Monday, March 18, 2013

{The Best Day Ever} Shadowing Emily Henderson

I'm a big believer in putting yourself out there and asking for opportunities, instead of sitting around and hoping they come your way. After all, the worst a person can say is no, and even then I can assure you that another opportunity will come a-knocking really soon.  
It's no secret that I have adored Emily Henderson from the start; I read her blog back before she was even on Design Star. After she won and had her own show, I was even more in love with her work and style. Her bubbly personality, fun approach to design and approachability were all so appealing to me. I decided to go out on a limb and email her, asking to shadow her on a project here in Los Angeles. It's safe to say I about fainted when I read her reply! I really didn't expect a reply, but there I was reading Emily's email back, saying she'd love to set something up. Dream.Come.True.

Last Friday I was able to shadow her on a big photo shoot for a print magazine that will hit news stands in May.  It was so, so fun to see a behind the scenes look at a photo shoot for a magazine. Here are a few things I learned:
1. It is not as it seems in the magazine. While the actual shot looks beautiful and perfect, the rest of the room is in disarray! But it's totally awesome chaos.
2. Taping curtains to a wall to "rig" the look is completely acceptable. 
3. Pretty flowers, the perfect accessories and lots of books make the photo.
4. Styling one vignette can take a reallly long time. The photographer snaps the photo, then Emily checked it and would tweak everything until she loved it. So fun to watch.
5. It's a whole day affair. 8am-5pm! Worth every second.

I'm also happy to report that Emily lived up to every expectation and she's truly the best, most energetic and fun person. I'm so thankful to have had this opportunity! So, to all you young friends out there-- just take a step of faith and put yourself out there :)

Emily is holding a nightstand styling competition in partnership with Serena & Lily. I would love for you to vote for my nightstand and enter your own. It's pretty awesome!

Have a wonderful Monday! What did you do this weekend?


  1. The two of you are just absolutely adorable! I am so glad you got the opportunity! Loved hearing about what it's really like behind the scenes!

  2. Oh my goodness, SOOO fun! Jealous! I love Design Star. Love all of the flowers... so pretty! Way to go girl :)

  3. one of the things i love most about you is that you are such a go getter. I really really admire that in a person...someone who is willing to put themselves out there. Such a great trait to have. I want to be more like you in that way.

    ps sorry been a little MIA, the harassment started again so ive been laying low.

  4. Wow! Good for you for putting yourself out there and e-mailing her! If you want stuff in life, you gotta make it happen!

  5. That is awesome what an experience it must have been. Im so proud of you for taking the plunge and asking if you could shadow her, I bet she was really chuffed about it too because you miss are a great inspiration as well, your into your fashion and design and its always a joy to read your blog :) So jealous!

  6. What an amazing experience Michaela! I have no doubt there will be many more like this for you in the future sweet girl! xoxo

  7. oh my gosh beautiful photos and what a great opportunity!
    kw ladies in navy

  8. It's so true! 'the worst a person can say is no'... I tell myself that all the time. You are an inspiration girl! xoxo

  9. How fun! I always think it is funny seeing how the set is a mess, but the pictures are flawless!

  10. How cool! You are so right, you just have to go after things you want. You never know! Congrats on your dream come true!


    1. Hehe...thanks dear :) What a fun day it was!

  11. So happy for you! And, good for you for reaching out for the opportunity.

  12. YOU GO GIRL! Em is a lucky gal to have someone like you shadow her for the day <3

    1. Wellll i don't know about that, but it sure was amazing :) Love ya xoxoxo

  13. How awesome is that?! Congrats! It's so awesome when unexpected great things happen!

  14. That is so awesome! Plus I love that you tell us it's okay to go after opportunities. :)
    AND that little tidbit about the taping curtains to a wall, I'm totally gonna do this. Lol.

  15. way to go! that is so awesome and what a great opportunity! and yes, be a go-getter! :)

  16. ps- i hope my daughter grows up to be like you- sweet and endearing, and working hard for her dreams.

  17. Gooooooo Michaela!!!! I am a total believer in putting yourself out there -- you have nothing to lose, only to gain! What a fun, memorable experience for you and thanks for sharing it with all of us :)!

  18. I know! She is great! I had the opportunity to meet her last year at the Kitchen and Bath Show in Chicago...she was such a joy to talk to and very approachable. She was very refreshing. It's so cool you had a great day.

