Monday, January 2, 2012

2012 Goals

Ah, an entire year has come and gone! 2011 was full of laughter, sadness, surprise, worry, joy, love, family and friends. Every year I take a step back and try to really evaluate the past year.  What do I want to work on as a person? How can I grow? How can I serve others more? And what new things do I want to try? This year, I'm only creating a few goals so I can really focus on what's important! I'm also going to try my best to check in every month, see how I did with past goals, and possibly make some new ones! 
Instead of just rambling off my New Year's goals, I've invited some of my best blog pals to share theirs as well. We can all keep one another accountable (:

Here we go....

To work smarter, not harder.  And to compete less (or feel like I need to) with others and more with myself.
~Rhiannon of Hey Gorgeous

To start off each day with prayer, go to bed by 11pm each night, drink less diet coke, and make sure my husband, family and friends know how much they mean to me every day.
~Megan of Mackey Madness

To exercise 5 to 6 days a week. I am going to start a log so that I keep on track. 
~Cristin of Simplified Bee

I want to live in the present. (Hoping to savor every moment with my little ones, my husband, and loved ones. Its too easy to dwell in the past or look to the future, and miss the blessings of the present.)
 I also want to write more handwritten letters. Snail mail is becoming a rare and valued art these days. I am determined to send a few more personal and handwritten letters to friends and family throughout 2012!

I'd also like to train for another race in order to stay in shape and have energy for each new day.  I want to launch my custom design shop for invitations, along with my other works of fine art.

I want to run at least once a week with both dogs. We all need to get into shape! I also want to get the outside of my house painted... it's 1952 exterior needs a little something something if you know what I mean. This was actually a goal from 2011 that never got accomplished! And finally, read at least one book a month... I just finished the Hunger Games series and I LOVED it! I forgot how much I love getting into a good book. Sometimes it's good to put down the technology and just read!
~Michelle of Ten June

My major goal for 2012 is to get serious about learning photography and start up my own business!
~Jenni of Story of My Life

I want to be more crafty! I have so many DIYs pinned & bookmarked, I want to drive right in and actually start doing some of them!
~Jessica of Creative Index

I want to continue on with healthy eating and living.  I would love to get back into yoga and kettlebells/weights to get really strong.  I would love to do all of that so that I can successfully complete my first half marathon!  I would also love to expand my etsy shop with paintings--and really dive back into painting with oils! And as always, I want to work on becoming a beter wife and becoming closer to God.  I want to live a life in abandon for HIM alone, and that is something I am ALWAYS striving for. 
~Ashley of Adventures of Newlyweds

 2012 better bring back my pre-pregnancy weight.  Just a few more lbs to go!
I also need to get better about following a budget.  Here's to discipline. 
~Chassity of Look Linger Love

This year I want to continue to work at growing my blog, but remember that real life and my family are more important.  Another goal would to be finally master the art of couponing so I can save the extra money for cute clothes, fun stuff for my house, and craft supplies. ;)  Lastly, I want to take chances--the project might not turn out the way I envisioned, but it's okay to try!
~Amanda of Serenity Now

I'm never very good about keeping New Year's resolutions but 2012 is different!!  I have a little one on the way and resolve to do everything I can do take care of my health in preparation of his or her arrival!  And once the little babe arrives, I want to be the very best mom I can be.  It definitely puts a new spin on how I look at the new year.  Fresh start, new beginnings, and an addition to our family. 
~Natasha of Schue Love

And mine? 

To those of you who read this blog, whether you comment or not, thank you. Thank you for encouraging, motivating and inspiring me daily. You are so appreciated!
  2012, you are going to be a wonderful year! 

Here's to a year of love, laughter, & growth...oh, and lots of DIY projects, too! (: 
What are some of your goals for 2012?


  1. I love your goals for the new year! We have some of the same!! I hope you have a wonderful start to the year!!

  2. i love reading everyone's goals! so fun! wishing you the best in 2012!
    and michelle- i just ordered mockingjay as i have read the first two and can't wait for it to arrive!

