Friday, January 20, 2012

Story of Grace & Call to Live Fully

Two years ago today was a day that has since, changed my life. I was a freshman in college, living in another state completely foreign to what I was used to. My family were miles away. I woke up to my roommate's irregular breath. Still tired and in a fog, I thought she was having a bad dream. Then it clicked. Something was not right and my sweet roommate needed help.  After quickly running to grab my suit-mates and my RA, we called for help. My beautiful, kind, and talented roommate was suffering from a cardiac arrest in our very dorm room. Our dorm room that we'd spent the whole summer preparing for--the entire first week of school decorating.  It was the dorm room that the girls on our floor loved to come visit.  It was the cutest room I'd ever seen, and one I'd dreamt about my whole life.  Our room was now invaded with EMT's trying to save her life.  The girls and I joined hands and prayed our little hearts out. God, protect her. Keep her safe. May people see your hand in this circumstance.  And by the grace of God, He did. After three days in a coma, my roommate woke up with not a problem to be seen or a cause to be diagnosed.

Two years ago today, I witnessed a precious miracle. A life being spared, a life being saved and a life that still had a lot more to be lived. What a blessing and a relief it was to know she was okay....perfectly okay! If nothing else, what caught me off guard was that I was there. It was me who was in that room with her, it was me who isn't a sound sleeper and who woke up to the tiniest gasp for air.  Why? Words can't explain what a humbling, terrifying, and miraculous event this was. 
This was grace at its finest.

Two years ago today I realized that things don't go as planned.  I learned I needed to live fully. Fully live. Life is a gift and you never know when it could be taken. I realized I needed to continually be thankful each and every day I woke up healthy.  I realized I needed to be a better friend, daughter, sister, and person all together.

Two years ago today I was thrown a curve ball, a life-altering one at that.  I was reminded to hold dear what you love.  Cherish your family {and remember to thank my mama profusely for flying up to be with me}. Love with no bounds. Chase hard after your passion. And always listen to and trust where God wants you. Because the funny thing is, when I decided to come to Seattle for school I was nervous and hesitant, but knew this is where the Lord wanted me. I was homesick most of my freshman year and wanted to quit, trust me, I wanted to. But I stayed. And if for nothing else, I was here in this rainy little town to be used for this purpose.  For His purpose.

Two years ago today a fire was ignited in me to follow my heart and to inspire others to follow theirs, too. Do with your life what you know is good and lovely. Be an inspiration to others while you have the gift of breath.

Two years ago today was a day I can vaguely remember in its entirety and for that, I'm thankful. But what I do remember was a life was saved and I felt a clear calling and passion to live mine, too.

photo credit
I hope this inspires you to live fully! Do you have an experience like this that was a wake up call in your own life? Sorry it was so heavy for a Friday, but it was on my heart :)
May your weekend be filled with many blessings and smiles!


  1. what a powerful story and very inspiring.
    this morning i caught a glimpse of the today show- a show i rarely get to see anymore. the glimpse i caught was a similar story of hope and people helping people... i was about air traffic controllers and a couple of stray planes they saved... one was a man flying his one engine small plane into seattle actually to visit his son. he couldn't see a clear path through the clouds and was running low on fuel. he broke through to air traffic control, and was guided to a safe place to land just as he lost fuel. his life was saved by a stranger in air traffic control. it was amazing to hear the story.
    and even though i have not saved any lives here, i felt the same "call to purpose" in moving last summer. i uprooted my family for an opportunity that fell through, but i still feel like this is where i am supposed to be.... we were put here for a reason. i know it.

  2. Tears stream down my face as I read this. God is so good. What a beautiful testament that life is short and we are called to live it for Him, day in and day out. xo

  3. That's a very scary moment. I understand how those kind of moments can change your outlook and give you a renewed zest to pursue life wholeheartedly. All of my health issues in the last couple of years have done the same for me. Cheers to life! :)

  4. Wow, what an amazing and touching story Michaela! It is incredible what the Lord can do and so wonderful that you were there to help your friend.

    This is story is a huge reminder to live fully - thanks for sharing it!


  5. Don't have to tell you that I cried reading this entire piece. Yes, I have had that same moment. And as painful as the moment was and is, to live fully is the only thing I can promise to make sense of it all. Good for you my dear. Thanks for sharing.

  6. thank you so much for sharing this! what a beautiful story of God's sweet mercy! Over the past 6 months, after quitting my job and staying at home, we have gotten to see God answer prayer after prayer. We were worried about how everything would pan out (since my husband is still in law school!) but He has been so faithful to provide for us and meet our needs!

  7. beautifully written, as always. and yes, inspiring :)

  8. don't apologize for sharing a story about a miracle! instead, you should be "your welcome"-ing us!

    thanks for that!

  9. Wow, what a powerful post Michaela! Can't believe that happened but I feel like these things make an impact for a reason. Very inspiring and a good reminder to live each day fully.

