Sunday, April 1, 2012


Is this real life? APRIL, already? Time is flying.
The last few weeks have been crazy, exciting, tiring and oh-so-joyful. Here's a glimpse as to what I've been up to according to Instagram :)

1. Hope loves riding in the car.
2. Chocolate Covered Pretzels. My not-so-new obsession.
3. Dresser arrangement- little jars and perfumes galore.
4. My all-time favorite breakfast. 
1. Outfit of the day {I'll be posting my outfit each day on Instagram starting this next week! @michaelanoelle} Black Anthro dress & leopard flats.
2. Blogging, hot chocolate and a cinnamon roll = perfect morning.
3. Bridesmaid dresses for my best friend's wedding last week!
4. Living in an Artful Way: quote on Anthropologie's floor that I adore.
1. Hope's taking her Saturday morning nap, half on and half off her bed.  Awesome.
2. Hope in the saying on my quote frame for April.
3. Baking sugar cookies.

Hope you're having a lovely Sunday. I'm excited about a few fun things coming to the blog this week, including a sentimental little DIY project :)

What are you up to on this fine first day of April?


  1. Your sweet pup is absolutely adorable. And that pancake and strawberry breakfast is seriously making me hungry!

    Hope you have a wonderful Sunday, sweet friend!

  2. Hope is always so so so cute :) And I love those quotes...and chocolate covered pretzels-a guilty pleasure of mine too!!

  3. Yay for outfit posts each day!! I can copy you and then we can be twins. Hahaha. : )

  4. Hope is adorable, and getting quite big! Looks like you are having a fabulous weekend.

  5. That picture of Hope sleeping is too cute! Hope you've had a wonderful weekend!

  6. Very very pretty photos.

  7. i can't believe it's april!? time is sure flying by fast!


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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