Wednesday, April 17, 2013

She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not: Domestic Fashionista

Hey ladies! It's Wednesday which means I'm here introducing you to a sweet blog friend to share her loves and love-me-nots with you! Meet Ashley of Domestic Fashionista
Ashley's blog is a bright, beautiful place where she shares about her home, DIY adventures, recipes, and entertaining ideas.  This gal is so creative, I know we'd make great friends in real life. Ashley's style so closely resonates with mine that I just had to have her here to share what she's loving and what she's not. Take it away!

Hi, I am Ashley, the blogger behind Domestic Fashionista and I am so happy to be sharing with you all today!  Over at Domestic Fashionista I share about my passion for the home...the pretty things in it and the precious people who come through it!  I am always changing up my home to fit my current mood, decorating fun themed parties for my friends and family, and in between--playing house and taking care of my sweet hubby!

1. Outdoor Entertaining
With the occasional warm weather in Sacramento lately, I am dreaming of spring time entertaining!  I have been busy cleaning up my garden and adding more flowers and preparing my vegetable garden for the season.  My husband and I joke that summer is our social time of year because we love inviting people over to hang out in our backyard!  I think a girl's luncheon needs to be put on my calendar soon and I hope to create something as beautiful as this little setup...

2. Disneyland Bound
As you read this I am currently in Disneyland with my adorable family and you can only imagine I am just about the happiest girl on earth (along with all those other little princesses running around this place)!  Growing up in California I have always loved Disneyland but it became especially meaningful when my husband included it his wedding proposal to me.  Now every time I go back I remember that sweet time four years ago that I went as a newly engaged woman!

3. Making My Own Jewelry
My go to DIY's are usually surrounded around the home but I recently picked up an old hobby of making my own jewelry!  I remember when I was a little girl I always made my own bead necklaces so who says I should stop now that I am an adult!  My favorite right now are these fabric flower rosette necklaces I recently made and shared about from my annual Ladies Valentine's Day tea.

4. All Things Color + Pattern
I am crushing on all the bright colors and bold prints that are popular in home decor right now.  Like this home designed by Emily Henderson!  And I have a whole Pinterest board dedicated to this full on obsession!  I am currently trying to tie in some new colors into my home that makes being in it feel light and cheery!

1. Husband's Weird Work Hours
My husband has been working weird work hours this last week which means eating and cooking dinner solo.  It is hard to motivate myself to cook just for myself but I tried to be good this week and still make my planned meal as well as use the extra time he was gone to get some organizing done.  It's sometimes nice to have some alone time but I miss that sweet man of mine!

2. Cleaning the Toilets
Why, oh why, is this so hard for me?!  It is probably one of my least favorite household chores yet it's the one that bugs me the most when it is not clean.  I try to do it every other week if not every week to keep it maintained and clean but I am always dragging my feet.  Anyone else have this problem!? 

Thanks so much Michaela for having me!  It was so much fun to round up some of my favorites and not so favorites from the week!  Hope you all will come by and say hi over at Domestic Fashionista! xoxo

Thanks, Ashley.  I love Disneyland, too-- in fact my mom and I just booked a trip last night! Cleaning the bathroom is always something I dread as well. Doesn't everyone?!

Go say hello to Ashley today!

Happy Wednesday! What are YOU loving and not loving this week?


  1. I love outdoor entertaining as well and can't wait for summer to come for that reason (among others)! I just wrote a post about dining alfresco too. I know what you mean about weird work's sometimes nice to have some alone time to get things done or do what you want, but for an extended period of time it's no fun at all. And dinners for one are always hard to put effort into!

    1. Outdoor entertaining is the best! I can't wait for that, too :)

  2. She is adorable. And I agree with the husband working weird hours. Not fun at all!

  3. I got to meet Ashley at a blogger meetup in Sacramento last year and she is just as sweet in real life as she seems on her blog :)

  4. I love Disneyland too, how cool that it was part of your proposal. I LOVE all of these beautiful pictures and cannot wait for outdoor parties either!


  5. This post makes me so happy! I love a good love story!


  6. Hahaha, I totally agree with cleaning the toilets. Yuck!


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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