  10. Wow, what a powerful post Michaela! Can't believe that happened but I feel like these things make an impact for a reason. Very inspiring and a good reminder to live each day fully.

  11. Beautiful and inspiring! Thank you!

  12. Wow, Michaela. Great post. It baffles me and yet makes me completely in awe of God's Power and God's Plan when I hear of things like this. You were sent to that college, to live with that roommate, to hear that gasp of breath so that you could help save her life. It's just amazing to think about! And yes, it inspires me even more to go after my dreams and do what truly makes me happy when I hear things like this, because at this moment--I am blessed with the gift of life, and I need to live it with everything I have! Thanks for this post!

  13. Wow, your post could not have come at a better time for me. Being out of state for school is very difficult and after hearing what you've said, it definitely puts things into perspective. Thank you SO much for sharing and your call to live fully is such a blessing. I felt very similarly when my Papa passed away. :)

  14. What a moving post Michaela. So glad you shared what was on your heart today. Having been through the past three years with our youngest, learning of her brain cyst and her migraines, and watching her continue to be so strong in her faith all the while really put things in perspective for me. She choses to live her life to the fullest each and everyday, knowing it is a gift. She too will be away from home next year for school, a little scary, but she knows it is where God wants her to be. So reassuring for both she and us.

  15. Beautifully written. I got goosebumps. Thanks for sharing such a personal story. So inspiring to savor and enjoy each day and life live to its fullest. We are all so blessed.

  16. Wow, that's truly a difficult story to tell, I appreciate you sharing. I always am amazed at God's power to help us even when we don't know we might need it. I have been discovering that lately myself with the help of some friends and I have to say, it has been life changing. Living fully is something I have always fully intended to do. I want to cherish this life, and live it to the best of my abilities, I'm glad your doing the same. What a heroine you are, your friends are blessed to have you!

  17. What an extremely powerful post! My mother experienced something similar to that a couple of years ago with me and my son, Aiden. Thankfully, Lord Jesus Christ and his heavenly father allowed my mom to be home with us.

    That moment allowed me to always live fully!

    Thanks for posting to and allowing me to remember my story of grace and live fully.

  18. That is definitely a story of grace! I haven't written about this yet, but I had a rare kidney disease after each of my kids were born. The first time the symptoms were very scary, it took doctors a month to even figure out what was wrong with me, and I was wondering what my future was going to look like....even if I'd be there for my daughter. It was life changing in many ways....still is.

  19. Loved your story, what a great reminder that life can change on a dime. We have to trust & have hope in spite of circumstances that come along in life. This was so well written in sharing your heart!

  20. Thanks for sharing this story, pretty lady. It is a wonderful message to remember to live each and every day to the fullest. Hope you have a wonderful Friday!

  21. Glad you were able to be there for your friend! Your post brought tears to my eyes and has inspired me! Thanks!

  22. This story was meant to be shared. Thank you Michaela!

  23. Beautiful story. Very well said. :)

  24. Thank you for sharing this story, Michaela. It is a beautiful reminder of the gift that each day is to us and it is a witness to the fact that miracles are present in our day. It may be heavy, but I am thankful to be starting the weekend with this on my mind and in my heart. XO Sita

  25. Such a beautiful story Michaela! Thank you so much for sharing!!

  26. Wow what a beautiful story to share! I am so glad to hear your friend/roommate is okay. It is amazing to see how God works in our lives and puts us in a perfect place at the perfect time. Just amazing!

  27. I LOVE these personal posts that you do. You are so wise and inspirational to me. What a calling that must have been to you. Doesn't it just remind you how much God really does SEE us? He knows us and He knows how to get our attention off of ourselves and back on him. Thank you so much for sharing this story!

  28. This was so touching, Micahela. Beautifully written and from your heart. What a reminder to live life to the fullest and appreciate all of life's many blessing. I admire you and the inspiration you are to me and many, many others.

  29. beautiful post what i needed today...amazing.

  30. What an inspiring and beautiful post. Thanks so much for sharing it with it. It was definitely a much needed reminder.

  31. Aw Michaela... how incredibly amazing. I had goosebumps throughout this. What a scary experience, and how life-altering (in a GOOD WAY) it turned out to be. So glad your roomate got another chance, and that it also helped YOU to live differently. This is a lesson to all of us!

    (and don't worry... I don't think you copied me!!) :)

  32. Wow...very powerful. Beautiful post, Michaela.
    Brings to mind my favorite verse. Jeremiah 29:11

  33. Thanks for sharing such a miracle!
    How blessed you and your friend are!
    She should be forever grateful to you for saving her life, which I'm sure she is ;)


  34. Wow that is very crazy that happened to someone so young! So lucky that you were there and that she ended up being okay. Very scary story. Thanks for sharing :)


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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