Monday, April 29, 2013

Spread the Love: Random Acts of Kindness

Just about a year ago I had a really special experience. I was out to dinner with my now ex-boyfriend and we had our ENTIRE meal paid for by the couple behind us.  It was the craziest, kindest, most amazing thing someone's ever done for me. Even more, I didn't take the time to look around the restaurant, so I'm not even sure what the couple looked like. Wow. What a gesture. To pay for a young couple's $80 dinner. I SO want to be able to give that to someone someday, don't you?! If you want to read about my genuine excitement, you can read this post I wrote about it happening.

You may think it's silly, but I'm planning on paying it forward on the year anniversary of this day. Even if I can't pay $80 forward, and despite the fact that I'm not together with the guy now, I do think it's important to give back to people. I want to serve others, show God's love, and truly make someone's day a bit brighter, if even for a minute. God's really been teaching me to love and serve people with nothing in return, and this is another way to do that.  You know what my favorite part of giving is, friends?! The way your heart feels after. Overflowing. I could be having the worst day then pay for someone's coffee in front of me at Starbucks, and immediately I feel an overwhelming sense of joy. It's God's way of reminding me that this life is not about me. It's about others. It's about serving. It's about making other people smile, sending friends a note, baking cookies for neighbors, buying dinner for the homeless person on your way into a restaurant, loving those who are hard to love, and loving without getting anything in return.  That's making love and life and joy really happen. 
This quote is my desktop and phone background. Download it for free by following the link!

I'm so excited to team up with one of my dearest friends, Nicole from Bloom, and with all of you who want to join in, to bring kindness to people this next week. In the next week, be thinking of how you can pay it forward, do a random act of kindness or do something sweet for a friend or family member. I'm going to host a link party right here next Monday, so we can see what each of us did to pay it forward! The blog world is such a supportive, giving, and encouraging place, I thought this would be yet another way to inspire each giving and then sharing about it! Don't think of it as bragging about what you did to pay it forward, but rather think of it as just another way to encourage others to do the same. Let's spread kindness around the world, friends. Won't you join me?!

Pay it forward, write a post about it, and link up at the party right here on Monday, May 6th!  Share in the comments if you've ever had anything paid forward to you before so we can get some ideas :)
Who's with us?!
PS. Only a few more sponsor spots available for May! Email me if you'd like more information: michaelawarner90 {at}


  1. Richmond has tons of tolls everywhere that are part of the highway or expressways but there is a small little toll bridge that you have to cross to get my parents house and growing up people were always paying the toll for the person behind them. I've been on both the giving and receiving end and it really is such a nice gesture!

  2. I can't believe that!! What a sweet thing to do. Very impressed! YOu guys were probably so cute they couldn't resist :)

  3. That is the coolest thing ever to have your dinner paid for, bet you wished you had of ordered 2 desserts after that! Im going to do my best to share a random act of kindness so I can link up with your blog party next week ... just need to think about what I can do :)

  4. this is a great idea! now i need to think of an idea.

  5. This is such a sweet and lovely idea!


  6. This is such a sweet story, I love random acts of kindness!


    Five Minute Style 

  7. What a great idea! We have been SO blessed by others...I am definitely going to look for an opportunity this week to give back.


  8. So excited to do this with you, friend! YAY!

  9. THE sweetest! I just love this love movement! xoxo

  10. I also had the same experience about a year ago. Christmas was approaching when I heard our doorbell rang. When I opened the door, a little kid gave me a Christmas card that had a 100 dollar bill attached to it. There was no name written on the card. The message reads "Thanks for being a wonderful neighbor! Enjoy our family's early Christmas gift!" It was an amazing and unforgettable experience for us. :)


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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