn't get them. Sad day. I would love to have some in my own garden eventually!

    I really can't stand June bugs either! I grew up in Michigan and they were all over the place during spring. We used to leave our porch light off at night when it was time for June bugs, because they would fly inside when you opened the door. Gross!

    Thanks for sharing your list. (:

  14. Hehehe...I love the comment about grocery shopping, that really is how it goes! If only I didn't like eating so much...(c: And you've just reminded me how much I really want some of the new Shabby Apple line, but it does make me really nervous to order things online!

  15. Bowties on dogs? I didn't realize this was a thing people do but I'm on board. Love those nails!!

  16. Great list! I'm glad I'm not the only one who hates grocery shopping! and Michaela... love the new blog look! Where have I Been??? It's clearly been way too long since I've been here!!

  17. I love peonies... so much. And I find it stressful to grocery shop with anyone else. I'm good when I'm on my own.. but with other people I go crazy. Sigh.

  18. I love Jane, she is so sweet. Peonies are quickly becoming my favorite flower as well and how cute is that green and striped dress!

  19. Thanks for having me Michaela! It really is a fun series:) I think Beaufort just may be getting a bowtie.. why not:)?

  20. i loove me some pretty pink peonies as well! sadly, they are all done blooming here already- it goes too fast!
    and i am with you on the grocery shopping... uhg. i usually make my husband go!

  21. So I am on board with everything!! Hate grocery shopping, and peonies and shabby apple are definitely top notch:)

  22. Those dresses are seriously SO adorable!!

  23. Bowties on puppies! So cute! I'm with you Jane, I hate grocery shopping. Busy aisles and crying children - I shop online now!

  24. I love Jane! I agree the peonies, even here on the west, are late! And I too find grocery shopping stressful. I put it off until my family complains there is nothing to eat. The cost stresses me out!

    I am really liking the Shabby Apple dresses that are popping up everywhere. Would love to try one on!

  25. Peonies and shellac may be my favorite 2 things ever. Well and now bow ties on dogs. Precious!

  26. I can't wait for peonies too!


  27. ooo shabby apple dresses...i won a dress on there and cant wait to receive it this week!!!

  28. My dog has a party tie. I think he needs a party bow-tie now too.


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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