Monday, January 30, 2012

Spread the Love

Hi friends! I'm very excited today because me and a few of my favorite blog pals are hoping to start a movement of kindness.  Since the month of love is just around the corner, I'm teaming up with Anna of In Honor of Design and Megan of Mackey Madness to hopefully encourage our readers to find fun and creative ways to spread the love this week! You may remember we did this last year, too. It was so encouraging and inspiring to read about all the different ways people showed kindness to others. Because the blogosphere is such an awesome, supportive community, what better place to start a movement?! If each of us do something intentionally kind this week, just think of how many people we could touch.

Here are a few ways to join in...

-Strike up a conversation with someone and ask how their day is.  They'll feel important!
-Go through a drive-thru and pay for the person's food behind you.
-Give a homeless person a gift card to get food.
-Leave a sweet note on someone's car in a parking lot.
-Mail your old a friend an encouraging letter.
-By flowers for your neighbor or friend.
-Send out a text telling your friends and family how much you love and appreciate them.
-Pay for the person's starbucks' behind you. (I just put 5 dollars on a gift card and give it to the cashier and tell them to let the person a few folks behind me use it.)
-Simply smile at the person who you pass in the mall. They'll be caught off guard.
-Offer to get groceries for your mom.
-Let that person pull out from the parking lot and get in front of you on the road.
-Call your grandma!
-Buy something simple for a friend or loved one...just because
-Do a random act of kindness that you get no recognition for, but brighten someone else's day.
Be creative! And we want to hear about it :) Next Monday {February 6th} Megan, over at Mackey Madness, will be holding a link up party where we are able to write a post about what we did and link it up for others to read. Let's see how many people can spread kindness this week. 

We hope you'll join us in spreading the love. Leave your ideas of what to do in the comments!
Happy Monday


PS. Only one more day to enter the Twirl Headband giveaway! The giveaway ends tonight and winner will be announced tomorrow!!


  1. What a great way to honor the month of love! I will definitely participate :). Now I've got to figure out what I want to do! Thanks for the inspiration, friend and have a great day!

  2. Such a sweet idea :) I love it!


  3. I love this idea. Thank you for sharing this with us. It's easy way to have a huge impact. :)

  4. That's a very awesome thing to do :). A Perfect way to celebrate Valentine's Day. I just love this month! :) Happy Monday girly

  5. Wow I love this idea!! We get so caught up in the "traditional" Valentine's day ideas that sometimes we forget there are many ways to show we care. I'm totally doing this!



  6. Such good and cute ideas!! Definitely want to spread the love this month! ;)

  7. Such cute ideas! I'm a big fan of the Starbucks one, and as a recipient of it as well, can tell you it will surely brighten someone's day!:)

  8. Michaela these are so sweet! I love it, and I want to do more of these that I don't already do. Thanks for all the great reminders!

  9. LOVE this idea!! You ladies are incredibly genuine and I am amazed at how generous the blogosphere community is and for your efforts to make it even better!

  10. Love this idea!
    Ahh I want to participate :) I love doing random acts of kindness! ox

    <3-Cami from First Day of My Life

  11. Very sweet idea for a post! Love it!

  12. i love that little card. i am in!

  13. you guys are so creative and have the best ideas! ok seriously thinking on this and what i'm gonna do ;)

  14. YAY! I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with!!


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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