Friday, May 18, 2012

Friday's Letters

Dear Big Pretty House, I hope to live in a home like you one day. A porch, awesome garage doors and a beautiful landscape. Perfection. Dear Family & Pup, I get to see you in one week for brother's graduation! I can't wait to be home. Dear Seattle Sun, you've made me and my summer clothing very happy this past week. Let's keep it up for the next 3 weeks, okay?! Dear Best Friend, I'm not sure what I did to deserve you and our friendship, but I'm so very thankful.  Dear Ashley, I can't wait for our road trip from Seattle to California in 3 weeks. It's going to be epic. Get ready for some serious packing. This girl's got a few too many things to box up!  Dear God, thank you for holding everything in your hands. Thank you for loving and comforting me in times of struggle and for reminding me of your grace everyday. Your faithfulness astounds me, even in the midst of trial. Also, thank you for blessing me with the best friends a girl could ever ask for :)

Dear Readers and Friends, don't forget to enter the Jose Eber curling iron giveaway :)
I'm linking up with my girl Ashley from Adventures of Newlyweds. Come play along!
Have the best weekend!


  1. I love that you always remember to count your blessings!! Great reminder. Have a wonderful weekend Michaela!

  2. i agree- great reminder! happy weekend!

  3. I love these letters. So precious! And that house--amazing. Absolutely gorgeous. I can just see you in it one day :) Thanks for reminding us to be thankful for everything we your sweet words to the Lord :)

  4. Excellent letters my friend :)

  5. That house is beautiful! I've got a letter! Dear Michaela... thank you for being such a true friend and inspiration to all of us. Love you a million!

  6. Such a great post! What a fun idea - I may have to join in sometime!

  7. Such a cute letter! Living in that house one day and taking a road trip down the coast sounds just amazing.

  8. Such a pretty house! I'm sure you'll have one just like it one day! :) Happy Weekend M! xo

  9. Love the letter. I live in a big house, and cant wait to move!! Way to much to take care of. No time to do anything else. Always cleaning or fixing something!

  10. Awww, you're so cute. I want a big house too. With a real garage, a porch and a big backyard, so I can have a puppy!!!

    And oh that road trip sounds amazing. You guys will have lots of fun!

  11. Happy Friday! You're right, dear friends are truly a blessing...hold onto them with both hands :-)

  12. What a great post for Friday, so sweet!

  13. These posts are so cute, love your blog!

  14. Love you so much!! I will come and live in that house with you someday, too! Haha.

  15. I wouldn't mind that beautiful house either! Maybe we could share? Actually, I think I'd like that house in miniature - it looks like a bit too much to clean at that size :) xx

    Anna (My Design Ethos)

  16. I have a feeling that with all of your God-given talent, your home will be the prettiest on the block! happy weekend!

  17. I feel like I am going to kill you when I see how much you have to pack! hahaha! Just kidding, I am a pro...just make sure you have bubble wrap and packing tape and boxes and STAND BACK! :) I am going to research portland this week so we have some fun dinner options to try out when we go-- have you picked a hotel out yet? eek! so excited! I am sad about leaving bella at home alone while jonathan is at work but its just a few days so I will survive I think! :)

    love you and your heart! everything is going to work out with everything because you are amazing ;)



Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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