Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Dear Me,

Tuesday is here and it feels like it should be Friday already! To say I'm exhausted is an understatement. Sometimes homework is like a mountain I can't seem to finish climbing. Not that I've ever actually finished climbing a mountain (;  
Do teachers forget that we're not just taking their class? Four classes...that's a big load. With a writing intensive class and a drawing and drafting intensive class...I'm feeling the heat.
Sometimes I need a break, just some time to chill out. So yesterday I watched 2 episodes of HGTV'd. It was grand relief.
Tonight as I sit here finishing up my 7-page-single-spaced paper on whether housing functions as a right or a privilege in the US, I keep glancing at my pillow and wishing my head was on it. But you know what? The second I think of that, I'm grounded. 
Why am I in school? To learn all I can and become the best designer, best homemaker, best encourager, and best problem solver I can become.  To become an influential women in my field of study.  To grow up and discover new things and to learn how to be dedicated.  I'm here in hopes of inspiring others to fall in love with their home, to encourage others to literally adore their dwelling {no matter where that may be}, and to teach others how to do those things in keeping with their lifestyle.

I'm smiling because I know I'm blessed to be sitting here writing my 7-page-single-spaced paper, I'm blessed to be exhausted, and I'm most certainly blessed to be where the Lord wants me, right here and right now.
So when I run out of steam physically and emotionally, I hope I will always remember to never tire of my passion. That's the ingredient that makes the cake sweeter and it's what gets me, and everyone, closer to where they want to be. Passion...that, and a big 'ole spoonful of dedication and caffeine in there too.

photo credit


  1. Great post Michaela! Running on empty here too, but need to stop, breathe, and remember life is good!

  2. Loved this post! Feeling this way lately too, juggling school, work, and everything else in life! Thanks for sharing your heart!

  3. Beautiful post! I had some of those same thoughts on my way to work this morning. This is a great reminder that we are blessed despite our circumstances!

  4. very inspiring post girlie! It's easy to become a Debbie Downer when work seems like too much and free time/ lazy day time has become way too short or cut out! It's nice to see that you appreciate everything you have and that you are working towards a big, awesome goal!

  5. What a great encouraging post! I always love your attitude!

  6. Such a great post- reminds us why we do what we do! Will be praying for you to be refreshed and inspired :-)


  7. This is a great post! Very inspiring! I can't wait to get back to school and finish up my degree :)

  8. I love this post. It's like you were reading my mind. My tax program has been much more difficult than expected, and even when days are tough, you are exactly right...you must always be grateful. Grateful that class is hard, grateful for education, and grateful to be here for one more beautiful day.

    xo Lisa

  9. this is the cutest post and you are adorable! I feel everything you just said with fashion design school but I like how you said to remember it's a blessing to be there. what are your plans when you graduate?!

  10. Such an inspiring post!! You have a wonderful perspective on things. It's so easy to get caught up in how busy/tired/exhausted we are that we can forget about the blessings and take things for granted! Thanks for reminding me! xoxo

  11. College is tough, but it prepares you for so so much! You're doing great girl...chin up and know the weekend will be here before you know it!

  12. I'm having a week that's exactly like that! Non stop and crazy! We will survive! :) I loved this post.

  13. thanks for writing this... i am currently in graduate school with 4309570945 things due this & next week & really needed some inspiration. :)

  14. Oh gorgeous girl, drink that caffeine and feel the love today:-) It's all worth it...and the best is yet to come! Praying for your love/passion tank to be filled up to the brim! xoxo

  15. that image is so beautiful girl! and it's true, we must be very grateful for the education that we are given. so perfect!
    and can't wait to come home and check out your boutique!
    xo TJ

  16. That last image of you is stunning! And I agree. Why am I so tired already? And why is it only Tuesday!? I went to bed at 9pm last night... I'm going to be needing your decorating/design help soon ;)

  17. That is a gorgeous and lovely portrait of you...the way the sun is beaming. I adore the picture. I adore your words.

  18. I've definitely been working on "living in the moment" and trying to see the forest through the trees as well lately. It's easy to get overwhelmed with the here and now, but it is awesome to step back and realize that there is a purpose in what you're doing. :) Happy Tuesday Michaela

  19. hang in there girl! it will all be worth it!

    and we're practically half way through the week... friday is within reach! :)

  20. This is probably my favorite post that you have ever written!! You are amazing and seriously are going to do SO much with your passion when you graduate. I can't wait to see...and I'm so glad that we are bff!

  21. Much of the time while I was in college I was miserable, but now I miss it like crazy. All of that knowledge and education is, really, a blessing. Soak it all in, pretty girl. :)

  22. You nailed it. That's how I have been feeling for the past few months. Just like you I just need to think positive. Great post, Michaela!

  23. Amazing post -- and I needed that reminder too. I'm in a similar spot at work and could use that encouragement and reminder. Thanks!

  24. Great Job Michaela I agree with every word that you say. It is difficult to do homework when there are plenty of other fun restful things we can do instead, but in the long run it will soon pay off =) Wishing you a great and restful finish to the week!

  25. Great Job Michaela I agree with every word that you say. It is difficult to do homework when there are plenty of other fun restful things we can do instead, but in the long run it will soon pay off =) Wishing you a great and restful finish to the week!

  26. Hang in there girl...it really IS worth it! Many of the best things in life certainly aren't the easiest. :-) You'll make it through and be better for it when you're trusting in Jesus' plan for you!

  27. Hope things are going well for you... sending up a few prayers for you this week! Keep your head up- it will all pay off! Blondie ; ) xo

  28. Ugh, my Tuesday felt like it should be Friday too! Praying for you as you juggle all your schoolwork and projects! You've got so many great things going for you, Michaela, and your passion is obvious! Xoxo, Katie

  29. oh i hear you girly! lets hope life slows down a bit-- a lil thanksgiving break to look forward to:) love that pict~

  30. Great post! I just landed here on your blog and you already inspire me!:) great blog,I'm happy I came accross it:)

    PS: I just have my first giveaway, if you want to enter it, I'd be thrilled! Come on over to www.scribblesfromjourney.blogspot.com/2011/11/giveaway-to-be-thankful-for.html?m=1 and see for yourself.

  31. Hi Michaela! Your blog is so inspiring...I love your style :) I am so amazed that you keep it up so well while you are in school! I hear ya, I am a full time student as well and have to keep reminding myself why I am here too! Thanks for sharing :)


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at hello@michaelanoelledesigns.com. I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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