Saturday, June 30, 2012


Happy Weekend, friends! I'm heading to Tahoe with my family for the week to celebrate 4th of July. Ashley and her husband are coming, too! I can't wait for fireworks and boating and exploring with Hope. It will be her first time up there...she can't wait. She told me:)

Anyways, here's what I've ben up to this last week. Some of my favorite moments and things captured on instagram...

1. favorite pencils // 2. pinky/red shellac for the 4th! // 3. my first coffee drink at Starbucks
4. sparkly headband from Anthro // 5. vanilla cupcake with sprinkles from Kara's // 6. Hope saying, "Play frisbee with me sis!"
7. new desk in my bedroom // 8. sweetest smelling peonies // 9. awesome pillows Cristin of Simplified Bee designed for a client {I'm interning for her again this summer!}

Have the best weekend!


  1. Have a fabulous time in Tahoe! Funny, I do believe that is the exact same color Katie had her nails painted yesterday!! So, I am guessing you are still a tea lover more so than coffee?

  2. SO jealous. We were married in Tahoe & it is pretty much my favorite place ever!! Have so much fun with the fam!!

  3. Have a great weekend! I'm loving your new desk and nail polish!

    Silver from A Silver Snapshot

  4. How fun!!! Have a great week lady!

  5. My family used to go up to Tahoe for the fourth every year but now that we sold our cabin we are switching it up and going to Santa Cruz. You'll love the fireworks on the lake. They remind me of Disneyland fireworks. (It helps that I usually play Disney music as the soundtrack of the show. )

  6. Love your new desk space friend!! It's looking great already. And I LOVE Tahoe! I know you will all have a blast. Enjoy it dear.

  7. Have fun in Tahoe! Love that blog quote!! Where did you find that?

  8. Those pencils are so cute! And what is that sign in your room that say something about "I Love You Blogs"... I can't see the rest but I like it!!


  9. Love the stripes on the pencils! Then again, I love everything stripes :) Have a great week in Tahoe!

  10. Those are some great things...I think I'll take one of each. ;)

    But, puppy girl has to be my fave. Look at that sweet face! Don't worry, I'll let you keep her since I have Sasha to handle. She's enough. Lol.

    Have a great week! I was suppose to go there years ago, but the trip got cancelled. :(

  11. hope you enjoy Tahoe girlie! we had a windy couple days but it cleared up right as we were leaving so i'm sure you're going to have wonderful weather!

  12. Have a great time in Tahoe! Love the pictures!

  13. I hope you and Ashley have the absolute best time with your fam in Tahoe!

    First coffee drink ever?! what??!? I'm impressed lol


  14. Love that desk!!! So cute. :)

  15. Have so much fun with Ashley and your family! And I just had my first iced coffee from Starbucks and loved it and I don't usually drink coffee!

  16. HI! You have a wonderful blog! Enjoy your trip and time with helps heal the soul.
    By the way...where did you find that desk?Love!


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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