Saturday, December 3, 2011

On My Desk

Drafting, finishing my 10 page {single-spaced which makes it 20 regular pages} paper, studying for my Bible and Family Housing finals,  and drinking copious {I have all that studying to thank for that intelligent word...} amounts of tea will be my weekend.

This is how I feel about my to-do list.

T minus 5 days until I'm home in California for Christmas break! 
What are you doing this weekend? Hopefully working on your Holiday Mantle to link up this Tuesday with Michelle at Ten June (:
PS. I've got one more spot for a December sponsor! Email me if you want to snatch it up!


  1. Wishing you the best of luck! I still have 2 weeks before my winter break starts. This weekend will be filled with lots and lots of lesson planning and chai tea. Isn't going back to single spaced papers just the worst??

  2. My weekend's shaping up to look a lot like yours. I have copious amounts of studying, writing, and preparing to do for finals week. ;)

    Good luck with everything!!

  3. I don't miss school at all!! Haha!! But I do miss you.

  4. how do you look cute even when you study?

  5. School goes by in a flash! Before you know it you'll be married for almost nineteen years with three!

  6. Hope you are getting lots of your to do list done!! And gearing up for your Christmas vacay!

  7. totally remember those days! you are so close. you can do it!

    beautiful beaches and time with your family awaits! :)

  8. You are adorable!!! I just graduated in August and sadly I kind of miss homework!!

  9. I feel your pain - just finished draughting for the year on Friday! Soo relieved it's over. And CHRISTMAS is coming. :)

  10. I got all excited when you said you'll be in California soon...then I remember how far away you live from me! Cannot wait until next year when you are here!!!

  11. believe it or not, sometimes reading things like this make me miss being a student....i know, i know, i'm crazy...but sometimes i miss the paper-writing and studying.

    when i go to grad school next year, i will be eating this words.

  12. Good luck with everything my dear. I remember that as stressful as finals were at Christmas, it was always so exciting knowing I'd be going home so soon to see my family and friends for Christmas! :)

    I wish we were decorating our mantle this weekend, but our fireplace still looks like it did the day that we ripped the old brick off! My Dad should hopefully have a mantle for us by next weekend! *fingers crossed* - we need somewhere to hang our new stockings!

  13. my weekend was/is filled with as much work and coffee (instead of tea) as yours. Although... I am off tomorrow and Tuesday... I hope you can have some "me" time this week.

  14. Awe Michaela, I hope you get all your studying and to-do list stuff done super quick and then you can rest! Don't study too hard! I sure don't miss all the studying!

    ps. How do you manage to look so adorable in all your pics even when your studying, lol!

  15. 20 pages! ouch! :-/

    hang in there girl! christmas break is within reach!

  16. I am jealous you are almost done with school. I have another two weeks! hope you are hanging in there! :)

  17. Good job dear! Go get em, study hard and then play hard on break:-)

  18. I have all my final projects due this week so I totally know where you are coming from!

  19. oh the scripture classes at SPU! miss those! who's your teacher?!?!

  20. Yikes that to-do list looks scary... but don't forget, soon enough the list will be complete and you'll be kicking back for a winter break!


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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