Monday, July 25, 2011

Design Blogger Meet Up Recap

I'm so excited to share our blogger meet up with you! I was beyond excited to meet my closest blogging buddies.  It's so funny how it felt like we'd been friends forever.  Such a blessing!

Here's the recap:

First we met up for drinks!  And by that I mean I had a Shirley Temple. For reals. You can see my glass on the table full of cherries (:
 Me, Michelle {Ten June}, Courtney {A Thoughtful Place}, Natasha {Schue Love}, Tori {An Apple a Day}

Next up, I drove us {in my new car!} to the San Francisco Design Center for the meet up:

Court rode shot gun!

I want to thank Malka from Closet Innovations, who hosted the fabulous event! What a blast it was.

Me, Natasha, Michelle, Tori, Mackenzie {Design Darling}, Cristin {Simplified Bee}, Kate {Centsational Girl}

I also got to meet the amazing girls behind Rue Magazine, who just launched another issue TODAY!

Michelle, Erica {Moth Design}, and Courtney {Courtney Out Loud}
I had so much fun talking to may recognize her from Design Inc. on HGTV (: I just loved learning about design and how to talk to your clients through her.  She's such a wonderful talent and such a source of inspiration to me!  Courtney was awesome, too! What a ball of energy.  He's got some crazy good design skills, too!

 Cristin and I. 
I just adore her.  I'm so glad I'm able to be interning with her this summer. We just "get" each other (:

M & M

Natasha, Michelle, Me, & Courtney.

I can't say enough good things about these girls.  They're like long lost sisters. We laughed so hard, created many inside jokes, and bonded so quickly.  I miss them already and am so looking forward to the next time we can meet up again.
Thank you, blogging, for allowing me to meet these wonderful friends (:

Will be sharing more from my weekend with Michelle later this week!
Happy Monday,

PS. Don't forget to enter the ExVoto Jewelry giveaway. It's a knock out (:


  1. please dont judge me that i dont know what a shirley temple is.

  2. Fun meetup! And a new car? You are going places girl. Glad you had a good time.

  3. what a blast--seriously! you all are so cute!

  4. How fun!! Y'all look so beautiful!

  5. Yeah!!! it's so nice to see all my fav blogging girls in one place!! So glad you all had a great time!! Don't worry one day I'll meet all of you in person!! Ha!

  6. I have been knocking back the shirley temples these days:-) You ALL look absolutely gorgeous and glowing and such design rock stars! xoxo

  7. Ah, thanks for the lovely compliment.

    Love the pix in your new car. We need Kate to host a retreat in Sonoma so we can all get together again :)


  8. How fun! Isn't blogging great?! Love your dress! How awesome to be interning with Cristin!

  9. Ahhhh, so jealous and SO happy for y'all!! Looks like SO much fun!

  10. so jealous!!! looks like such a fun time!! you girls look fabulous!! ;)

  11. I get nostalgic all over again every time I see our pictures! Just loved loved loved everyone moment of it!! Definitely my long lost sis! xo

  12. Glad y'all had so much fun! Shirley Temples are my favorite!

  13. You girls are gorgeous! Looks like such a fun time! And congrats on the new car!

  14. You girls all looked so BEAUTIFUL!

  15. You all look soooo great!! Wish I could've made the trip!! We'll all have to do another blogger meet up!!

  16. Yesssssss...this is just what I need for our empty living room! Love Michelle's style, so this would be perfect. And, happy blog birthday Michaela!! So glad we found each other in this crazy blogosphere! Xo, Katie

  17. Welp, that's embarrassing, totally commented on the wrong post! Haha, moving up to the RIGHT post now...

  18. How fun!! Wish I could have been there!!!

  19. I haven't had a shirley temple in ages! I might need to get one next time I go out. Also, this looks like it was so fun!

  20. oh my gosh! this is amazing michaela! i can't believe you met natasha - love her!

    looks like such a fun time! blogger meet-ups are the best!

    been praying for sweet shasta all day friend! :)

  21. looks like a fun meet-up! i would have had a shirley temple too :) <3


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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