Wednesday, June 1, 2011

She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not: Our Fifth House

I'm so excited to introduce you to my lovely friend, Carmel, from Our Fifth House!
We met a few months ago and quickly clicked!  I love her home and all her genius decorating ideas, so of course I was interested in what she's loving and what she's not.  Carmel has the biggest heart, too, which only added to my love for her (:  Take it away girlfriend...

Hello!  I'm Carmel from Our Fifth House and I'm thrilled to be here today!  I just love this series and was so excited when Michaela asked me to share my loves and love-nots.  So here I go! 

She Loves Me:

1.) Call me crazy but when the summer rolls in I can't help but love the scent of Hawaiian Tropic. This new shimmer effect sunscreen is my new bff!  I'm a big "protect your skin from the sun" girl so I wear sunscreen every day, and this one leaves the prettiest sheen (not glitter) on your skin.  Of course, for pool time I wear something stronger than a 20 - and you should too - ok getting off my sunscreen soap box now :) 
SPF 20 Shimmer Effect Lotion

2.) The only good thing that comes from summer television - DESIGN STAR!  I seriously can't wait for season 6 to start!  

HGTV Design Star

3.) This Anthro dress!  I'm loving all the lace dresses and skirts I'm seeing, and I especially love the style and color of this one!  Perfectly paired with a gorgeous gold necklace. 

4.)  Dark hard wood floors.  We just had dark bamboo floors laid in our home, and I'm loving them!  They are a little high maintenance, but truthfully with 2 kids and 2 dogs everything is high maintenance. I pinned this picture on Pinterest because I love how striking the dark floors look against the white cabinetry.  I can't wait for our mini kitchen reno to be finished!

She Loves Me Not:

1.) Chipmunks!  Sure they are super cute, but they leave the nastiest holes in your yard.  I have at least 2 chipmunks living in my front yard now, and they are tearing up my front mulch beds!

Source: via Dan on Pinterest

2.) Kids drinking soda.  I'm not a health nut by any stretch of the imagination.  My kids get their fill of junk food.  I personally think it's about teaching moderation.  However, when it comes to kids drinking soda I'm of the "just say no" crowd.  For some reason to me it just looks wrong.  It doesn't bother me to see a middle school aged kid drinking soda, but I cringe when I see a child that looks younger than five drinking a can of Coke.

Source: via a on Pinterest

3.)  Judging.  I realize that after number 2 you are probably thinking - didn't you just judge the people who let their kids drink soda?  Well, I guess I kinda did, but really I'm not casting a judgement I'm just saying it's something that I don't like and don't do.  So you see there's a difference :)  I believe that we are here to love each other not judge each other.

4.) Floral patterns on nails?!  Again, not judging, just saying this is not for me ;)  I love me some floral patterns but this seems just a bit over the top.  Maybe just one nail - wait - no  - even one nail would not be good to me.  I'm just steering clear of this idea all together.

This was really fun Michaela!  Thanks again for including me in this series!  

What a great list! Couldn't agree more about the dark hardwood floor and Design Star.  I look forward to it each summer! Love what you said about judging, too.  Partly why I love the blogging community is because it's so encouraging and uplifting (:

Head on over to Carmel's blog to see some great DIY projects and explore her Fifth House.
Happy Wednesday!


  1. Growing up my Mom rarely let us drink sodas either! Actually, if we did, we would drink a little diet because she didn't want us to have all of that sugar. It was mainly for our teeth and bones, not because of the hyper part! ha ha! And I agree, Hawaiian Tropic screams summer!!

  2. I love dark wood floors and can't wait for Design Star to start back up. I adore Emily from last season. So agree about the judging too.

  3. Cute post! I'm all about NOT judging people for their choices but there are certain things that makes me cringe too! Like cheating... or sketcher sneakers. Its normal. I agree with the dark floors! Always a favorite of mine.

  4. Thanks for letting me rant and rave Michaela!

  5. Oh, I've been wanting to try that shimmer sunscreen! Must grab some before the beach this weekend! :)
    xo::Lauren @ tickled.

  6. Great post! Growing up, drinking soda's was like a "treat". To this day, I'm still not a big soda person and I'm grateful for that! It's ALL about moderation... not judgement! ;)

  7. I love those dark hardwood floors against the white cabinetry as well! So simple, yet beautiful!

  8. That kitchen is beautiful! Love those hardwood floors :)

  9. I have never seen a single episode of Design Star!!! I think I'll start this year!

  10. How fun, I am going to try out that sunscreen! Also, design star is not the ONLY good summer TV, are you forgetting so you think you can dance?! :)

  11. Totally agree with the dark floor! My husband and I are planning on getting rid of the carpet!!! Cute post!!!!

  12. Great picks! Loving this summer dress-wearing weather :)

  13. jealous of your FLOORS! that sounds so lovely. mmm these were fun ones to read!

  14. I've always wanted ebonized wood floors, but I will have to wait until the beige dogs live out their life...then I'll get black dogs ;)

    Growing up soda was a special treat. Still is in my book!

  15. whoa those nails are intense! haha. love seeing everyone's loves and dislikes. shows just how diverse yet alike everyone is!

  16. Never get tired of this series! TOTALLY loving that anthro dress, too!

  17. I love love love her loves!!! Especially the dress!

  18. the dress is amazing! and i, too , love the smell of hawaiian tropic... yum!!!
    and i also don't allow my kids to drink soft drinks... damn skippy!

  19. Oh I love dark wood floors, gorgeous!! Of course the anthropology dress is fab:)

  20. Love Carmel even more after that brilliant quote...Carmel, i hope we can still be friends if my kids drink soda, hehehe! I'm desperately hoping that Design Star goes infinitely better than Million Dollar Decorators, TRAIN WRECK, but not the kind you can't look away from, the kind you turn off and fervently pray you never sound that soul-less! (c:

  21. I love dark floors and design star too, Carmel! The dress is lovely and we just finished off our bottle of sunscreen so I'm going to have to pick up the Hawaiian Tropic for me!

    I'm with you on not judging. We have a squirrel and chipmunk mafia living in our yard. No soda for kids. I value nice teeth! :)

    I enjoyed seeing your feature. Thanks for the introduction to Michaela too! Hi Michaela! It's nice to "e-meet" you!

    Have a great weekend, ladies.


  22. Thank you,Carmel and Michaela! My kids are only allowed soda when we entertain, when we have some left over from a party and sometimes when we are at a restaurant. I do not have a regular stock at home..they will thank me one day!
    Please do visit A Room with A View and take the poll. Thanks so much!

  23. Love dark hardwoods! Why do parents let there kids drink that stuff?!! Thanks for the reminder of Design Star...was just beginning to wonder what I was going to watch all summer!

  24. I'm the same when it comes to the soda and kids. We're letting kids a lot more unhealthy than we used to. I want my kids to learn to eat healthy, good food. Not too much of that nasty processed stuff. Also, thanks for the recommendation on the hawaiian shimmer! I can't wait to try it out!


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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