Thursday, September 15, 2011

Small Towns & More Fried Food

I'm back with more recap of my Louisiana trip! After our first day in Shreveport, we drove to Pineville to visit Megan's BFF, Melissa and her two kiddos.  They showed me around their college, too! What fun (:

Here's a video we took on the way there. I practice my southern accent for you...

 We went to explore Megan and Melissa's dorm building, and what do you know?!  Megan's exact dorm room was unlocked and empty! So cool.

We sat out on the bench in front of their dorm, and legend has it if a boy and girl sit there together, their fate to get married is sealed! Considering the circumstances, we'll just say our fate to be best friends for life was sealed (: 
Savannah just learned how to pick her nose.  Clearly her brother Andrew is trying to learn now (:
The beautiful fountain on their campus:

Next we headed to Pineville's new one and only fro-yo place called Splurge.  YUM!

After going to visit Melissa's new house that she and her family are building, we said our goodbye's to Melissa and her kids. We were off to Baton Rouge, where we met up with Meg's other BFF, Shannon! First stop- the Capitol Building:

Next, we went to dinner where Megan ordered a spinach and artichoke dip.  She asked me what I normally eat with that kind of dip, so I told her tortilla chips...{duh!}
Apparently we Californian's ain't doin' it right...cause the FRIED bow-tie pasta was the most heart disease causing delicious thing ever!

Shannon and me at dinner:

The three of us before we left the next morning for New Orleans {coming up next week}!

I feel so blessed to have met Megan's friends.  They quickly stole a spot in my heart and I'm so thankful for girl friends who share my love for life and the Lord.  

Day 2 Lesson: Small towns with only ONE fro-yo place are adorable. And once again, you can fry absolutely everything.

To see pictures of Megan and I at her hubby's fire station, visit Mackey Madness!

Back tomorrow with an encore of Fashion Friday...Baton Rouge Edition. 
 Have a blessed day!


  1. The fried pasta is hilarious. Bless you... I bet you were in culture shock the whole time!! :) BTW, emailing you back today! yay!

  2. Ha...must be a Louisiana thing cause we eat our dip with tortilla/pita chips here! I knew I'd seen it all when Paula Deen made fried butter balls!! YUCK!

  3. I need that fried pasta for dinner tonight, holy delish! You look gorgeous as always pretty girl and your friends babes are adorable. Looks like a great trip!

  4. looks like you had an awesome time! that lil boy is just so adorable!

  5. EXCUSE, there are TWO froyo shops :) and at least one more on the way! Spoons, which is in alexandria like 10 minutes away! haha!!! This recap is making me miss you! Please come back, now!

  6. Aw I love looking at these pictures! Still slightly jealous but so happy for you guys that you had so much fun :)

    And I have lived in the south my whole life and have never heard of fried pasta...but then again, here in the south, everything is subject to the deep fryer

  7. Fried bow-tie pasta? That is a new one on me and I am from the South! I may need to look into this! :)

  8. So stinkin' fun and I love that picture of you guys in her dorm. Both of your dresses are so adorable!

  9. spinach and artichoke dip...fried pasta..

    just kill me now. freaking UK food. I need some small town american food asap.

  10. MMMM fried pasta?! Yes please! Looks like you girls had a ton of fun! :)

  11. Hahhaaaa, oh my gosh, Savannah picking her nose??!? Whyyyyy?? And I PROMISE she hasn't done it since y'all left!!! As a matter of fact, when we went back out to the house, she saw a bug and FREAKED out!!!! I'm hoping these are all signs she is back to being a GIRL...?? Hopefully, booger day was special just for you. :) And fried bow-tie pasta in the spinach/artichoke dip... greatest. thing. ever. I think I know where we're going for dinner. :) MISS YOU!!!!!

  12. OH! And the picture of Andrew looking up at you while you eat is my most favorite!!!! How cute!

  13. Lovely pictures! All your eats look so yummy!

  14. You guys are adorable, that video cracked me up! And just for the record, I've lived in the south all of my life and have NEVER heard of fried bow tie pasta! Craziness : ) Slash yumminess : )

  15. Don't know if I've ever commented before but if you liked the fried bowtie pasta (which I've never had but will be trying soon if I can make it) then you need to try toasted ravioli - it's a big thing in St. Louis. Your blog is so fun - thanks for sharing. I'm actually moving to Seattle in a few weeks and may ask you for ideas on where to shop, etc.!

  16. Haha... must be nice to live in a small town that actually HAS a fro yo place! I miss that about CA!

  17. you could totally be a southerner.....just have to work on acquiring your sweet tea taste and you're in! :)

  18. fried pasta?! that sounds amazing!

    loved seeing all your photos! looks like such a fun time! :)

  19. Hahahahaha, ahhhhh, the fried pasta! It's amazing. Totally worth moving to LA for...just saying. : )

    I love these recaps, but I totally miss you!!

  20. Fried pasta? Good veins just seized up.


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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