Wednesday, July 27, 2011

She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not: Me!

Today I'm popping in to do my own installment of She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not.  This is one of my favorite posts to write, so I decided to do it myself this week (: Hope ya don't mind!  Here we go...

She Loves Me:

1. These photos.
My friend Emily is the seriously amazing photographer behind Gem Photo and she took these photos on her most recent vacation to Europe.  These pictures were captured in Burano and Em has left me wanting to go real bad! Can we just talk about the colors?!

2. My new sparkly flip flops from J. Crew for only $6.99!!

3. The color Turquoise.

4. This dresser I found from a cute new blog I discovered, I Just Might Explode.
I mean, genius is this?!

5. JP from The Bachelorette.
I won't lie, I'm addicted to the show, but am the least bit impressed with Ashley. However, I loveeee JP. But if he doesn't win, it's fine...I guess I'll take him off Ashley's hands (:

6. Baskin Robbins Cookies 'N Cream ice cream.
With Rainbow Sprinkles.
The only way to go (:

7. I'm loving that Whippy Cake is giving away a $30 gift card to one lucky reader of mine!
{Comment on the post below this one to enter}

She Loves Me Not:

1. That my brother has been gone on a trip for a few weeks now.
 I miss him!

2. That Million Dollar Decorator's had their season finale last week.  
What am I going to do without those hilarious decorators each week?! I already miss hearing Martin saying "Oh, darling!" every 5 seconds.

3.  My sweet Shasta is in the hospital.
She had her spleen removed the other day after it ruptured and is currently recovering at the overnight doggy hospital.  It's very possible the reason for the rupture is because she has cancer, so they ran tests to find out. If she does have cancer, we'll need to put her down to put her out of her misery after we spend the week at home soaking up all the joy she brings us.  I'm in shock. I can't imagine my life without our girl. I just love her so much! Please say a prayer for our pup (:

4. Our house has been crazy the past few weeks.
We've been doing lots of work and small repairs to the home, and lots of little repairs= lots of a big ole mess. Our Pottery Barn rug came today, though, and the painting is finished.  I'm stoked to show you the reveal next week.

My mom is going to kill me for posting this mess (;
5. Burnt Hair
Last week I was curling my hair and somehow the electricity was crazy messed up! Meaning, it was like 1000 times hotter than normal. It totally fried off a chunk of hair...right in the front. Adorable.

Have a wonderful Wednesday! What are YOU loving?
PS. Don't forget to enter the Whippy Cake giveaway right below this post!! (:


  1. cute post!! and all i can say about those europe pics: i want to go to there!

  2. So sad to hear about your darling Shasta. Its been sort of a big prayer week around here (a dear friend diagnosed with cancer), and I will definitely add your pup to the list.

  3. I love your loves!
    and sorry to hear about the pup :(
    xox dana

  4. I loved reading your answers to these! :)

    It's so sweet that you miss your brother, hehe! && I hope your doggie gets better soon!

  5. Cute post! Except for Shasta... My heart goes out to you! I have a cat who is my LIFE and I can only imagine what you are feeling. I pray she gets better.

  6. oh no!! so sorry to hear about shasta!! :(

    this def brought a tear to my eye... my pup means the world to me too, and i'm going to be devastated when that time comes! i can't even think about it!

    stay strong! i'll keep praying!!

  7. Oh I am so so worried about Shasta...I'm keeping her in my thoughts and prayers. Ryan's parent's lab Millie is also struggling right's all too much! Let us know what the results are.

    But on a happier note, I SO agree with you about so cute! I hope she picks him! :)

  8. *Hugs* I am sorry to hear about Shasta! Good luck!

  9. Great post! I'm a Ben F. gal myself but JP is great too. :) And that dresser... perfection!

  10. How old is Shasta? How long till you find out the results? Tests seem to take FOREVER which in my opinion is no bueno since hello it's a life we are talking about..please keep us posted...

