Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The One With the Ponytail

Ladies, let me tell you- I don't wear ponytails often {I normally wear it down with waves or braid it back}, but when I do, I try to make it look effortless {even though I totally have to play with it to get it lookin' good.} It's hard to get that messy-I'm-not-trying look, when you actually have to try! Can anyone else relate?! I thought this video was pretty helpful, so I "threw" together a ponytail of my own. This might be the first time my hair has been in a pony on the blog. What a big milestone ;)
*image by my talented friend, Christine Donee Photography

Here's what I did:
1. Loosely curled my hair 
2. Tipped my head over to shake out the curls
 3. Pulled up the crown like they showed in the video
4. Pulled out a few pieces around my face to make it appear as though I didn't try :)
5. Lightly hair spray and viola!

With Spring in full swing {minus the bad weather in some parts of the country still!} what are your go-to hairstyles? I will be back soon with some tutorials of my favorite styles.

Happy Wednesday!
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  1. i love wearing pony tails. i need my hair out of my face for work and rock climbing so it is the most practical solution. plus my hair is curly and sometimes wild so it's nice to just put it up and have it immediately look nicer.

  2. Per usual, you and your hair are stunning! I don't have the ability to make a ponytail look good. I've accepted it.

  3. You're hair looks so much better than the one in the video! I always try to get that "messy but pulled together" hairstyle but I typically only look messy. haha
    With Luck Blog

  4. your ponytail is perfect! mine never ever looks that good
    kw ladies in navy

  5. I'm GREAT at the messy ponytail style! Oh wait, you said messy but pulled together.... ha.ha. ha....Teach me your ways! xoxo

  6. Your hair is absolutely gorgeous!!
    My hair hates to cooperate so whatever I do with it, it needs to be pretty reigned in... that's why I love the sock bun :)

  7. Wow your hair looks ten times better than the girl in the tutorial video! Love it!

  8. Your pony tail looks so pretty! I'm the same way though, I'd much rather wear my hair down because I just don't have the skill of doing a pretty pony on the fly--mine look way to severe/slicked back/just not cute--ha! xo

  9. Love your hair in a ponytail! So cute! I like wearing ponytails like this too and find it's a lot easier to do the day after I wear it curled! :)

  10. You totally mastered it–you look SO pretty! You're right,'s hard to master the "done but undone" look!

  11. I want to transplant your hair to my head. Seriously. This looks amazing!!

  12. Only you could rock a ponytail too!

  13. I love you with the pony!!! SO gorgeous.

  14. Cant go wrong with a pony - although mine has never looked as wavy and pretty as yours :D Happy Easter my friend x

  15. You are gorgeous! I love you in a ponytail!

  16. So pretty! I love your hair back like that.

  17. Love your hair here!


  18. Love the ponytail! I wish I could wear it like that but I have a ton of curly hair. I could definitely do this for my daughters hair

  19. You are so gorgeous. Love your pony!



Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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