Saturday, September 17, 2011

On the Go

This is my last weekend here in California.  Come Tuesday, I'm packing up Skylar {my car!} and heading up to Washington. Yep. I'm driving. A Best Friend + Road Trip = Always Awesome.
So this weekend I'm busy getting ready for the move...

So while I'm doing those things, you should visit my wonderful sponsors!  They'll entertain you for the weekend (:

1. WHO: Rouge and Whimsy
WHAT: Adorable shop filled with cute headbands and hair clips!

2. WHO: Just Lovely Things
WHAT: One of my favorite shops, full of vintage and girly goodness, including headbands, rings, & jewelry!

3. WHO: Bright Wishes
WHAT: A darling blog where Brooke writes about her adventures in being a mom and planning a wedding!

4. WHO: The Bright Life
WHAT: One of my go-to blogs for inspiration, as Katie writes about things that put the "Bright" in her life!

5. WHO: NS Pottery
WHAT: A shop full of handmade goodies by Natalie!

6. WHO: Adventures of Newlyweds
WHAT: A cute and laugh-out-loud-funny blog where Ashley writes about being newly married!

Enjoy your weekend! Back on Monday with my last day recap of my trip to the South (:


  1. Good luck with your move! I live in Vancouver and will be moving next week too (just within the city). Seattle is such a fab city but not really with the weather of California! But good luck and if you ever journey over the border and want a tour guide I'd be happy to help out!

  2. Michaela...enjoy your last weekend with family! Praying for safe travels back to school!!

  3. I have driven the drive from Tri-Cities to Sacramento/San Jose/Los Gatos and back with my best friend and it was the FUNNEST time ever!!! Seriously I have the fondest memories from that time.

    AND we didnt have a gps back then, which I swear made it that much more fun :)

  4. Hope you had a great last-weekend in CA and that the moving goes smoothly! Loved reading about your LA trip! We love our fried food in the South! :)

  5. drive safe and enjoy the fun road trip!!!


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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