Tuesday, May 14, 2013

10 Things That Make Me Happy

*images by michaela noelle designs

Today I'm sharing ten things that make me happy as a part of Jenni's blog every day in May challenge:

10. A clean kitchen. Seriously.

9. The smell of lavender.

8. A fresh mani, especially when it's an afternoon of girl time with my mom or a close friend.

7. Spending time with best friends and feeling so, so sure that God put them in your life at just the right time. Feeling safe and supported and able to laugh and just about anything. Doing life with each other; it's just wonderful. I'm especially thankful for this girl, this one, and this one.  And my in real life best friends, too, of course!

6. Photographs, of anything really.  I really love bright, airy and natural photos that tell a story of people and love and life. Don't believe me? Ask anyone who's been on set of a photo shoot with me. I ohhh and awww over just about everything!

5. Beautiful interiors, the perfectly fluffed pillow, a vase of peonies on a dresser, that show stopping gallery wall, or whimsical chandelier. I eat, sleep and breath design.

4. Hope! How can you be anything other than happy when you see this face?! And if you're wondering if this post was just an excuse to post pictures of her, you'd most certainly be correct :)

3. Beautiful sunsets and all the amazing intricacy found in nature.

2. The hope of the future. Career opportunities, hopefully marriage and kids, decorating future homes. It's all so exciting!

1. God's goodness. When I am faithless, He is faithful. When I fall short, He catches me. When I don't deserve another chance, His grace is running over. True happiness is found in Him.

What about you? What makes you happy?! 


  1. beautiful interiors make me happy too! what a lovely post
    kw, ladies in navy
    giveaway on the blog!

  2. I love this. Love a clean kitchen, too! We both did 10 things lists today! Same wave length!

    1. Ha! Love it :)) Happy birthday to your sweet boy!!

  3. Where did you get the gorgeous quilt that your sweet pup is lying on?

    1. It's my parent's bedding and I think it was from Pottery Barn a few years back!

  4. Pretty much all of those things make me happy as well! I could have one eye open before bed, but I won't rest until my kitchen is clean!

  5. Hope makes me so happy!!! <3333

  6. Fresh mani's are the best. And pups!!

  7. I am seriously in love with your dog. Beautiful!

    Things that make me happy are lazy, unplanned days with my kids in their pj's until lunchtime.
    Beautiful, warm sunny weather (by contrast, I also am happy sitting curled up by a fire watching a snowfall with huge fluffy flakes).
    A card in the mail from my best friend, just because she thought of me.
    Talking to my parents when something just reminds me of my childhood, since the trip down memory lane is fun for all of us.

    1. Aw, love all those things. Thank you for sharing!!!

  8. I should have added a clean kitchen to my list. Ten times.

    1. Haha!! Love it. It's THAT important. Really makes me happy!! :)

  9. Love everything on this list! Especially a clean kitchen (and especially if I didn't have to be the one to clean it-ha!) Hope you're doing well girl! Xoxo

  10. Beautiful list! Oh the joys of the little things

  11. I love this post and I love your blog. I recently started following it a couple of months ago. It's nice to follow a fellow Christian that speaks openly about her faith! :)

    1. Aw, you're so sweet. Thank you, Katie! Glad to find another woman of God! Off to your blog :)

  12. Oh, that pup! She is SO sweet & reminds me of how much I want a dog!!! So nice to meet Jenni, too :) Thanks for the introduction! XO Brynn

  13. Doggy paws make my heart skip a beat! So sweet :)

    Jillian @ SealedWithLovely.com

  14. on my list is a clean house. nothing bugs me more than a messy house. especially kitchen!

    1. Me either. Especially when living in a studio apartment!! ha :)

  15. Clean kitchens make me happy too! Although, they don't happen as often as I, or anyone else in the house I'm sure, would like!


    1. Ha! Too funny. We sort of have to with a studio apartment :)

  16. Beautiful list! Can I just pretend you wrote it for the both of us? ;-)

  17. Lovely and generous list it is. Same sentiments with clean kitchen. Got my eye on your next posts.

  18. AWWWW doggies make me so happy!


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at hello@michaelanoelledesigns.com. I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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