Wednesday, June 27, 2012

She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not: Champagne Lifestyle on a Beer Budget

Happy Wednesday! As you know, one of my favorite days of the week as I get to introduce you to a new life and style blogger each week. Today I invited Hannah, of Champagne Lifestyle on a Beer Budget, to share some of her favorite trends, and also let you in on a few things she's not loving this week. 
Hannah is a girl after my own heart; she writes about adding fun pieces {on a budget!} to her new apartment and also adores fashion and the fun of putting together new looks.  Enjoy this week's edition of She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not...

Hello friends!  Hannah here, from Champagne Lifestyle on a Beer Budget.  I am so excited to be posting on Michaela's blog today as I have been a fan of it since I first started blogging!  Without further ado, here are my loves and non-loves as of lately!

She Loves Me:
1. Malachite
I blame Jessica for re-incarnating my malachite obsession. Her DIY malachite boxes are too amazing and have me itching to try it out!

2. Skulls
I have been on the lookout for a skull sculpture to add to my abode. I think it can give a really girly space a touch of "bad". I also really love them on jewelry and clothing.

3. Wallpaper in Bathrooms
I think part of what entices me about wallpaper in bathrooms is the fact that because I live in a rental, it will be a long time until I can do something like this in my own place.  Nevertheless, there are so many gorgeous options floating around like these...
You had me at doggie wallpaper...

4. Floral Prints
I've already decided my next clothing piece purchase will be something bold and floral. I can't get enough of it for spring!

She Loves Me Not:
1. Non-Potty trained dogs.
Despite my most adamant efforts my 2 year old dog still thinks it's okay to pee in the bathroom when I don't take her out every 2 hours on the dot. It's the most frustrating thing in the world and I will never recommend potty pads for potty training!

 2. Gas Prices
I'm talking to you, California! Cut it out! 

 Thanks so much for having me, Michaela! 

Thanks, friend! I'm loving florals right now, and seriously...if gases prices go up again, I may be turning to the bus system. Ha!
Be sure to stop by Champagne Lifestyle on a Beer Budget to say hello!

What are YOU loving this week?!


  1. i agree on the gas prices. they are killing me.

  2. I wouldn't even want to know what the gas prices are in Cali!! I heard that they are supposed to drop this summer, though. Woohoo!

  3. wow, really cool pcitures. i like the malachite!

  4. Aww, thank you Hannah!!
    The skulls and floral prints are killing me!!

    The Aestate


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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