Saturday, March 3, 2012

Little Joys

In the midst of a busy week ahead, I'm promising to stop and count my blessings.

Here are some little joys as of lately:
-My health
-Good friends
-Loving family
-Spring pastel nail polishes
-Receiving a great education
-A cute boy who sent me these:
-Sweet roommates
-Yummy smelling candles
-Fresh strawberries from Whole Foods
-A Faithful God
-A fun job at a local boutique
-My best friend's wedding coming up in 2 weeks!!!
-Cute puppy waiting for me at home:
-Modern Family...I mean, come on, it doesn't get more joyful than that :)
-The new swimsuit I picked up yesterday for my Spring break
-2 weeks until California for break!
-A passion for something I truly love
-Listening to music every morning while I get ready

I'm off to spend the morning getting my hair cut...just love a day at the salon!
Happy weekend, friends. May you find many things that bring you joy!


  1. So much to be thankful for! I am working all weekend and desperately need to make a list like this. I love cute boys who send really great flowers... And Hope looks like she is smiling! :)

    Have a great weekend!

  2. Always good to stop and smell the roses - and it looks like you've got some pretty ones there! :)

  3. uhm stop it right now with those flowers....eeeeep

  4. Flowers from a cute boy-what's not to love??? Hope is adorable. Have a great weekend!!

  5. Oh my gosh! Hope is getting so big! She is adorable. :)

  6. Oh wow, Hope has really grown!!! Love the flowers, gorgeous color :D

  7. OMG Hope is getting so big!!! Her and Cash would be bff.

    Love those flowers! And love your sweet heart!

  8. Those are some very lovely things, indeed! It seems that you have much to be thankful for and look forward to! Hope you have a wonderful weekend, friend!

  9. Thank you for reminding us to be thankful for the things we often take for granted. :) We do, indeed, have SO MUCH to be thankful for! A faithful God, flowers, health, chocolate, coffee, family, pretty fabric, education...

  10. What a gorgeous, beautiful, wonderful post :)
    Thanks for the smile on this dreary Saturday, Michaela!! oxoxo

  11. sounds like you have lots to be happy about! :)

  12. You are so blessed! Some of those are BIG joys :).

  13. Hmmm...which is better? A cute boy or a cute pup. It's a toss up. ;)

  14. YOU my friend are so blessed! :)

  15. Love that list! (especially the pastel polishes!)

  16. Modern Family makes me laugh out loud...every week! Love it!

  17. So many wonderful blessings! What gorgeous flowers and such a cute pup!

  18. Those flowers are beautiful - love reading your list. So much to be thankful for :)


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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