  19. Yay for you!!! That's such an awesome opportunity! Sounds like so much fun!

    P.S. I'm wearing some of your favorite colors on my blog today :)


  20. That sounds like so much fun! This is a fabulous example of putting yourself out there and getting great results! Couldn't be happier for you :)

  21. Good for you! So happy Emily said yes and that it was such a great experience for you! Pay it forward once you become a big star yourself!

    1. Thank you, Kimberly! Great reminder- I will DEFINITELY do that if I ever become a star hehe ;)

  22. okay, completely and totally awesome and amazing! Way to go girl! I agree with you, my mom has always said, "you don't ask, you don't get" and it sounds silly but if you don't just ask someone, you may never know.

    Can't believe you got to hang out with her...awesome!

  23. Eeek! I love Emily.

    (PS. You entered your nightstand too! So pretty. :) Here's mine:

  24. I so agree with you on being assertive. If you're assertive and kind good things will happen. :) so fun that you got to meet Emily!

  25. It looks like y'all had a ball. I'm so proud of you! : ) Now take me along next time! xo

  26. Must have been the coolest day. Good for you for putting yourself out there! What a great reminder to do just that :)

  27. internet high five! that is so cool. she seems so nice and am glad she lived up to it.

  28. What an awesome experience! Way to go putting yourself out there! Going to vote for you now...

  29. That's so amazing! I love Emily too, that's so cool you got to shadow her! One of many awesome opportunities that I'm sure will come your way! Xoxo

  30. What an amazing opportunity. So happy for you, congrats!!! (Voting for your nightstand now:)

  31. What an amazing opportunity! Congratulations to you for going out on a limb and it worked :) That is a great photo of the two of you by the way.

  32. I am so happy for you M ichaela! I am sure she loved spending time with you too. What a great gal to learn from, and comes to show that it is worth reaching out and going for things that make you nervous! :)
    Thanks for sharing with us!

  33. Wow Michaela! Congrats! It took me forever to get to the page to vote for your nightstand (whew!) Finally found it...just in case anyone else has any

  34. Oh, thanks Emily!! I wonder why it was so slow?!

  35. UM WHAT!? NO. Is this real life? Did you photoshop these?! Just kidding girl obviously Emily would love to have your assistance for the day!!!! I am so jealous, I'm a huge fan as well! Kudos to you for putting yourself out there, I'm a strong believer in that. Proud of you and SO happy for you!

  36. You are such an inspiration, Michaela! Seriously, you rock & are going to go far in everything you do :) It must have been such a dream & so amazing to meet Emily! And on a side note - I love your notes on what you makes me feel like I must be doing something right. lol...when I am shooting my posts, the surrounding space is in major disarray & I am constantly rigging backdrops & whatnot! ha :D XO Brynn

  37. So so proud of you. It always always pays to dream big. And so happy you picked up so many fantastic tips and tricks. You'll be so excited to see the print issue!

  38. This really is the most amazing thing!! I'm so proud of you for taking a leap and asking her!! One day someone will be emailing you and asking the same thing!!

  39. I am so happy for you, that's ah-may-zeeeng
    Good for you for putting yourself out there and asking for what you want. Congrats on the Emily shadow!

  40. What an amazing experience! Congrats girl, I can only imagine what an incredible day it was. What I love most is that you put yourself out there, it shows that you are determined and passionate.

    Thank you for sharing your inspiring story!

  41. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: You go girl!!! Grab that bull by the horns! (totally not calling Emily a know what I mean:-) Life! xoxo

  42. Way to follow your dreams girlie! What fun that must have been! So happy you had this opportunity!

  43. Wow, what a fun opportunity for you, and what an inspiring post to read! I am usually too shy to approach bloggers and designers that I admire, and I'm very impressed that you went out on a limb like that. Also, your hair looks amazing in these pictures. =)

  44. How awesome! You must've been so excited when she replied. I totally believe in asking for what you want, as long as it's in a respectful way. The worst someone can say is no and then you're in no worse place than you were before. Congrats!

    Voted ;)

  45. Your blog is amazing as always, girl! And this whole experience looks like so much fun! What a great opportunity :)
    xo TJ

  46. I'm so jealous—and happy for you! Wow :)


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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