  11. Love her photos, the colors are so beautiful! Venice is definitely on my top 5 dream destinations for sure :)

  12. Love the post! So sorry about your sweet dog. Been there.. it's so hard. :(

  13. Love your new flip flops...too cute!

    I'm sorry to hear about Shasta :( I'll definitely be thinking about her!

  14. gorgeous photos!! love them :) great post!

    i'm your newest follower- hope you follow back!


  15. oh no....shasta :( i'm so sorry michaela!!

  16. The picture of you and your brother is SO cute!! Love that y'all are in tea cups!!

  17. i love almost any brand of cookies and cream ice cream... i am not picky! yum!!!
    and i also loooove me some turquoise and aqua.
    keeping shasta in my prayers!

  18. Thinking and praying for Shasta and your family! Hope she gets to feeling better!

  19. Hey Michaela, sorry to hear about Shasta :( In February, James and I had to put our pup Cruz down due to cancer as well.Unfortunately he wasn't even two yet, but remember the good times. A dog lives on in memories every day. I still tear up on an almost everyday basis. Just remember my fave doggie quote, 'Be the kind of person your dog thinks you are'. Peace, love and healing your way babe!

  20. Saying a prayer for your Shasta. My dogs are my everything too and I don't know what I'd do without them.

  21. I will definitely keep praying for your family and Shasta. I know how hard this must be for y'all...I'm so sorry girl.

  22. I'm loving JP, too! I definitely think she is going to pick him.

    Still praying for Shasta...and for y'all!! Love you!

  23. those photos of Italy and the dresser are my favourites! Now I'm craving the Italian coast and gelato :)

    So happy to have found your blog! xx

  24. sorry to hear about your pup. your blog is so cute. xx

  25. i love that you said stoked! :)

  26. yeah, I love it when you share your list! I heart JP too, he is so darn sexy. Way too cute for annoying Ashley though. I hope your sweet dog is ok.

  27. Gigi and I are keeping Shasta in our thoughts and prayers. much love to you and your fur sister xoxo

  28. I am with you...Ashley is the WORST bachelorette in the history of the show...and JP is LOVELY!!!

  29. Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear about your pup! Hope everything goes good.

  30. This post made me smile! Can you tell I am behind! Love JP . . .and will miss Martin's tag line as well. xoxo

  31. Love your new sparkly flip flops! And so sorry to hear about your dog. That is so sad - I hope he is ok!!!

  32. Those photos are gorgeous! I am SO very sorry to hear about your dog! You are all in my thoughts and prayers -- I totally know how dogs are a part of the family!

  33. i'm seriously obsessed with turquoise right now!

    LOVE that dresser, what a clever idea.

    i'm sorry your little pup is sick right now..will definitely pray!

    i've burnt off a chunk of my hair riiight in the front with an old straightener i had..SUPER cute ;)

  34. Oh M! I'm actually crying right now hearing about the news of your sweet Shasta...I know how much you love her and there is nothing worse than having someone you love sick or in pain. Sending hugs and prayers your way (c:

  35. what a long list of lovelies, those 1st photos are gorgeous! so colorful and candified. isn't Kara's blog the best! when i saw those drawers the first time i glee'd out over them too.

    many prayers for Shasta, we've been faced with something similar and i can't tell you how much i wish for her to be well and for you all to breath sighs of relief. blessings! ♥

  36. 1. LOVE those J. Crew flipflops.. I'm going to have to search for a pair now, what a bargain!
    2. Turquoise is also my obsession right now!
    & 3. I'm SO sorry to hear about Shasta - you both are in my prayers!!


  37. Hey Michaela I'm catching up on my blog sorry to hear about Shasta. How is she doing?

    Prayers up!

  38. Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear about Shasta. I hope things are okay now :(

  39. There are pops of turquoise all over my house! J'adore that hue!

  40. I hear this season of the Bachelorette is the lowest-rated season in the show's history. I guess the public wanted Emily too. I hope she picks Ben. But I would hate to have her heart broken. JP reminds me of too many men on Long Island.


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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