  3. Love your goals, M! And really fun to see everyone else's all in one place! Watch out 2012, here we come!! : )

  4. what a great post. i love reading what everyone is focusing on this year. and i'm trying to invest more in quality pieces for my wardrobe too.

  5. Post the recipes you try :) always looking for more! And I want to get into Yoga again. I need to go to a smaller gym, because I feel like it's not relaxing at such a big gym (like the one I go to).

    I also need to drink less diet coke like Megan@Mackey Madness!!

    Fun post to read!

  6. great goals! i'm still struggling with that wardrobe goal, and i'm 40!

  7. Love your goals! You have something special that shines through! :) Happy New Year!

  8. SO great to read all these resolutions and learn more about these gals!
    found you via Schue Love and am now following :)

  9. Haha! I did a similar thing on my blog. Tis the season! :) Good for you with the yoga! I'm hopeless at exercising lately... but I have been drinking more water, so I'm aiming to keep that one up. Happy 2012 Michaela! It's been fun to get to know you through blogging!

  10. Love this post! And your goals are awesome - love your handwriting!

  11. What an inspiring post! I loved reading everyones thoughts and goals!

  12. Happy New Year Michaela!!!! :0)

  13. I loved reading everyone's let's hope we can all stick to them! I love your goal of keeping fresh flowers in the house...that always makes me happy! Happy 2012!

  14. Love this post, thanks for sharing! Makes me inspired just reading everyone's goals! Love your goals too- trusting God fully is number 1 on my list too :-)


  15. I love your goal, Michaela! Cheers to a new year and getitng all those goals accomplished :) Love you lots, friend xo

  16. your goals could not be more perfect....I could add everyone one of them to my list!

  17. great goals!
    i posted mine last week ;


  18. Love your goals! Some of mine are SO SO similar. Here's to a great year!

  19. Great goals. Great blog. Thanks for what you share

  20. So fun to read through all of these. Great thing ahead. I LOVE your writing. And I am all about fresh flowers in the house. So uplifting. Happy 2012.

  21. awesome goals. Happy New Year.

  22. Just started following your blog, I look forward to reading more posts. Happy New Year :)

  23. Love reading everyone's goals. I started a tradition of choosing one word I'd like to concentrate on last year. Last year it was simplify, this year it is quality.

  24. Loved reading everyone's goals, especially yours! Great resolutions and very inspirational too! Happy 2012! :)

  25. so fun to read everyone's goals!! happy new year :)

  26. I'm so inspired by everyone's goals! This was such a fun idea and thanks for letting me part of it!! xo

  27. Love your list Michaela! Thanks for including mine!

    Happy 2012,

  28. Thank you so much for including me, Michaela! I LOVE your list...I think I need to add a few of yours to my list! ;)

  29. Happy new year! You all have amazing goals! I wish you success in achieving them!

  30. I definitely need to drink more water, because I drink none :(

  31. Totally adore this post!! It's so inspiring to read what everyone wants to accomplish this year!! I seriously ADORE you!!

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. i've read your blog for a while, but not officially followed it with the button...until now. i always love your posts because i can't wait to have my own home to decorate and i love seeing all these ideas! :)

  34. I love your goals Micheala! I haven't publicly declared my goals, bit many of them are spiritually centered as well! Best of luck to you in 2012!

  35. i triple heart you and this post

  36. I love this post and reading everyone's resolutions! Your resolutions are fantastic! Good luck!

  37. So fun to read everyone's resolutions and very inspirational! You have a great list, Michaela. Happy New Year to you!

  38. i love the one that says be intentional with your words and actions. that just really stuck out to me. OH, and the one about making your wardrobe an investment. that's a hard one for me. hopefully i can work on that!
    xo TJ

  39. Great goasl Michaela! I have some of my own over on my blog, which I recently started posting on again! Hope you'll revisit me!

  40. I feel like we can all relate to these goals and I love that you gave us so much inspiration from so many lovely bloggers...Thanks to you- for being an inspiration to all of us <3

  41. Love your goals for 2012! Happy new year!

  42. love your resolutions! keeping fresh flowers is a rule in my house ;) happy new year!


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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