Monday, April 16, 2012

{Fashion} Neutrals & Animal Print


Dress: Mod Cloth {out of stock now}
Shoes: Target
Sweater: Nordstrom {similar}

Great news! Miss Hope is home from the hospital and doing well!  They think she must have ate something bad that caused her to throw up.  Poor puppy! My mom called the vet a few days ago to check in and the vet said Hope was everyone's favorite and had started jumping on all the nurses.  That's our girl!! She's baaaack :)
At another puppy check up appointment she had a few weeks ago, the Doc told us she was a very smart dog and definitely "ahead of the curve".  If ringing a bell to let us know she has to go outside/ remind us it's her dinner time, finding socks under my bed that I didn't even know were there, and being able to jump clear over the sofa count as being "ahead of the curve", then we definitely agree. 
This whole pet owner thing is just a walk in the park ;) {pun intended}

How was your weekend? Have a blessed Monday!


  1. Love your outfit! Those shoes are too cute. And I'm SO glad Hope is better! She is gorgeous and obviously very smart!

  2. Haha! I'm so glad your baby is doing better. I hate it when my pets are sick. Awful feeling for sure. And your outfit is adorable... I just love the dress. Which I do believe you wore to a wedding recently?? :) I love the neutrals... half my closet is either cream or white.. oh well! :) Haha! Happy Monday!

  3. I love your outfit. Especially your shoes. I'm so happy your puppy is ok!!

  4. I'm so glad Hope is better now! She seems like such a blessing to your family, it would be sad to have anything happen to her.

    Also, I'm loving your outfit! I feel like leopard flats go with everything!

  5. That's amazing she rings a bell to go out and to be fed?!! Glad she's getting better. Love your outfit and those flats may have to match mine up with a pretty dress I've been sticking to jeans but like the idea of mixing it up. Thanks for the inspiration!
    Faye xx

  6. Glad she's doing better! Love those flats!

  7. You look great! And I'm glad Hope is feeling better! Goldens seem to have a tendency to get into things they're not supposed to! Oops! :)

  8. You look adorable. I have some similar shoes. So happy to hear Hope is better!

  9. so glad to hear she's doing better! we recently had to take our little guy in because he decided to eat fishing bait... really?!

    love the flats too, i just bought the same ones!

  10. So glad to hear Hope is home and happy!:) And super cute outfit--love your mix of prints and neutrals!:)

  11. I'm a big fan of smart, sassy, and healthy dogs:-) yay Hope! xoxo

  12. I love leopard flats, they look so cute with your dress too! And Hope is just too adorable for words.

    Champagne Lifestyle on a Beer Budget

  13. Good to hear she's back to feeling good.

    Mommy Sauri~

  14. I am so glad to hear that she is doing better!

  15. Your puppy is the cutest thing ever! What a lovely dog, and clever too!

  16. So glad to hear she is doing better! It's awful when the furbabies are sick! And you look absolutely fantastic in your darling dress/leopard flats, such a sweet and sassy combo (c:

  17. Great outfit but obviously the pup steals the show:) teaching our dogs to ring the bell is the best trick we ever taught them!!! But I'm not do sure my dogs are ahead of the curve;)

  18. You look gorgeous! And I'm glad your pup is okay!

  19. I'm so glad that Hope is okay!! So scary when fur babies are sick.

  20. So glad Hopey-Hope is better! :) Those rascally Goldens. Always eating something bad. ;) Aww. Poor thing.

    She's getting so big a cuter everytime...of course. :)

  21. I'm so happy to hear Hope it better! And she makes a fine accessory for your cute outfit!

  22. Yay! I'm glad she's out of the hospital and feeling better! And the leopard shoes are super cute :)

    xo Lisa

  23. are you just the cutest girl that ever lived? i think so.

  24. STOP being so cute! Are you going to be this darn cute when you come here to Michigan too? :) xoxo

  25. I LOVE your shoes. You just can't go wrong with leopard. Or that's my take on it, at least! Love your blog as well!

  26. you look so sweet and chic. I love your dress!


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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