Friday, October 26, 2012

Birthday Wish List

My birthday is quickly approaching...November 1st! I can't stomach that I'm nearly 22 years old. I keep telling everyone that 22 feels different than any other birthday-- 18 was the beginning of "adulthood", 21 was fun because I could enjoy a cocktail or two, but just sounds so serious. It's not really a "fun" age per say, but hey, I love birthdays and celebrating and let's be honest...I sort of love presents and shopping, too!

This post is mostly for my mom as a not-so-subtle birthday wish list, but I'm excited to share with you some fun things on my list, so you can snatch them up yourself!

1. More than anything, I'm dying over this new company I found called Olive Box. If you're familiar with Birch Box, it's the same concept, except instead of subscribing and receiving beauty products every month, you receive stationary and paper goods on your door step every month. Is there anything more perfect out there for me? If you know me, you know written notes and little trinkets are my love language (both giving and receiving), so these paper & lifestyle products will be put to good use each month.

2. I may or may not have already gotten this from my parents for my birthday as an early gift...BUT nonetheless, I asked for the 50mm 1.8 lens for my Canon. Verdict? In love. It takes pretty pictures like this one and all of these:

3. Anthropologie anything.  Specifically, these things:
book // candle // shirt // blouse

4. This darling clutch from Design Darling Boutique. It's pink, it's a purse and it has a turquoise and gold zipper. Perfect!

4. And if money was no object here, I'd ask for these Tory Burch flats that I've had my eye for a while now. It will happen one day. One day....far, far away!

Anything I should add to my list?! Comment telling my mama what else to get me...I joke...sort of :)

Have a wonderful weekend!



  1. All great picks!! One can never go wrong selecting a gift at Anthro.

  2. I hope you get that candle. It's the most delicious ever!

    The Glossy Life

  3. Those paper goods are so much fun I love them ... I wonder if we have something similar in the UK ?

    Love Chrissi xo

  4. Oh my gosh, the paper goods box really is SO SO you!! How perfect!!!

  5. OH Lordy! Olive Box would be PERFECT for you. So so perfect :)

  6. Olive box sounds amazing. I hope you get some of these fun items!!
    Yay for birthdays:) 22 is an awesome year I can confirm;) x

  7. Capri Blue (and Voluspa) candles are one of the rare splurges that Mr. M and I agree on ... You've seen pictures of the husband, so I'm sure you can imagine the funny looks he sometimes gets, walking around Anthro smelling (and carrying an armful of) candles!

    Happy Early Birthday!

  8. Love your birthday wish list! I've never heard of Olive Box but it sounds like such a great idea. Great way to keep snail mail alive and well :) I have to confess that I've been reading your blog regularly now and it is starting to give me an obsession with fiancé is not so happy about that. HA! Your pictures are beautiful. My mom gave me her old, I mean old camera that I've been wanting to play around with but with what time? I don't know. just wanted to stop by and say hi and have a great weekend!

  9. Oooo I want the olive box too!! Good thing I have a birthday around the corner too!! ;)

  10. OOoooo I'm loving the Olive Box idea! Brilliant! I love things like that... and paper crafting goods are always the best. I have a special box full of my favorite little tidbits.. most with a vintage flair. love :)

  11. Olive box sounds really cute!! I definitely want to try it!

  12. Olive box just rocked my rocks!!

  13. Check CraigsList or vintage stores for those TB flats! Seriously. They are everywhere. My friend just picked up a pair at a thrift store here in Portland, for like 3 bucks:-) xoxo

  14. That Olive Box, I seriously contemplated whether or not I should do that when I saw it. I might ask for it for Christmas! I LOVE stationary!
    I kind of agree on what you said about the 22nd birthday, it does seem serious.. it's not really exciting, except for that it has 2 number 2's...Lol


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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