Tuesday, October 4, 2011

DIY Dresser Makeover: Love Me Some Chevron

Hi loves! I'm finally sharing one of the major projects I've recently completed for my new room!  It took me a week, but I did find a dresser! A little antique white dresser was calling my name at the local consignment shop.  When I bought it, it looked like this:

Straight out of a little kid's bedroom, I'm sure.  I consulted my girl Michelle {Ten June} about what to do with the plain white dresser, and at first I was just going to get some new knobs and call it a day, BUT Michelle is a genius! She suggested I paint a chevron pattern on my dresser like the one she showed me from Pinterest, so I took the challenge. I didn't know how it would turn out, considering measuring and taking my time were all ingredients to this recipe coming out to perfection {I'm not really good at either sometimes!}  

Guess what?! It came out well. I am still in shock the measurements worked out! I have to say, 2 hours of measuring, taping and carefully painting that little thing was so worth it.

 Here's how I did it:
1. Taped off the pattern.
I started by measuring the dresser drawers and dividing the length of the drawer into 3 {allowing for 3 tips of the chevron per drawer}.
2. Next I measured the height of each separate drawer and divided that into 2, so I would have a starting point for my first diagonal line.  Each diagonal tape when from the drawer mid-point to the top, then back down to the mid-point, then back up...creating the even zigzag pattern.  
3. Then after taping the whole top row of zigzags, I measured down 3.5 inches from the tip of the chevron.  3.5 inches directly underneath would be where the next row of chevrons would meet.

After repeating this same formula all the way down the dresser, I realized a miracle had occurred and the chevron pattern had perfectly fit on all 3 drawers. Praise the Lord!

4.  Make sure your tape has nice and clean lines and edges.

5. Using an artists brush, I painted the edges closest to the tape first, ensuring I was careful in not getting any paint up under the tape. {I had no white paint to fix mistakes so this was important!}

6. Paint two coats of the chevron pattern color {I choose gray to go with my walls}. Immediately remove the tape after the second coat.  This helps get a clean tape line, and if there are mistakes, a small damp paint brush will clean it right up.

7. Add new fun knobs! The top two are from Anthropologie and the bottom 6 are from Meadow Boutique.

I'm really happy with the end result. Just shows that a fun pattern, little bit of paint and a whole afternoon of tedious measuring can totally change the look of a plain white dresser!

Here she is:

The best part? If I ever forget what my blog looks like, I just look at my dresser. They're twins! Guess you could say I love me some chevron (:

Have you painted any furniture recently?
Happy Tuesday!


I'm sharing this post with the lovely Beth from Home Stories A 2 Z &

Transformation Thursday
Somewhat Simple


  1. ooh michaela! you know i LOVE it!!! my party starts today at 5 and i would LOVE to have this there! :)

  2. Ahh, I love it! I don't have a dresser, but I'm starting to think that a chevron pattern would make a pretty fab closet door :) The closest I've come to painting furniture was painting the frame of a corkboard white haha...not the same, but it does look much better now! Can't wait to see more pictures of your room!
    Lisa xoxo

  3. omg michaela that look freaking amazing!!!!

  4. This is seriously amazing!!! That dresser looks SO great, and you made it look so easy! Love it.

  5. ahhhhh it looks AMAZING! i'd love to do something like that! xo great idea!

  6. Beautiful Michaela! It turned out perfectly! This is Fancy Friday love material for sure ;)

  7. oh i love it!!! you did such a great job and im sure it was time consuming taping it to make it perfect..at least for me it would take me forever =D

  8. This looks so amazing! You are so talented!!

  9. It's beautiful!

    I'm excited to see how it goes with the rest of your room!

  10. It's gorgeous -- and I love how you made the stripes varying widths, it adds a whole new look to the chevron!!! Awesome job girl!

  11. Love it! I am hunting down some inexpensive white curtains so I can paint a cheveron pattern on them for our living room. It is such a fun pattern!

  12. Your dresser is so beautful. Love the combo of the stripe with the chevron. I just have to paint this combo.

  13. That is just AWESOME Michaela! I love it! Haha... your flowers remind me, I mentioned you and Whippy Cake on my blog today. :) Have a good one girly!

  14. Wow, it turned out so great! I love it! All that measuring was totally worth it!

  15. wow that is seriously gorgeous! come do one for me? ;) haha

  16. seriously, that dresser is a jam!!!

