Wednesday, January 16, 2013

She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not: Tiffany Leigh Interior Design

It's Wednesday and we're kicking off my She Loves Me series with a sweet friend of mine this year! 
Meet Tiffany of Tiffany Leigh Interior Design. She's sweet as pie and has the cutest style. You should check out her little apartment after you're done hearing about what she loves and doesn't love this week. You're sure to adore her...Take it away, girl!

1. Craigslist Scores. Even though I have no space for any furniture, I constantly find myself on the Craigslist hunt. Usually I end up frustrated and disappointed, but the other week, I hit the jackpot. I scored four beautiful vintage bamboo chippendale chairs and a bamboo and glass table for $80! Sure I have no place to put these things besides my parents basement, and yes I dragged my bf along for the two hour drive to get them, but I couldn't be more thrilled.

2. My boyfriend Todd. He's not only amazing because he lets me drag him on my ridiculous furniture hoarding adventures, but for a thousand other reasons. We've always gone to school in different cities, and making it through the long distance is challenging but rewarding. Most days I think he believes in me more than I believe in myself!

3. Antiquing. I'm not sure what it is about antiquing, but whenever I'm feeling sad I like to visit the local antique shops. Something about it feels so peaceful. I love imaging the stories behind all of the things I see. My most recent find was a pretty little bell jar that I've added to my coffee table.

4. The Great Gatsby. For Christmas my brother and his girlfriend go me the most beautiful copy of F. Scott Fitzgerald's classic novel "The Great Gatsby". I fell in love with this book when I first read it in twelfth grade, and enjoyed reading it again this time around. I can't wait for the movie! I have a Bachelor's degree in English (I'm now earning my Bachelor of Interior Design degree) and my love for literature is never ending.

1. Long days at school. I'm in my second term of my Interior Design Degree. I absolutely love it, but this term I'm in class for nine hours straight on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Good thing time flies when you are having fun! It's been challenging to eat well on these long days.

2. Rainy weather in Toronto. Biking is my main mode of transportation here, and the rain makes it tough! Plus, I was hoping to go skating with the boy on an outdoor rink this winter, but the rain is putting a damper on my plans (literally).
Thanks, my friend! I also can't wait until the Great Gatsby movie comes out. I just loved the book {and that's saying a lot, as I really don't read too much!}
Go say hello to Tiffany today:)

What are YOU loving this week??


  1. Love Tiffany over here and so nice to meet you Michaela! I'll be following you and hope you have a great week.
    xo Nancy

  2. Love Tiffany... she's such a sweet person. Your blog is adorable. Hope you have a wonderful day :)

  3. Tiffany is one of my fave bloggers around and this list was so fun to read! New follower!

    Holly Foxen Wells

  4. This post is a lovely little reminder to me...get on craigslist more often! & i have not been antiquing in some time. I am really missing it :) XO Brynn

  5. Love Tiffany's blog! Aren't those chairs amazing?! Love a great Craigslist find.

  6. Love Tiffany and her blog! I am the same way with thrifting :).

  7. I love Tiffany's chair find! I can't believe she got those and a table for 80 bucks!

  8. Those chairs are a great find! It's pretty amazing to see what people will let go of at such an affordable price. Any idea where you're going to put them when you have the room, Tiffany?

    1. Hi Julia! I'm hoping in the next year or so to move into my own apartment (right now I have a studio style apartment with my own living room/bedroom combo and bathroom, but I share a kitchen with five other girls) that will have a dining space!

  9. I had so much fun with this post Michaela, and I've got some new blog friends to check out now as a result! Thank you so much for the kind introduction. Love you my friend xoxox

  10. I love The Great Gatsby!! It's one of my favorite books, for sure. That copy is beautiful!

  11. Tiffany, you and your boyfriend look so happy together. I knew the chairs would be part of it, but the others were a nice read.

  12. Tiffany is amazing. A real gem and quite the budding design star. We can call say we knew her when ...... happy to have discovered your blog as well via Tiffany, moi, your newest follower.


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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