Wednesday, October 24, 2012

She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not: Link Up #7!

Today I'm sharing my loves and love-me-nots! It's always fun to participate in this series myself, as normally I have other bloggers guest post. Feel free to link up your post below to share what you're loving this Wednesday!

1. A few weekends ago my best friend and I went to an apple and pumpkin festival. It was so much fun wandering around looking at the pumpkins, tasting lots of different apples and seeing my sweet friend :)

2. Speaking of my best friend, I was in her wedding a few months back and I just got back some of the photos! Here are two of my favorites. I love everything about weddings, and her wedding was no exception- it was stunning, down to every last detail of burlap, lace, and old fashioned soda bottles.
photos by edmund prieto 

3. Fall recipes.  This Harvest Pasta e Fagiole Soup is a must-try, by one of my favorite bloggers, Marina of Yummy Mummy Kitchen.

4. My homework. This sounds weird, but when I get to render furniture and draft floor plans, I'm in heaven.

5.  Two weeks until I head to Texas to visit my brother at college. I can't wait to see him and his school!
ashley slater photography

6. This home tour I saw on Design Sponge had me at first glance. Even better? The couple who lives there made almost everything in their home on their own! Amazing.
design sponge

1. LA Traffic. I think that goes without saying. It took me 45 minutes to get 10 miles yesterday. NOT OKAY!
2. Remember how I said I loved drafting and rendering? I do -- but know what I don't love?? The neck aches that come with it.  Sitting at a table while looking down at your drawings for hours on end is a quick way to get real sore.

Okay friends! It's your turn. What are YOU loving this week? Comment below or link up if you'd like! I visit all the links and can't wait to read your posts.

Happy Wednesday!


  1. Pretty much the same in London but 3 miles takes me almost and hour well ok by bus and 2 of them and that involves waiting around for the busses as well !

    Those pictures are too stinking cute !!!! Love how everyone looks so happy ... like I would ever get that sorta reaction with my British bridesmaids yeah like noooooooooo we are a little more reserved here over in the UK ... Too concerned about what other people will think ... me I don't care lol !!!I don't do any harm ... just wanna have fun !

    Love Chrissi xo

  2. i loove your friends wedding pictures! so stinkin' cute!

    main thing im loving right now, is that its actually under 80 degrees in so cal!

  3. The wedding photos are adorable and the soup looks so so yummy, perfect chilly day meal!

  4. Your renderings are amazing!! Can you just design my whole house? : )

  5. And now I'm going to go "pin" happy on Amy and Erich's home -- Can you say AMAZING!? Thanks for sharing!

  6. Your renderings are pretty perfect my dear. So excited to learn how to do that!

  7. Oooh, I LOVE your renderings, Michaela! I love how you use the markers. Totally not weird to say you're in heaven while you're rendering . :) I can't say I was quite the same way, but I definitely am when it comes to fashion illustrations and abstract art.


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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