Friday, July 27, 2012

Friday's Letters

Shannon and I on our blog date a few weeks ago:)
Dear mint jeans and pink peplum top, you look real cute together in the picture above. I just love pink and mint! Dear Shannon, I'm so glad we met a few weeks ago. You're probably the cutest person I know {with the most fab wardrobe}. Oh, and I'm so excited to go with you to the Kate Spade NY grand opening tonight! :)  Dear new chunky hot pink bauble necklace, I'm pretty excited about the fact that I found you for $18. SCORE.  {similar necklaceDear curtain fabric, you shipped yesterday and you couldn't get here faster! You are the icing on the cake {of my room, that is}.  Dear Hope, sometimes I think there's a human stuck inside you. When you chase after the hose and get about 6' of air, stick your nose in your water bowl to blow bubbles, and ring your bell to go outside just to get some fresh air-- I mean, come on. You melt my heart even if you're kind of a mess sometimes.  Dear brother, you leave for college in 3 weeks. I'm not understanding where the time has gone. Wasn't it just yesterday that we were playing hide and go seek?? Texas is lucky to be gaining a guy like you.  Dear Ashley, you moved away yesterday and we cried in the parking lot together. I'm sorry...I couldn't hold back the tears. Thank you, blogging, for bringing us together. Such a special friendship, indeed. Michigan is one lucky state to be getting you back!  
Dear weekend, I'm glad to see you again! A little work, a walk-a-thon to raise money for a friend in need, and probably a manicure. Sounds great to me :)
Dear readers, my new sassy friend Shannon {who's pictured above!} blogs over at GBO Fashion.  Today she's crushin' on my style in her "Style Crush" series. Go check it out and stay a while-- she's the most hilarious person I've ever met. 

I'm linking up with Ashley for Friday's Letters

What are YOU doing this weekend? Make it the best!



  1. I love getting new items for the home and pretty much track the heck out of the package online! Your room is going to be so happy to see the curtains!

  2. Well I do believe you and Shannon need to share clothes because that top and those pants would in fact look great together : ) Maybe with a pink bauble necklace! You always seem to meet the best little bloggy friends... and I'm sorry you and Ash had to say bye for awhile : (

    Don't worry though, she's an awesome texter


  3. Love those pants...
    You both look lovely.

  4. love your letters! and your blog is soooo cute


  5. Those mint jeans are gorgeous! And I can't wait to see your room once all the final touches are put on. I'm sure it's fabulous! My sister is headed off to college this year too; crazy to think they're all grown up. But give your brother a sic'em for me. Baylor's a wonderful place and it will be lucky to have him for sure.

  6. You are gorgeous! I LOVE that pink and mint green together!

  7. You girls are beautimous:)
    Love your dear letter posts. So fantastic. Checking out your links!

  8. y'all are too cute. :) I love the outfits... And I love finding really fun jewelry finds for a good price! A couple weeks ago I got a bracelet at J.Crew and have been wearing it CONSTANTLY. definitely a new fave. :) And since moving down for grad school, I also discovered Francesca's... LOVE :)

  9. you girls are so cute!! and those outfits do look perfect together!

  10. Y'alls outfits really do go together so well!!

  11. Your pictures are so adorable and those outfits are simply darling! I can't wait to read more :)

  12. I love mint & pink together too! I want both yours & Shannon's outfits LOL I cannot wait to see the curtains finished...something fun to look forward to. Have a great weekend!

  13. Michaela. You are always the cutest. Like... always.


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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