Wednesday, July 11, 2012

She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not: Ravenna Girls

Happy Wednesday! Today I'm excited to have the Ravenna Girls here sharing what they're loving and not loving this week. 

These girls are fun, creative, and very stylish! Let's see their picks!
Hi there! We're Brianne and Danielle from the Ravenna Girls. We've been blog buddies with Michaela ever since we met in person last spring. We've loved being a sponsor here and we'll definitely miss her as part of our Seattle blogging community. Can't wait to share what we're loving and less-than-loving this week!

 She Loves Me:
 1. SUMMER! While most of the country has been boiling away for weeks now, in the Pacific Northwest there is a joke that summer doesn't start until July 4th. This year like clockwork, the clouds parted and we're not full onto the beautiful sunny season that we all rejoice.

2. Camping: Indoors or Out: One of the best parts about summer for me is the ability to get out for a camping trip in the woods or by a lake. Why not bring this theme indoors to create a cozy attic space or basement rec room?

3. Garden Parties: Theres just something so magical about having a relaxing chat with your best friends under the twinkle of the summer sky

4. HOT pink lipstick: Neon is back in fashion and interiors, and has been making a comeback on the beauty front as well. I wasn't sure I could rock the look, so I picked up this inexpensive shade (Wet n' Wild for the win!) to give it a shot. I love it!

She Loves Me Not:
 1. Mosquito bites: The springtime moisture (read: RAIN!) of Seattle leads to bigtime summer mosquitos. I got some doozies of bites on the fourth, so I'm looking for some easy remedies to keep me from scratching my arms off!

2. Cutout Shoulders: This is one fashion trend I haven't been able to embrace yet. Somehow the tops just seem unfinished to me, even on the most beautiful women. Maybe I'll come around in time, but for now, I'll tank EITHER a tank, or sleeves, not a little of each.

3. Road construction: Now that the sun is out it seems like crews are out 24/7 creating detours and slowing down my commute. I just want to get home to enjoy the weather, people! 

Thanks, girls! I need that pink lipstick asap...and I feel your pain with the Seattle road construction...when will it end?! 

Go visit the Ravenna Girls and say hello :)
What are YOU loving this week?

Have a great Wednesday!


  1. Haha, yay, for neon. I hate road construction too, but I'm not certain of my feelings bout cutout shirts. Yet another great edition of She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not.

    Silver from A Silver Snapshot

  2. Thanks again for having us, friend! Was so fun to put together :)

  3. That's my fave lipstick too!
    I love that there is a Seattle blogging community... something you don't get in NZ! Have a lovely week Michaela

  4. I wish our summer had just started! I'm ready for fall!! Haha!


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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