  17. this is amazing!! I love love love it! great job :)

  18. Looks AWESOME!! The gray chevron paint is perfect! Adore this! :)

  19. Love it! You did a fantastic job!!

  20. That looks awesome! Great job!

  21. It's fabulous Michaela!! Such a fun project :)

  22. wow, this turned out SOOO good! :)

  23. oh my word!!!! i love this! so so cute.

  24. SUPER cute! I'm dying to find a dresser to do this too. I've been stalking craigslist. Good job girly.

  25. It's absolutely perfect!!!!! I am in love with it!!!! When are you making mine?! Haha. I could never be that dedicated to taping and measuring. Wow. You're the best!!

  26. That is so cute! And I love the knobs!

  27. It looks fantastic! I love the grey and the cute knobs. You are so talented :)

  28. Oh Michaela it's gorgeous!!! Make me one? :)

  29. WAHOOOOO! I heart it. A lotttttt! With our powers combined... we are..... Captain DIY Planet! :) I totally just said that.... Ha!

  30. That Dresser looks amazing, it looks like you bought it that way. It gave me some great inspiration for the next piece of furniture I refinish. Here is a piece that I painted this summer! http://youngdiy.blogspot.com/2011/09/from-road-side-garbage-to-stunningly.html

    Once again the dress looks fab, you are very talented!

  31. LOOKS AMAZING! I seriously LOVE it!

  32. When you visit Portland next, swing by and decorate the Bean's little room:-) I'm inspired but unmotivated right now! xoxo

  33. I LOVE it! You did a great job :)

  34. I am so impressed with your patience on this! I don't think I could do it!

  35. It looks AMAZING sister!!! Love it so much :) xoxo

  36. It's amazing! So pretty. Will feature soon my dear!

  37. Everything about this is fabulous! Amazing job :)

  38. this looks amazing!! blowing up on pinterest, lady! :)

  39. Michaela, I LOVE IT!! What a great idea! And gray was the perfect color choice! Love your little cake stand of flower pins! ;)

  40. Make me one!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously, it's ADORABLE!!!!! And it would go perfectly in the new house... just saying. :)

  41. You are a one patient person. It looks fantastic!

  42. ooo! I love this, Michaela! I can only imagine how long all that taping took, but it's so worth it, it turned out amazing!!

  43. That looks beautiful- you are definitely talented my friend :)

  44. It is fabulous! Gray + chevron = amazing! And I love the knobs on it too! You did a wonderful job!

  45. OMG! This looks amazing, Michaela! I think I'm going to call you the interior decorating and chevron queen! I'll be coming to you for tips on decorating once I make the big move to a new place ;)

  46. That is so stinkin' great!!! I love that the design is subtle but just enough to make it completely wonderful and unique! Michele really is a genius and so are you, my dear! You have been busting out some fabulous projects lately!!! (c:

  47. it looks fantastic!!!!! i love a chevron ..... great job.

  48. AHH i LOVE LOVE LOVE this SO much!! seriously!! it's amazing!! i am a chevron fanatic too and now i want to do this to our baby's dresser!!

  49. Girl, had you not told us you are not great with measuring and taking your time we never ever would have known! Your dresser turned out amazingly. Love it!!

  50. This looks gorgeous! I so wish I had the space to paint furniture like that. I would be renovating everything I own!

    Hope you have a fabulous weekend my dear!


  51. Your dresser is gorgeous! Michaela, you did a fabulous job. I love it and also the fun knobs you chose. It's really a work of art!

  52. that project turned out incredible!!!!! im dying to try something similar like that!!! have a great weekend!

  53. Oh my gosh Michaela!! That looks so, so, SO awesome!!! Nice work!! You seriously rocked that. ;)

    Hope you have a great weekend girl!!

  54. Sweet & Talented? Quite the amazing combo! :) I love the Chevron Print
    & the door knobs add quite the character.

  55. I find myself being drawn to your blog time and time again. Love the chevron dresser in gray and white, especially with the cute knobs. Nice job!

  56. Great design. Looks amazing. I am featuring this at somedaycrafts.blogspot.com. Grab my "featured" button.

  57. not that you need to hear this one more time BUT...WOW! YOU ROCKED THIS PIECE~and earned a new follower!!

    here from primitive and proper...


  58. I love your project!! I just featured it on my blog! I'm a new follower!

  59. Thank you so much!!!! My friend showed me this post via Pinterest and i just finished my dresser in white with blue stripes!! Love it! :)


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at hello@michaelanoelledesigns.com. I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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