Wednesday, February 22, 2012

She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not: Conspicuous Style

Happy Wednesday! It's that time again- we get to hear from one of my favorite bloggers! Today Stacy from Conspicuous Style is here. 
Stacy's blog is full of endless interior inspiration.  We connected a few weeks back and I knew I needed to have her here to show her off to all of you. She is one talented interior decorator with a whole house of loveliness to show for it. Take it away, friend! 
Hi everyone, I am Stacy from Conspicuous Style.
I am so happy that Michaela invited me to be a part of this series.  It is such an honor to be here!

She Loves Me:
1. Pastels
 I know they're everywhere, and I've been caught up in the fad!  I probably won't change a room in my house into a pastel haven, but I do find myself Pinning them like crazy:

2. Anything With Tufting or Nail Heads
I love this classic style!  I will never get tired of tufting or nail head trim, especially when used in unique ways like some of these:

3.  Showing The Hardwood Floors
 So I'm not saying get rid of the rugs or anything, but I have been considering storing some of mine and going for the bare (or mostly bare) look:
She Loves Me Not:
1. Insomnia
I can't sleep.  I think it's my age - my mother went through it at my age, too.  I sleep about 4 hours a night and am always tired.  I try to make the most of it by reading design and humor blogs, and tons of good books.

2.  Drama
I'm at the point in my life where I know what matters.  I wasn't always at that point, and wasted more than enough time worrying about who said what about me, etc., etc.  But with my kids growing faster and faster by the second, I've decided I'm just not going to participate in the things that don't matter anymore.  It's easier said than done, but a worthwhile goal, I think.

3. Too Many Status Updates
I'd be kind of surprised if this one hasn't been written here before, but I couldn't find it. But really, do I need to know what time every one of my friends is going to bed and what they had for dinner? I love them dearly, but I survived this many nights without a "Goodnight" from them, and I can live with out it now!  I wish people would save the Facebook updates for things their friends might actually care about.
Um, 60,000 might be too many. Just sayin'.

Thank you again for having me here Michaela!  It was so much fun to get to vent (at the end!) and also to share my loves at the beginning :)

Thank you, Stacy! I'm diggin' pastels, and also find chronic-status-updaters highly annoying, too ;)

Be sure to go say hello over at Conspicuous Style today! Don't forget to check out Stacy's gorgeous home.
What are you loving this Wednesday? 
PS. Loved all your feedback this last week about joining in on the She Loves Me Link Up! I will be holding the first link up on March 14th! I can't wait to see what you come up with :) Reminders to come closer to the date.


  1. i totally agree about drama and status updates.... which sometimes go hand in hand! ;)
    and here it is day one of lent and i have given up flour products, so i totally read "pastels" as "pasta". just goes to show that less than half a day in and i am struggling already! ;)

  2. Love those interiors! What beautiful images. Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful Wednesday

  3. I only do chronic updates on twitter, not facebook!

  4. Great post, Stacy! Love these beautiful images! So happy to find a new blog to swoon over.
    Happy Wednesday.

  5. Ooh Pastels and hardwood floors are so perfect! Love them!

  6. chose the best!!..Stacy is the greatest..not only is she a great designer, but a wonderful person...

    Great post Stacy..loved the concept "Loves Me, Loves Me Not" it...

  7. A great post, Michaela! I think Stacy has gorgeous style and taste and is a very sweet and genuine person as well. I have been following her blog and she is incredibly talented. I have to tell you I was so impressed a couple months ago. I emailed Stacy and asked about a chandelier she has in her home and she responded with so much kindness. She was very helpful in answering my many questions before ordering it and I now have that beautiful chandelier hanging in my laundry room! I share the insomnia issue at the moment and also agree about the drama thing. Life is too short. A fun series, Michaela!

  8. I agree.. I'm all about pastels, and I despise drama and insomnia. Course, drama can often cause insomnia, so... slippery slope! haha :) have a good one girly

  9. Hahaha, the Facebook comment made me laugh. It's actually been really nice to not have it!

  10. haha at the facebook dislike. I'm sure we all have friends like that. I love pastels and hardword floors too, nice to have you on the blog Stacy! :)


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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