Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter Recap & a Blogger Date!

As promised, here's a quick recap of our Easter Sunday! Coincidentally, Ashley, from Adventures of Newlyweds, and her husband moved into town the day before Easter, so we were lucky enough to spend Easter together! Talk about a special blate :) {blogger + date/meet up = blate} 

The morning started with a beautiful church service. It was titled "Hope". Perfect!
Ashley and I at church:

Then we went back to my house and my family prepared a delicious array of food! So.much.food.
Don't forget dessert!! I think we had about 5 different desserts...yum!
My grandma made this lemon meringue  pie:
Pretty Easter Flowers! 

In typical blogger fashion, Ashley and I headed outside to take some pictures with our cute pups.

Ashley brought her darling little Bella to our house, so Bella and Hope were able to meet! Hope was ready to play, but Bella was a tiny bit unsure of my hyper little maniac.

In the end, they became friends and even got close to kissing :)

What a blessed Easter it was! I was so grateful to be able to spend it with my family, as well as Ashley and her husband. Both of them are such sweet and genuine people and my family was so excited to have them over! {They're used to the whole "blog friend" thing now:) } Meeting Ashley was so wonderful- not only is she totally gorgeous, she's also one of the sweetest girls ever. I love her love for adventure and travel.  I can't wait to spend more time together after I'm done with school in June. First, though, I'm going to see her in Michigan in a few weeks. I'm going to visit my boyfriend the same weekend they are going to visit family...crazy! So fun. I heart blogging!

All photos were taken and edited by Ashley. Visit Adventures of Newlyweds to say hello :)
Happy Tuesday! How was your Easter?!


  1. that is so fun that you girls are going to live near each other! beautiful pictures - you are both gorgeous!

  2. Looks like a super fun time! I love that dress. And your easter feast is making me hungry this morning. :)

  3. omgosh your pup has gotten so big!!!

  4. Looks like you had a great holiday weekend- that b/w photo of you and your pup is gorgeous!

  5. Sounds like a wonderful Resurrection Sunday! What a great time to meet.

    Also, can you please send me some of that pie? K, thanks.

    Adorable pups, too! Hope is getting so big :)

  6. How fun! I love blogging and meeting new friends too! You girls are so cute! I will have to check out Ashley's blog

  7. LOVE that you got to spend Easter with Ashley! We did the same thing on Easter....had a blate, which was so fun! Isn't it a great community!? :)

  8. Natasha took the words right out of my mouth! :) My husband and I actually spent Easter with Natasha and her hubby and it was so much fun to have an Easter blate! I know you've met up with Natasha before, but the funny part is that I've actually met up with Ashley before! We got together back when we were both living in Colorado...it's crazy how with all of these blogs out there, it's really a small world! :)

  9. Oh, so cute. You girls are gorgeous. Great recap.

  10. What a fun blate!! You girls are gorgeous in those photos...

  11. So precious! Y'all are both stunning!!

  12. Aw you guys are precious. Who took those photos? I'm loving the effects on them... how'd you edit? Do share, do share! Although maybe I need two beautiful girls and two adorable puppies to make my photos look better too... ; )

  13. That's so sweet of your family to welcome them in. You are both gorgeous!!!

  14. you girls make such a stunning pair, especially with your pups! Looks like a great photographer too! And I love the pink blazer

  15. Looks like a wonderful Easter! Gorgeous photos ladies! :) Hope you're doing well and having a fantastic day dear!

  16. What a fun Easter! The food looks delicious, and your photos are adorable. You girls (and the puppies) are so cute! You are strong, lady!

  17. Sounds like you had such an amazing Easter! And yay for blates--such a sweet community to be a part of!:)


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at hello@michaelanoelledesigns.com. I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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