Wednesday, January 25, 2012

She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not: Twenty Three Oh One

Today we have the pleasure of hearing from one of my favorite new (to me) bloggers, Katy, from Twenty Three Oh One
Katy has to be one of the kindest, most genuine girls I've met in blogland. I first fell in love with her house during the holidays when she knocked her Christmas Decor out of the park! Her home is beautiful, she is darling and I'm so excited to see more of her design endeavors as her family grows! Let's hear what she's loving and what she's not...

Hi! I'm Katy, the blogger behind Twenty Three Oh One. I am SO very thankful that Michaela has asked me to participate in her "She Loves Me" guest series today! Isn't she the sweetest girl with the most adorable blog?
Here is a little list of what I'm absolutely loving (and absolutely not loving) right now:

She Loves Me
1. Rainy Days
Source: via Julie on Pinterest

Oh man, do I love rainy days. And oh man, do I miss them! Living in west Texas and experiencing the worst drought in the last century is no picnic. I can promise you that. What I wouldn't give to wake up to the sound of rain falling! Ahhhhh....I can only imagine :).

2. Striped Tote Bags
Source: via Katy on Pinterest

If you've ever read my blog you'll know that I'm a sucker for stripes in home decor. These striped bags are no exception. I  cannot begin to explain how much I am obsessing over this bag. And this one. This one too. So casual and modern! Enough said.

3. Cute outfit combos for little boys
I've spent my entire life immersed in the world of women's fashion and never knew just how adorable clothes in "boy world" can be....until I found out I was expecting one! You better believe that my sweet baby boy (who I will hopefully meet in about 14 weeks!) will be rocking cute little get-ups like the ones above. All from The Gap, of course. I tell you what, Baby Gap and Gap Kids will be a budget breaker here in the next few years. I'm okay with it, though. :)

4. Prayer with Purpose
Source: via Katy on Pinterest

I've been thinking a lot about being more intentional with my life, but until today, it never dawned on me that I should be more intentional with my prayer life. One of my friends mentioned a link to this blog post on Facebook. It's called 31 Days of Praying for Your Husband. I thought it was really interesting to spend each day praying for a specific part of your husband's life and well being. It's a great reminder that prayer is supposed to be a selfless act!

5. Two Toned Cabinets
{sources found here}

I am hoping to paint the lower half of my currently all white kitchen cabinets sometime this year...but we will see how that goes. ;) Now to decide what color to use! Blue-gray, green-gray, blue-green, cream, ecru...the options are endless. (and overwhelming!)

She Loves Me Not
1. Sunday Night Blues

Blah. Sunday nights are without a doubt my least favorite time of the week, especially when the weekend has been crazy and not the least bit relaxing. I always try to have a good attitude about having a fresh start to a brand new week, but sometimes I would rather get one more day off, you know?

2. The "I don't know what to do with my life" feeling you get after finishing a great book.

Getting lost in a good book is one of the best methods of kicking back in my opinion, but finishing that last page is such a depressing feeling. Without fail, I will get upset upon finishing a book because I feel like my new friends are ditching me to go on with their more interesting and exciting lives. Apparently I have attachment issues.... ;)

3. Living far away from family

Don't get me wrong, my husband and I love our little town and the relationships that we have made here, but it seems to get harder and harder to be away from our families. I hope to be back near them someday, but for now, I try to find happiness in the thought that being far away makes those family vacations and trips home so much more special.

If you get a chance, stop by my blog to say hi! Thanks again for having me, Michaela!

Thanks, Katy! I'm loving the two-toned cabinets!! And being away from family is hard, but you're right- time with them is much more special :)
Now go check out Twenty Three Oh One and tell Katy hello. Don't forget to check out her adorable office-in-a-closet makeover. What a genius this girl is!

What are you loving this week?
Happy Wednesday!
PS. Welcome to my sponsor the Ravenna Girls!
Brianne and Danielle are two spunky girls who love crafts, decorating, design and everything in between. They live in Seattle and I can vouch for them in saying they are really awesome  {I met them in person!} Stop by for some design inspiration and get to know the girls.


  1. i am so with ya on the attachments to books.... i cry when i finish every book. i'm so sad that it's over and i have to say good bye!
    and i love rainy days, too- love them! i love to be bundled inside watching a movie or just day dreaming.

  2. Thank you so much, Michaela!!! I had so much fun being able to guest post :). I'll say it again--you are so sweet!

  3. Awww the little boys clothes are SO cute!! Makes me smile! And I am SO with you on Sunday nights...they're my least favorite night too!

  4. Such a great list. I love rainy days as well. Can't beat them.

  5. YES STRIPED TOTES! And I love that did you think to pray poster? I need to be more intentional with everything I do, and I think starting with prayer is the key to that success.

  6. This is such a great series! I'm so happy to have found your blog. :)

  7. Nice post! So glad I came across your site and Katy's!

  8. I agree about living far from family! It's tough! And I totally know the feeling of loss when you finish a really good book. :)

  9. Love these! Cutest little boy clothes EVER. And great kitchen pics!


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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