Monday, August 6, 2012

{Fashion} Berry Colored Shorts

Shirt: Anthropologie sale
Shorts: J.Crew sale (only $35!!)
Shoes: Anthroplogie
Bracelets: Tiffany's and gift

Ah, shorts. Definitely a love hate relationship with them. I'm not sure why, but I've never loved wearing them.  I think it's because I've never been allowed to wear them to school {private school = dress code} so when I do wear them I just feel so weird and sort of like I'm breaking the rules... ha!  I often see girls wearing shorts that are way too short, and I just don't want to be that girl.  I was in J. Crew a few weeks ago and low and behold, they were having a sale on colored shorts! I love this berry color, and I sort of needed a new pair of shorts, so I tried them on.  They are total winners, and may have converted me into a shorts wearer.  I love the color, the cut and the length- not too long and not too short. They're super comfortable, too!  I think I wore them 3 times last week. Whoops :)

Where do you get your shorts? Happy Monday!
Be sure to come back tomorrow. I've got a rockin' giveaway for you!


  1. haha I do the same thing when I fall in love with an item of clothing! I find a way to sneak it into like 4 or 5 outfits! But your shorts are fantastic- they look great with those sandals!

  2. you are the cutest little muffin

    the shorts remind me of a grape popsicle and I LOVE THEM!!

    shorts these days are pretty short i must agree...i mean theres short, and then there is bum cheek short. TRASH CITY!!!

    i get most of my shorts at american eagle, j-crew, or "dressy" ones from ann taylor!

    love these pics!

  3. JCrew shorts are my fave too. I have the same berry color :) Looks great on you!

  4. Love the color. And, will have to take Katie to check them out. With her long legs EVERYTHING is always too short!!

  5. Darling. I have just fallen in love with shorts again. Target had darling ones this season. I am a huge fan of shorts when it's more conservative up top. Great outfit.

  6. I used to not wear a lot of shorts until I started school in Arizona. I live in shorts when I'm there so it's important to get a lot of different styles and colors. I love the berry color of your shorts! So cute!

  7. Love the shorts and the cute Anthro top! I need to stock up on shorts from JCrew for NEXT summer!

  8. Super cute! What a great color and a steal at J. Crew!

  9. havnt worn shorts, or skirts in the UK ONCE in two years. I have worn a dress ONCE this summer for a wedding because it was one of the few days it didnt rain. what is my life?!

  10. Such cute shorts, I LOVE the color. So adorable with that top.

  11. Oh my word, LOVE the shorts! So cute and a fun to mix in with the go-to denimin shorts :)

  12. So nice to see you looking all casual and summery (and gorgeous as usual). Love the combo of the stripe with the plum shorts! xo

  13. How you feel about shorts was how I used to feel about wearing jeans. I hated them. my dad used to say he'd pay me $5 every time I wore them haha! I should really collect on that... anyways super cute per usual :)

  14. i am definitely a hater of shorts. i'm a dress and skirts girl all the way. but i just had to buy some for my trip. i should have gone to jcrew since yours are super cute!

  15. I love this outfit! I never thought about colored shorts before. Colored jeans are not something I can pull off but shorts are more subtle. Maybe I can make it work?

    I'm having a giveaway on my blog so make sure to stop by and enter!

  16. love the color on you!
    xx emily

  17. Thanks for the heads up about the sale...Katie bought 3 pairs!

  18. Love the whole outfit, including the look adorable!

  19. Those are super cute!! Love the color!

  20. Love the color, so cute! Perfect for fall to wear with tights and booties ;)

  21. Wow! This outfit really makes me want to try out the colored pants trend. I'm loving that striped shirt, too.

    I'm a new follower, so if you'd like, check out my blog! It would mean a lot. Thanks! (:

    ~ Gina

  22. Super cute shorts. I tend to get mine at the loft or banana republic outlet. I just got into the colored shorts as well and they're so much fun adding a pop of color to an outfit.

  23. Those shorts are super cute! And I love the color!

  24. Those shorts are so cute! I am loving the color! I agree with you about some girls shorts being way to short. I also have a love hate relationship because of that fact!

  25. I love J.Crew shorts! I think I have 6 pairs and they are all my fiancé wears as well. :) And there's an outlet about 45 mins from me so that's always dangerous. LOL


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