Monday, July 9, 2012

What Do You Want in a Designer?

This last week I had a conversation with a friend who was telling me about a rather disappointing experience she had with an interior decorator a few years ago.  It made me so sad to hear, as this woman wasn't charting her hours of time spent and then billed an obscene amount of money upfront, brought limited options to my friend, and got upset when she didn't necessarily like any of the fabrics she pulled initially.  I just couldn't believe the things I was hearing. As an interior designer, I will be hired to choose things clients love- not pout when they don't like something I show them! I'm glad my friend shared this story with me, because I want to make sure I don't make the same mistakes as this lady did.  

I asked my friend what would be the top three things she would look for in a designer if she were to do it all over again. Here's what she said:

1. A designer with the ability to help a client define their style.
2. One who directs their client in making good design choices for the long term- pick pieces that will last and won't go out of style quickly.
3. A person that the client can trust, be upfront with, and one that can educate the client in the process.

I think those things sound very reasonable, and I hope to be that type of designer! I know designers can get bad reputations sometimes for numerous reasons...hopefully the next wave of designers can turn those around.

Have you ever had a bad experience with a designer? And what about YOU-- what would you look for in a future interior designer? {Inquiring minds want to know!}
A little chit-chat conversation for your Monday:)
Enjoy your day!
PS. Back tomorrow with a DIY project I'm super excited about!!


  1. Hmmmm, some very good points here. That is so sad about your friend's experience. I think you would be a very trustworthy {and fun} designer to have!

    Silver from A Silver Snapshot

  2. Great post! I would look for someone who got to know me, my family, and our lifestyle before beginning the design. Pretty rooms are worthless if they aren't practical for your family!

  3. Those are some good ones! I agree with Katy, a designer who really "knows her audience" ie. the family she is designing for. That is huge!

  4. I agree with Katy, the designer has to know the lifestyle of our family and he has to be attuned to our tastes so that the house reflects our personality.
    Moreover, I am very impatient to appeal in your designer's service as regards my request by e-mail for a lamp, normally I shall contact you for that next month, I look forward to!

  5. This post is a great idea - learning what no to do is important! Thanks!

  6. What a great topic! I'd be more inclined to hire a designer that has a blog. I think it helps for potential clients to get a feel for a designer's personality before they work together.

  7. Excellent post for all of us aspiring designers to remind us what really matters when designing someone's home: The Home owner! We may have a specific vision, but they are the ones who live in the space long after we are gone. Good design involves helping them find their vision and making their space work for them both aesthetically and functionally!


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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