Friday, March 23, 2012

Dear Friday...

Dear Friday, I'm really glad you're here. The past week has been a whirlwind and today I can breathe, relax and spend time with family and the pup. Dear California, I'm not too happy with your choice in weather for my "Spring break". Don't you know I get enough rain on a daily basis in Seattle? Is one day of 75 degree weather too much to ask? ;) Dear Seattle, we have one month left together before I move home and it's bittersweet, let me tell ya.  Remind me to savor what you have to offer me! Dear Tea, you save my life each and every day. Dear Hope, you are the cutest white ball of fluff I've ever seen. You're really good at shaking hands, jumping clear over the couch, and ringing your bell to let us know you have to go outside {and now when you're hungry...or just to let us know you're there!}  Dear Lilac-Colored Jeans, I like you quite a bit. If it wasn't so obvious, I'd wear you every day. Thank you for adding spring color to my wardrobe! Dear Boy, we get to spend the week together this week....I can't wait to see you! Dear Dessert, you are divine.  Let's show Boy how delicious you are this weekend, because as of now he's not a huge fan. We will change that, promiseDear Design, you fill me with joy- thanks for letting me use you as my creative outlet.  Dear God, thank you for blessing me in ways I couldn't even imagine. Thank you for the hard times, too, because they build character.

Oh PS....Dear Chevron, I think it's clear I love you. I predict you're sticking around for quite some time.
I'm linking up with Ashley from Adventures of Newlyweds for Friday's Letters. Join in the fun :)

Hope you have a fabulous weekend! Can't wait to share about mine next week.


  1. Happy Friday! That room is gorgeous!

  2. awww, very sweet post, sorry the weather did not cooperate!

  3. hey lovey, hope you have a fabulous week this wk :) this girl wants details! XO

  4. Aww...such a great post! Have a fabulous weekend!!

  5. :) :) :) :) :) I hope you are having such a great day today!! xoxoxo

  6. Happy Friday! How lame about your California weather. I hope it gets better!

  7. I would LOVE a pair of lilac colored jeans! Happy Friday to you! And have great week with your boy ;)


  8. Great post, love the letter! That room is gorgeous!

  9. Cute letter Michaela. I have to admit I try and avoid using chevron sometimes because I think it's going to date, but it's still so much fun!

  10. Such a sweet and happy post, Micahela. Enjoy your weekend!

  11. oohhh i love those yellow chairs! have a great weekend!

  12. "lets show boy"

    my heart got happy

  13. I know I'm a couple of days late, but I just wanted to know that you make me smile :). Hope you had a wonderful weekend, Michaela!

  14. Dear Michaela,

    You're the greatest! and have so much life and passion in your heart ;)



Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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